Mac-Source 1994 July
info mac digest v12
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Text File
6,525 lines
Abstracts from files in info-mac/per/im as of Sun Jun 5 00:51:20 PDT 1994
#### TEXT infomacv12-001.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] Netter's Dinner @ MacWorld
[*] 3D_Coins.GIF
[*] AD: Barney Blaster 1.0.1 module
[*] julius_caesar.1.0.sea.hqx
[*] MacHTTP 1.2 - WWW Server for Macs
[*] Shutdown Remote 1.0
[*] Window Juggler
3M Disks (followup)
[Q] Network Managment Software.... (A)
Accessing files of type SIMA, creator GEOL (R)
Adding a SuperDrive to a MacII
another Partition question
AppleCD 300 promotion in France !! (C) (3 msgs)
Apple Colour Display f.. up?
Apple HD SC Setup patch for Quantum drives
CD+G and CDI Support
Date last modified & Moov reader (Q)
Does rebuilding the desktop destroy custom icons (A)
Does rebuilding the desktop destroy custom icons?
Doubling your RAM the software way (C)
Driver for non-SCSI Mac hard drive?
Epson dot-matrix printers for the Mac (Q)
FaxSTF e-mail
First Class BBS Info request
folder named GWspooldir in trash & rogue dialog box (Q)
GNU Chess
Help Disk errors.
How to use the binaries?
Icons, types and creators: here's how it works.
Icons revisited
Impact printers for the Mac
Info-Mac CD-ROM ?
Jasmine "MegaDrive" driver?
Jasmine "MegaDrive" driver? (A)
Jasmine "MegaDrive" driver? (R)
Label software for the Mac (Q)
LaserWriter8 Installation (A)
LaserWriter Utility doesn't see 8.1 selected printer
LineLink 144e Modem
Lisa software?
Mac in a PC world? Hmmm...
Mac in a PC world? Hmmm... [A]
MacWEEK index
Mac won't shut down/restart Help!
More on Golf
Moving from Mac to PC - good or bad? (A)
NEC MutliSpin 3Xp
Need a good find!
Network Question...
New Apple Software?
Oxford English Dictionary on CD-ROM (Summary)
PDOS Extendsion for MAC (Q)
ram doubler scoop? (r)
Reading unformatted (binary) files from Sun Sparc [Q]
Searching for authors of DupLocator (Q)
Stuffit-is it still shareware?
Stuffit-is it still sharware -answer
stuffit still shareware and still at Wuarchive
System Error Patch 1.0 Works?
Tales of Woe: AE's accelerator
Terminal Software (R)
Think C link errors for no apparent reason
Tools for Network Managers (S)
Trouble closing RAM serial driver (Q)
Where do I find info on using AppleScript ? (A)
WP 3.0 is a dog (Au contraire!)
#### TEXT infomacv12-002.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] AboutFinder
[*] Animaniacs Sounds 1
[*] Animaniacs Sounds 2
[*] ARA+ 1.03 (ARA communication utility)
[*] Autograph 1.0B6
[*] binary-pump101.hqx
[*] Colorize 3.0.4
[*] Cyclone 1.1
[*] Cyclone 1.1 Updater
[*] devotion.hqx
[*] dnaid-18.hqx
[*] enigma22.hqx
[*] excel-GANTTaid10.hqx
[*] Expo Event List #2
[*] F/A-18 1.0 to 1.1 updater
[*] FC Text-Picture 1.1
[*] GEnie LiveWire '94 Magazine
[*] Glider Design v1.2.1
[*] Guide to Mac Underground Preview (file coming separately)
[*] HomeBrew_Archist_93
[*] Infinity Windoid WDEF 2.5
[*] InfoMac_Archivist_93
[*] Keys! (v1.0.b1)
[*] mac.ftp.list Version 3.8.1
[*] macgzip
[*] macgzip source
[*] Mao-Zedong poems collection
[*] mark-space-zmodem-tool-demo-100.hqx
[*] NeoAccessReadMe (1/1)
[*] new (replacement) version of LinksWare
[*] Nstack 1.1
[*] other-menu-externals-11.hqx
[*] Pager Alarms Beta 0.2 (2 msgs)
[*] Paul's Folders Vol.1
[*] Shutdown Remote 1.0
[*] sin-gothic.hqx
[*] SpaceArchivist94#1.Hqx
[*] Sparkle1.7.sit.hqx
[*] Symbionts 2.3.2
[*] Symbionts 2.3.2 patch
[*] Torquemada 1.1.0
[*] Update to gradebook1.5
[*] WordPerfect 3.0 Patch
[*] Zipple 1.9 - control panel/extension
-Variable Speed Overdrive or FastCache Quadra? [Q]
Anyone know of a zmodem-tool?
AutoCAD for the Mac?
Can any Personal Time Manag (R2)
D410 Emulator (Summary)
Date last modified & Moov reader (A)
Defining a META key (Q)
DeskWriter & TN3270
Illustrator 5.0 is slow in my Quadra 700
Impact printers for the Mac (A)
Info-Mac Digest V12 #1
Label software for the Mac (A) (2 msgs)
LaserWriter Utility doesn't see 8.1 selected printer [R]
LineLink 144e modem (C)
Lisa software? (A)
Mac "REAL" multitasking...? (c)
MAC DAL, Gupta, and Novell
MS Word Find command (was WP 3.0 is a dog)
New Apple Software?
Newton OS 1.1.1
Nisus "dongle"? Huh? Hardware copy protection!?! (Q,C)
Oxford English and Comprehensive Greek Letters
Parallel conection of an PC laserprinter to Mac?
PB 140 Upgrade to 145?
SigmaPlot for the Macintosh
Stuffit-is it still shareware?
TextEdit instability on LC475
Transfering Mac-data to PC
Typeit4Me is great, but is there better? (Q)
#### TEXT infomacv12-003.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] Netter's Dinner @ MacWorld
[*] 3-Button Power 2.5.1
[*] Animaniacs' Snds 3
[*] BMAPEdit1-4.hqx
[*] BoringClock? 2.0
[*] Expo Event List "Final"
[*] fa18-10-to-11.hqx
[*] fa18-101-to-11.hqx
[*] fa18-11-readme.txt
[*] fa18-data-11.hqx
[*] HyperFinger (Pro?)
[*] MacSLIP 2.0.2->2.0.4 updater
[*] MacSLIP 2.0.3->2.0.4 updater
[*] MacWeek 1993 Product Review Index
[*] Pager Alarms BETA 0.4
[*] Renote Access (Summary)
[*] Replaces USZIPCODE.HQX
[*] Resubmission - NSFNET.MOV internet QT movie
[*] Shutdown Items 3.0
[*] Shutdown Remote 1.0.1
[*] Take Note
[*] TidBITS#207/03-Jan-94
(Q) How to let FirstClass, ARA and FAXstf coexist ? (2 msgs)
14 Apple color display (hi res)
2 drives in a II
3M Disks (followup)
8.1 laserwriter utility
[Q] System Memory Hog on Q950
Adjust folder views?
Apple Support Professional Program
ask you
Battlesets for V for Victory? (Q)
BigFont Collection--comments on quality?
Contact Management Software
Contact Management Software - Help!
DeltaGraph Pro 3 bugs?
Does rebuilding the desktop destroy custom icons? (C)
Dr. Mario for the Mac?
Error type 1?
Followup to Tales of Woe
Golf Games (A)
help! PB trackball stuck!
icons and bndl bits
Ink cartridges for Canon Bubblejet?
Installing LaserWriter8 (R)
Invoicing/bookkeeping app?
LaserWriter Utility doesn't see 8.1 selected printer [R]
LCII video RAM and CD-ROMs (Q)
Lisas in the UK
Looking for financial packages on the Mac
Mac <--> PC Connectivity
MacTCP 2.0.4
MS Word Find command (was WP 3.0 is a dog) (R)
NEC 5FGe and Quadra 650
Nisus scroll speed
Q: Missing SCSI drive, "partition map invalid"?
Quadra 605 vs LC 475
Spanish 6.07
startup screen weirdness/help!
thin grey line FAQ
Trouble closing RAM serial driver (A)
Who is sharing my Mac
Work shift scheduling software?
#### TEXT infomacv12-004.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] ANSI Vision(tm) 1.0
[*] BNDL Bundle 2.1
[*] Dirty Dozen 1.0.1
[*] F/A-18 FAQ V1.5
[*] Frank_Black_1.0d3.sit.hqx
[*] Mac Post-It 1.0.2 (repost)
[*] Pager Alarms BETA 0.6
[*] Photosizer version 1.2
[*] Quit It v1.2
[*] Resubmission - NSFNET.MOV internet QT movie
[*] robowar-tournament-6.hqx
[*] scsi-evaluator-107.hqx
[*] SitC Lister 2.0b5
[*] Symbionts 2.3.2 patch plus
[*] Telefinder/User 3.2.2.cpt
[Q] Kinetics Etherport SE
Appletalk imagewriter
Contact Management Software (a)
Contact Software (R)
Crossmaster cross words
Cure for the Duo-Battery-Not-Charging bug (A)
Cursor Animations
Defining a META key (A)
Determining value of an Amiga
Dollars & Sense Publisher?
emacs for the mac
Error Type 1
Formatting a (formerly DOS used ) Connor SCSI Harddisk (Q)
FreeHand Upgrade's Free PostScript Fonts (A)
Happy Birthday speech/song
Help needed choosing a moni
How can I get the "Software Dispatch" CD-ROM?
Info-Mac Digest V12 #2
Info-Mac Digest V12 #3 (2 msgs)
Ink cartridges for Canon Bubblejet?
Is ADB 'Splitter' Available (Q)
Know of a MCAT prep prog?
Locking/unlocking groups of files (Q)
Mac "REAL" multitasking...? (c)
Mac Server or BBS
MenuChoice & Microsoft -- NOT!
MS Word Find command (a)
MS Word Find command (R)
Need .PPD for Colorpoint S11
Network schedulers????? anyone?? anyone??
New Apple Software? (Correction)
Newton Connection Through Routers
Nisus "dongle"? Huh? Hardware copy protection!?! (C)
Nisus "dongle"? Huh? Hardware copy protection!?! (R)
PB165 hard drive clicking noise
PB trackball fix
Personal Laserwriter NT on an ethernetworked Mac
Problems with SoftPC Pro and downloads (A)
Purdue MacAirplane
Quadra 605 vs LC 475
Question- Network access notifier
Radius 24xp
Random bus errors
Reading TAR format info (Q
serial-parallel printer interface?
SF-171 MacApplication
Sim City 1.0
Speech header file
Stuffit Classic-what's that?
StyleWriter II Dialogue Settings
the TypeBook
Tracking Users
Typeit4Me is great, but is there better? (A)
Virtual memory question
VT200-compatible telnet software
Weather instruments and the Mac...
What happened to 'Underground Mac' ??
Which compression app?
WordPerfect 3.0 patch
#### TEXT infomacv12-005.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] _Brave_ Cover Screen
[*] Animaniacs sounds
[*] Batman sounds
[*] BBEdit Insert Date/Time; v1.1
[*] binary-pump-1.02.cpt.hqx
[*] Blocktoid V1.0
[*] Dairy_Debate.sit
[*] Fund Manager 2.7
[*] Garbage.MOV - QuickTime movie from NCSA
[*] H.R. Giger Screens (13")
[*] H.R. Giger Screens (16")
[*] HP calc! 2.0
[*] HyperText Markup Language Editor
[*] IntCalc 1.2
[*] Investment Manager 2.5 demo
[*] jetpack.sit.hqx
[*] Mangia! Bacardi Party Book
[*] Mangia Harveys Bristol Recipes
[*] Monitor Expander submission
[*] Mummy.MOV - QuickTime movie from NCSA
[*] MyBattery 2.2.1 for PowerBooks
[*] Mysteron Fader
[*] Now Utilities 402 updater.sea
[*] OptiMem-1.5.4-Update.sea.hqx
[*] Pager Alarms BETA 0.8 (desc)
[*] PopupCDEF-10b1.cpt.hqx
[*] QT Movie aliases for Groliers MM Encyclopedia
[*] ResEdit jack-in-the-box startupScreen
[*] SAM Install Scripts 1.2
[*] Serial Mouse Driver 1.0.1
[*] Shambala 12
[*] Splines Fader
[*] Submisson of latest version of LogMaster
[*] UUSP
(?) Backup software recommendations
.GIF Making
Address of PaperClip products (Q)
A Downloading Problem:
A Graphical User Interface VT100 program (Q)
Analog Board for SE
ANSI comm tool
AVs and THINK C (Q)
a wierd noise
Back up Software Question
Battlesets needed (Q)
Crash with Pyro 4.1, 840AV, and System 7 Pro
Cursor Flasher Request
Dollars & Sense (A)
emacs for the mac (A)
HP DeskWriter Software Udates??
Info-Mac Digest V12 #4. StyleWriterII question.
Ink cartridges for Canon Bubblejet - addendum
Installing SIMMs in a Q800 (Q)
Linelink 144e: I returned it
looking for a font organizer
MacX - Sun openwindows
MacX problem (A)
Newton connection through router
quadra 840av bus error sol'n
Quadra 840AV crash when sharing disk (Q)
Reading TAR format disks
Treble Clef (PostScript or hi-res tiff)
VT200-compatible telnet software (R)
Weather instruments and the Mac...
Weekly Calendar utility
Who is sharing my Mac
WordPerfect 3.0 and WorldScript
#### TEXT infomacv12-006.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Animaniacs' Sounds 4
[*] ArtLines.cpt.hqx [AD Module]
[*] Atomic Physics tutorial demo
[*] Cellusoft-sprite-demo-c
[*] CRUNCH! v.1.0b
[*] Deadbolt 1.0
[*] FileBuddy 2.0.2 Submission
[*] Gradebook Stack v1.6
[*] JETFROG 3.0.4
[*] JOVE & MicroEmacs startup files w/ GNU-Emacs-ish bindings
[*] MacTCP Switcher 1.0
[*] MicroRecorder 2.0
[*] Schuzzy 3.0.2
[*] Screensaver/After Dark FAQ v1.9
[*] SteveHandwriting Font Posting
[*] TeachersAide21.hqx
[*] TidBITS#208/10-Jan-94
[*] UPLOADING suntar2.0b12
[*] VFTNMovie
[*] warpii-c.sit.hqx
[*] warren-miller-ski.hqx
[*] Word 5.0 Toolbar Addons
[A] System Memory Hog on Q9
Abaton Fax Modem
A Mac II upgrade question
AppleWorks to Mac [Q]
ARA Delay
Backup software for Hard Disk on MO
Can a mac talk (?)
Connect Mac to Windows NT (Q)
Custom icons and filenames (c)
DMA on a Q800?
Dollars & Sense (A)
Error with Sparkle 1.7
File sharing is inaccessible on PB145b [Q]
Floppy Drive Dead on Powerbook 140
Font with Crossed (European) 7?
Free Net information source
Garbage.MOV - QuickTime movie from NCSA
HC 2.1 Stack ==> HC 2.2
How do I use icons from Info-Mac archives?
How to disassemble a Duo?
Info-Mac Digest V12 #3
Info on Multi-User PRIVATE POPmail that's CHEAP!
INIT icons & startup screen
Installing SIMMs in a Q800 (R)
Is ADB Splitter Available (A)
Laser Printers
LaserWriter 8.1.1
LineLink 144e (C)
LineLink144e problems with servers: a possible explanation
Locking/unlocking groups of files (A)
Locking/unlocking groups of files (R)
Mail order Macs in Europe? (Q)
More than 99 MB per app?
Pacific HiTech is Alive and Well!
PB trackball fix
PCX Files
Problems with LaserWriter 8.1 installation
SF-171 MacApplication (A)
sound and system 7
Spanish 6.07 (R)
Tex converters
undigesting of digest files
Upgrading PB100's harddisk
Utilities for users with disabilities - help.
Virgin Games (C)
Virgin Games Caesar's Palace 1.0 is BETA (Q)
Virtual Memory in System 7
Virtual Memory Problem -- Resolution
Virtual memory question (R)
Warning MacTools v3.0
Weekly Calendar utility (A)
What Duo modem (follow up)
Which compression app?
Which compression app? (R)
WP3 and WorldScript
#### TEXT infomacv12-007.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 3pointplotters-c
[*] Alice23b5.cpt
[*] ClockAdjust12.hqx
[*] comp.sys.mac.faq 2.2.3
[*] crystal-ball-hc.hqx
[*] CSM Miscellaneous FAQ list
[*] dactyl.hqx
[*] F1v11demo.sit
[*] F1v11Updt.sit
[*] Financial Portfolio 3.1 Post
[*] Geo Converter v1.0
[*] Gradebook v1.61
[*] Hayes Modem Tool Color Pics
[*] Mac system FAQ list submission
[*] Mahjongg game
[*] Monitor Expander submission
[*] New Posting RDA 4.0
[*] OmegaWindow 1.03
[*] Pager Alarms 0.9 Description
[*] Re: From AOL
[*] Stretch Version 3.0
[*] Suitcase 2.14p1 patcher
[*] The Best Icon Set
[*] three-d-functions-10-fpu-demo.hqx
[*] VideoToolbox.94.1.12.sea
[*] ZTerm 0.9 FAQ 1.6
(fwd) newton.uiowa.edu to replace bnnrc-srv.med.jhu.edu as Newton archive
Advice Needed on Problem with Scaled Graphic.
Axion Serial Splitter: Any snags?
Bad F-Line (Summary Long)
Ballpoint ink vs. Laser Printer (Q)
Centris/Quadra 660AV video capabilities
Clip Art of Canadian Provinces Wanted
Color Font Editing
Contact for Gold Disk
Database help
Dictionary on CD-ROM?
Egyptian hieroglyphs? (Q)
Fortran Structurer Anyone (Q)??
Hardware Handshaking (Q)
How can I get the "Software Dispatch" CD-ROM?(A)
How do I use icons from Info-Mac archives?
How to get latest MACtcp
Internet In Israel
Is there a "Print later..." utility ?
LaCie Policy Continued (drives are disposable)
LCD screens better for eyestrain?
Looking for a terminal emulation package
Looking for INITLoader or equivalent
Macintosh's birthday
Mirror UK IS Dealer from Hell - official
More than 99 MB per app(R)
Network schedulers????? (A)
Optimem. What exactly does it do?
Pathways and 840AV
PB 145 ADB port
PC application Availability
PhotoShop plug-in for Apple Color One Scanner?
POP3/SMTP gateway for PowerTalk
Problem & Solution: PB160 HD doesn't work in PB100
Problem with LineLink 144e modem
Q650 turns itself off!
Quadra 605 crash ( FPU related ? )
RAM Serial Driver (S)
Rebuilt Keyboard Source?
Remapping Caps Lock to Control on PowerBooks: Truly Impossible?
Robert's Rules of Order
SCSI Partition Map Invalid Problem
SMTP for the MAC?
Terminal Emulator, Anyone? (Q)
TinCan/PCTrans protocol
WP 3.0 Patch (A)
Wrefont 3.1 (Q)
Xwindows on a Macintosh
#### TEXT infomacv12-008.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] FWD: Re: Merry X Mass Virus sighting -- false alarm?
[*] ADBManager.sea
[*] Alice23setup.sit
[*] BrewArt Collection, volume
[*] celtic.hqx
[*] Checkbook.hqx HyperCard Stack
[*] conversion application
[*] Dragonsmith 1.1.1
[*] File Buddy 2.0.3.sit.hqx submission
[*] File for archives...PPATs
[*] HP 12C
[*] HyperCard string matching XFCNs
[*] Inflate XCMD (Upload)
[*] Mangia! Irish Mist Desserts (update)
[*] Matrix Master 1.2
[*] merryxmas vaccine (fwd)
[*] MSG Demo 1.3 (graphics demo)
[*] MSG Demo 1.3 (source code)
[*] Network Document Package 2.0
[*] Personal Librarian 1.0
[*] Prince of Persia 2 Demo
[*] ResEdit TMPL Helper
[*] Resorcerer1.2.1demo.sit.hqx submission
[*] Simon's Sparkle Facelift
[*] Simpsons Gunshy game
[*] Tarantula v1.0
[*] The Critical Eye hypercard stack
[*] The Lighter Side
[*] tidbits-editors-jpeg.hqx
[*] Toner Tuner Demo 1.0.5
[*] Zipple 1.9.1 - Control panel extension
[*] ZoomToCursor 1.0
[Q] Books on System 7 Pro?
[Q] QuickTime Window Size Question
[Q] Re: Keyboard commands on a mac
a couple of AV questions
A Mac II Upgrade Question (R)
Any Sys. 7 Pro users?
Apple //e card and ProDOS partitions.
AutoDoubler Flame
Backup software recommendations (a)
Backup software recommendations for magneto-optical drive
Centris 610 DOS Compatible
Connect Mac to Windows NT (R)
Cross Stitch Program
Dictionary on CD-ROM (A)
DOORWAY mode (r)
Error with Sparkle 1.7 (Not!)
Formatting Apple disks with HDT (Q)
Fullwrite for LW8.1 and spaces in printing mixed font words
GnuEmacs 18.59 for Macintosh
GTCO didgitizer driver?
Hardware Handshaking (A)
HD Formatting Questions
How to get latest MACtcp
How to get latest MACtcp(A)
How to get MacTCP
Importing WP for Windows 6.0 into WP for Mac 3.0 (Q)
Incoming Modem Calls
Info on Multi-User PRIVATE POPmail that's CHEAP!
Interchangability of PB memory?
jpeg 2.0 won't save gif as pict0
Last Modified in Finder Window
Linelink 144e
Macintosh's birthday (A)
Macintosh's birthday (R)
Mac Plus Accelerator
MicroPhone Pro 2.0
Non-Apple Monitors?????
Now Contact and Now Up-to-Date MacWorld Demo...
SMTP for the MAC? (R)
SoftPC to Parallel PROM burner (Q)
StyleWriter from Windows [Q]
StyleWriter II Dialogue Settings (Q)
Sumex question
Sync on Green Question
tape drive extensions/inits?
Tape drives info wanted (Q)
TaxCut vs MacInTax - any thoughts?
Unattended shut down on a Mac Plus? YES
Which compression app? (R)
won't save gif as pict0 follow up
Xwindows on a Macintosh
#### TEXT infomacv12-009.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] A new MacDOS
[*] Animaniacs' Snds5
[*] Animaniacs' Snds 6
[*] av-serial-extension.hqx
[*] BoringClock? 3.0
[*] Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes
[*] Citadel
[*] Drop*TextBreak
[*] EG-02 Scientific Calculator
[*] enumtypes-creators-c
[*] Game maps upload
[*] Go Sit In The Corner (control panel)
[*] Go Sit In The Corner (source code)
[*] H.R. Giger 13" Screens - Group 2
[*] H.R. Giger 16" Screens - Group 2
[*] hyper-puzzle-hc.hqx
[*] Infinity Windoid WDEF 2.5.1
[*] internet-services-faq-16.txt
[*] Low End User 01/94
[*] MacCurveFit 1.0.5
[*] MusicBox XCMD
[*] New On-Line Magazine
[*] PowerScan 2.0.1 (disk scanning utility)
[*] Quiet Start
[*] Shambala 12 FONT UPDATE.
[*] SpeedyFinder7 1.5.9*
[*] Speedy Mouse ][ (INIT)
[*] Submission.
[*] Submission of sAVe-the-Disk 1.3.1
[*] SWIIPrintUseMonitor.cpt.hqx version 1.1
[*] Tex-Edit 2.0
[*] text-editors-ii
[*] The Underground Mac V2 #01
[*] TidBITS#209/17-Jan-94
[*] update appsfaq
[*] update sysfaq
660AV (and 840AV?) Framegrabber woes
ADB Splitter (A)
a few AV questions
Auto Power On/Off tidbits 209 [C]
Big Screen for LCII (Q)
Call For Papers - MacHack '94
Disable 'connnect network dialog box' [Q]
Ethernet connectors for PowerBook 180?
F1 Demo problems (A)
FAQ for LaTeX
Finder File Size v. Real Size
hard drive service
Hardware handshaking (A)
Houdini info needed [Q]
Info-Mac Digest V12 #8
Interactive Poker Programs
ISDN modems
Kid Pix 1.2 (Q)
KovasMapsVol1 About
mac's birthday
MenuCHoice and Eudora 1.4.1
More detail about System Software Memory Usage? (Q)
Multi-user Eudora
NEW laserwriter 320 info?
Q840AV turns itself off!
Recording sounds from CD ROM
Release dates of new Excel/Word?
Word 5.1 and Endnote
#### TEXT infomacv12-010.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] Citadel Demo sent....WARNING
[*] 19" H.R. Giger Screens - Group 1
[*] 19" H.R. Giger Screens - Group 2
[*] Another submission of RdataByDateS 1.06
[*] Autoflow 1.0
[*] bajoran.hqx
[*] binarypump1.03.cpt.hqx
[*] CatFinder v1.31
[*] Cyclone 1.1.1
[*] Cyclone 1.1 to 1.1.1 Updater
[*] Cyclone 1.x to 1.1.1 Updater
[*] dateline-43.txt
[*] earthplot-301-c
[*] etherlan-sc-146.hqx
[*] Final Chance 1.1.1 (INIT)
[*] Final Chance 1.1.1 (source code)
[*] HDS 3.02 - a simple but very fast database
[*] High Speed Modem Musings
[*] Imperial Software's Media Player 1.0!!!
[*] I need a b'ambulance!
[*] infinid-starships.hqx
[*] Keep It Up 1.1
[*] kroebern.hqx
[*] LockVol 1.5
[*] Mac_Crystal_Oscillator_Speedup_History_2.1
[*] MacBrickOut 2.0.4 [game]
[*] Midnight Special sound
[*] NotifyMail 2.0.0 File Submission
[*] see what happens when you hang out with Johnny?!
[*] Sparkle1.71.sit.hqx
[*] Toilet Hack version 1.1
. Minitel, access from foreign countries
14" Apple Trinitron problem
Accelerator incompatibilities
a couple of AV questions (R)
A graphics driver anyone?
Any Sys. 7 Pro users? (R)
Auditing Usage (Q)
BBS CD packages...
Blocking LW access in a zone
Bottom Line Drops Some 900 Numbers
conversion application
Driver wanted for Hewlett Packard PaintWriter
Error with Sparkle 1.7 (Not!)
Eudora versions
FutureBASIC (v. 1.02) BUG (?)
garbled info-mac digest
Info on Multi-User PRIVATE POPmail that's CHEAP!
Is ADB 'Splitter' Available (A)
LC & Quadra questions
LCD screens better for eyestrain?
MacBeth Conference
Mac X
MacX finally works (r)
Mathematica (A)
Mathematica FTP site (A)
MenuCHoice and Eudora 1.4.1
MenuChoice and Eudora 1.4.1 (C)
More detail about System Software Memory Usage?
Now Contact and Now Up-to-Date MacWorld Demo...
program to make sure other programs are running
Q650 turns itself off!
Quadra 800 Enhancements
Recording sounds from CD ROM
Russian KOI-8 to Mac table needed(Q)
sizeable chunks for downloading
SMTP for the MAC? (R)
Unicode: any news? (q)
Updating MacTCP 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 problem?
Utilities for users with disabilities - help
Virgin Games (C)
Work shift scheduler?
X-Windows on the Mac
Xwindows on a Macintosh (A)
#### TEXT infomacv12-011.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] "Here's How to MacPGP!" guide.
[*] Acid Jazz 1.1v1
[*] ctc v1.6 src
[*] four-bar-11-demo.hqx
[*] Inflate v1.1
[*] KOI7&8 Fonts
[*] QT Movie toolBox src
[*] ShowSizes 2.2.3
[*] SitC Lister 2.0 (final)
[*] Translator package
(Q) Object dimensions software
. Minitel, access from foreign countries
[Q] - Hard disk drives
Alternative to Network Control Panel(Q)
AppleScript 1.1 and System 7 Pro
AppleTalk Zone Problems
AutoDoubler...is good, how about Stacker 1.0? (Q)
AutoDoubler Flame
BBS Client
Disable 'connnect network dialog box' [A]
Disappearing Icons
Driver wanted for Hewlett Packard PaintWriter [R]
Fullwrite for LW8.1 and spaces - another solution
Fullwrite for LW8.1 and spaces - Solved
How can I get the "Software Dispatch" CD-ROM?(A)
INIT icon running off screen
ISDN modems (R) (2 msgs)
Kid Pix 1.2 (R)
LC475 upgrade?
Mac X
Mangia! files not found (Q)
Mathematica (A)
MaxFax Voice upgrade
Midnight Special sound [R]
Minitel, access from foreign countries (C)
Network Launch Fix (Q)
Prince of P II Demo problems
Recording sounds from CD ROM (2 msgs)
Startupscreen for second monitor?
Stretch 3.0 and Duos
Stylewriter II with 'old' mac?
Stylewriter vs Deskwriter
System Software Memory Usage
Updating MacTCP
Updating MacTCP to 2.0.4
WDEF/CDEF modifying extensions
Word 5.1 and Endnote [A]
X-Windows [sic] on the Mac
#### TEXT infomacv12-012.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] "Here's How to MacPGP!" guide.
[*] Acid Jazz 1.1v1
[*] ctc v1.6 src
[*] four-bar-11-demo.hqx
[*] Inflate v1.1
[*] KOI7&8 Fonts
[*] QT Movie toolBox src
[*] ShowSizes 2.2.3
[*] SitC Lister 2.0 (final)
[*] Translator package
(Q) Object dimensions software
. Minitel, access from foreign countries
[Q] - Hard disk drives
Alternative to Network Control Panel(Q)
AppleScript 1.1 and System 7 Pro
AppleTalk Zone Problems
AutoDoubler...is good, how about Stacker 1.0? (Q)
AutoDoubler Flame
BBS Client
Disable 'connnect network dialog box' [A]
Disappearing Icons
Driver wanted for Hewlett Packard PaintWriter [R]
Fullwrite for LW8.1 and spaces - another solution
Fullwrite for LW8.1 and spaces - Solved
How can I get the "Software Dispatch" CD-ROM?(A)
INIT icon running off screen
ISDN modems (R) (2 msgs)
Kid Pix 1.2 (R)
LC475 upgrade?
Mac X
Mangia! files not found (Q)
Mathematica (A)
MaxFax Voice upgrade
Midnight Special sound [R]
Minitel, access from foreign countries (C)
Network Launch Fix (Q)
Prince of P II Demo problems
Recording sounds from CD ROM (2 msgs)
Startupscreen for second monitor?
Stretch 3.0 and Duos
Stylewriter II with 'old' mac?
Stylewriter vs Deskwriter
System Software Memory Usage
Updating MacTCP
Updating MacTCP to 2.0.4
WDEF/CDEF modifying extensions
Word 5.1 and Endnote [A]
X-Windows [sic] on the Mac
#### TEXT infomacv12-013.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Alice 2.3 b4/b5 updater.cpt
[*] Anal Probe (Sounds from "Passion Fish")
[*] B'ambulance - The Director's Cut
[*] BeHierarchic 2.0
[*] Commercial Bits (Sounds from two commercials)
[*] dataByDate 1.06 [repost]
[*] DeskTape 1.6 Demo Version
[*] GIFConverter 2.3.4->2.3.6 Update
[*] GIFConverter 2.3.6
[*] OSA Menu 1.0
[*] simpsons startup screens
[*] SpanishMacKeyboard.sea
[*] StyleWriter: Grayscale vs Black&White (F)
[*] three-d-functions-20-demo.hqx
[*] Threshold 1.0.2
[*] winter-shell-10d2-c.cpt.hqx
[*] Wurm.1.1.sea.hqx
(Q) How to compile XLisp-Stat with Think C 6.0?
(Q) WP51 with SoftPC
[Q] Bold Symbol?
Accessing audio CD
alias volume imaging (my term)
AutoDoubler...is good, how about Stacker 1.0? (R)
Auto Power On/Off tidbits 209 [C]
Color IT!(tm) and KPT Gradient DesignerFilter
Converting a PICT sequence to a QuickTime movie with Movie Converter
Dbase questions.
Drop Menus
Endnote and Word
Eudora & recombining "split" mail (Q)
File: "INFO-MAC MAIL" being sent to you
Finder File Size v. Real Size
Hungarian Script
hypertext origins
Info-Mac Digest V12 #9
INIT icon running off screen (R)
Keyboard access to menus [Q]
Kid Pix 1.2 (Q2)
LC475 upgrade?
Lifting sounds from CDROM
LineLink 144e modem and SmartCom II
Locking/unlocking groups of files (Summary)
LW 8.1 Spool
Mac Classic Upgrades
MacHack 94
MacX [R]
MaxFax Voice (C)
MenuCHoice and Eudora 1.4.1
Need info on hard drives!
Offline mail reader
PCX-to-Mac (S)
Program to shut down with power key
Refilling HP Cartridges
sizeable chunks for downloading
software in Spanish (Q)
Stacker opinions.
Startupscreen for second monitor? (R)
Stylewriter Vs. Deskwriter
Stylewriter vs Deskwriter
subscribe and help!
V12 #11 (stylewriter vs deskwriter)
Word 5.1 and Endnote (A)
Word 5.1 and Endnote (Answer: get the latest version)
Word 5.1 and Endnote (R)
WordPerfect Conversions
Xwindows on a Macintosh (Answer: use XDM)
#### TEXT infomacv12-014.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] Attention MYST Fans
[*] a shady little sound archive
[*] ButtonTalk 1.0 submission
[*] Final Frontier pre-alpha
[*] Jessica Rabbit icons
[*] Jon's Commands 1.0
[*] Koyn Fractal Studio Demo
[*] Koyn Fractal Studio Demo submission
[*] LettermanJan94.cpt.hqx (Sounds from the Letterman show)
[*] MacBiff v1.01
[*] MyBattery 2.2.2
[*] Nordles
[*] QuickDial 1.4 submission
[*] RunScript MPW AppleScript Compiler
[*] Strange-Ways-dec.hqx
[*] update wantfaq
[*] UsenEdit v1.1.2
'1984' avail. via Gopher
About that tempting LineLink...
Apple's warranty service (C)
AppleShare - ARA - Retrospect Conflict.
appletalkand ethernet
A Q on Zterm
Auto Power On/Off tidbits 209 [C]
BeHierarchic 2.0
BeHierarchic 2.0 is NOT freely redistributable
Bold Symbol? (A)
death of wuarchive (enclosed: their README.NOW file)
Disappearing Icons (C)
Electronic form designer for the Newton
Eudora & recombining "split" mail (A)
Exchanging documents between Eudora and cc:mail (q)
FutureBasic Bug
Happy birthday!
Hard Disk hates to get up in the morning_[Q]
HD Formatting Questions
How to set up silent answer on a Supra?
LCD screens and eyestrain (C)
LocalTalk/Ethernet Routers
LW 8.1 Spool
Mac286 & HDFD - Help?
New list for Macintosh Managers (Mac-Mgrs)
Old mac questions...
Operate an FC BBS?
PB trackball fix
Scanner purchase advice sought
Startupscreen on second monitor --Thankyou
Submission of BeHierarchic 2.0 to archives
Unattended shutdown on a Plus (SUMMARY)
VST ThinPlate vs PowerPlate
WangDAT 3200 driver for Macintosh
Why not ftp using the Choos
WriteNow 3.0 Bug
#### TEXT infomacv12-015.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 13" H.R. Giger Screens - Group 3
[*] 16" H.R. Giger Screens - Group 3
[*] ARA-USRobotics-vterbo-19200
[*] BrewArt for Macintosh, volu
[*] CCL/ARAP Script Utility - ScriptSwitcher
[*] comm - Anarchie 1.1.0
[*] Comp-Sys-Mac-Comm FAQ
[*] CopyDoubler 2.03 Updater
[*] Demo of MicroBridge Companion for mac/game/demo
[*] DuoMon 1.2
[*] Final Frontier pre-alpha (re-submit)
[*] FretNavigator 1.1
[*] GLMStat 1.0b0
[*] GNU Shogi 1.1E
[*] GW-Ada/Ed Announced: Free Ada Compilation System for Mac
[*] Hotlist2HTML (first submission; to comm/net)
[*] hungry-frog-ion-eaters.hqx
[*] HyperPuzzle...
[*] Kawai-k4-librarian-1.0.3
[*] LanSatellite 1.0.1
[*] Macintosh Tips & Tricks 9/93 - 12/93
[*] MacLHA 2.13.sea.hqx
[*] Mac screen refresh utility
[*] math-factor-hopper.hqx
[*] new blackjack program replaces any blackjack-13x.hqx
[*] nightwatch-ii.sit.hqx
[*] Online Cookbook [Planet Software]
[*] pegicon.hqx
[*] Petris 1.0
[*] RadFax 0.9
[*] sound/midi - [DX7 Librarian 1.0.4 - part 1 of 3]
[*] Stuff and Hex 1.0
[*] submission of 840av.hqx
[*] Switchback 2.3 Submission
[*] Synchronize! 3.0.4 submission
[*] The Archivist 4.1.1 Infos
[*] The Archivist v 4.1.1
[*] TidBITS#210/24-Jan-94
[*] UUParser v1.7
[*] Wedding Planner
[*] Wild
[*] WindowBottom for FirstClass
[*] WireTap Pro 107 demo.cpt
[*] ZipIt 1.2.6.cpt
.sgm suffix
128 Mac - Did you buy one?
1 bit startupscreen
All modems are not created equal
A Q on Zterm (R)
BeHierarchic 2.0 is Commercial
Best C Compiler (Q)
Bold Symbol
Bold Symbol -Solved !
Bold Symbol? Comment
Converting a PICT sequence to a QuickTime movie (C)
disable print command
DMA on a Q800? (R)
Downloading files with VersaTerm (R)
Eudora & recombining "split" mail (Q) (2 msgs)
Fastest Mac for System 6
Folders are larger than they appear (A)
font questions
Generic Icons (Q)
HP laserjet 4ML printer
Hypertext origins
Info-Mac CD new release [?]
Keyboard access to menus [C]
Mac Curses
Mangia! Cookbook location
medical software
Price of PowerPC601 vs. 68040 (Q)
Prince of P II Demo problems
Program to shut down with power key
QuickTime file format for Windows?
RAMdoubler vs. OptiMem [Q]
Request for System 6.0.7
Required Reading for Info-Macers
Special Promotion on DSP Card (Q)
Startupscreen on second monitor --Thankyou
TCP/IP on an LC
Unattended shutdown
VT102 tool
Wanted: a single A3 ribbon for a QMS ColorScript 100 30i printer
#### TEXT infomacv12-016.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] Info-Mac 3 CD-ROM Release
[*] Alt.sources.mac Digest #02-94
[*] AutoBoot 1.3
[*] Basic Black 1.3
[*] Brainwave v1.00
[*] cc_converter11.hqx submission
[*] ColourBlock CDEF
[*] Convert!-20.hqx
[*] Cron 1.0d13, execute commands at specified times
[*] DIMPLES Ragtime MOD song
[*] Excalibur 1.5 (Spelling Checker)
[*] figgles utilities mac version
[*] File Buddy 2.0.4 Submission
[*] GrafSys 2.0 Submission
[*] Here's the 1.05 system update for Newton
[*] NET_Mac2.3.35.sea.hqx.text
[*] NewtTurt-11.sit.hqx
[*] Quiet Start 1.1
[*] The Stack O' Love
'Informed' Anyone?
(Q) Help with Mac TCP/IP
*Think Before You Zap!*
128 Mac
128 Mac - Did you buy one?(R)
Accessing audio CD
All modems are not created equal
Apple Multi-media CD-ROM Offer
Archiving Eudora mailboxes
Big files from UNIX to Mac
BinHex CRC error? (Q)
CD 300 external - CD Bundle ripoff? (Q)
Cross Stitch Program (A)
DeskPict replacement (Q)
Finder's Find command
High Speed Modems (Q)
How do I fetch from home?
Hubble deep sky image gif's
hubble wide field planetary camera gif's
Hypercard->Toolbook (A)
INIT icon running off screen
internet fax service (C)
Keeping time on Quadra 610
LaserWriter Select 360 on serial
Looking for Mac STEAM TABLES
Mac286 & HDFD - Help? (R)
macron problem>Japanese
Mashed icon a la Novell?
medical software (A)
Memory problems on a PowerBook Duo 230 -- Help Help!
MIDI Format
more BeHierarchic question
Nutritional Software ?
Other mirrors for Sumex?
Ouchie (AOCE) ain't all bad?
PackIt III v1.3
Patch editor/librarian for
Patch for Incredible Machine
Personnel Management software (Q)
PowerPC 94 obsolete?
requesting the MACS application
Search an shell for the mac
Shut Down Programs (Q)
systems crashes on PB165c (help!)
TCP/IP<->Appletalk Routing (Q)
TCP/IP on an LC (2 msgs)
Time travel
Type and creator archives
Wanted: a single A3 ribbon for a QMS ColorScript 100 30i printer
What will the power-pc do to the laptop market
Wrapping an image
Zapping PRAM
#### TEXT infomacv12-017.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] AliasZoo 2.0.3a
[*] Annoyance Pack
[*] Application Station 1.1
[*] Basic Black 1.3 w/ source
[*] BazFaz 1.1
[*] Blackjack Solitaire 1.0
[*] Bold Symbol - the Method
[*] Canada Map Game
[*] CartoonShy
[*] Charge!
[*] Cheese Toast
[*] Chef 1.0 (source code)
[*] Chef 1.0 (text utility)
[*] Critical Mass
[*] CursorFixer
[*] dead-end-11.hqx
[*] Despair 1.3
[*] Dragon 1.0.3
[*] Extension Kit 1.1
[*] Gobbler 1.3
[*] HangMan Plus 3.0
[*] hemp-leaf-11 (EPS)
[*] Home & School Mac 2/93
[*] Home & School Mac 4/93
[*] Home & School Mac 6/93
[*] Home & School Mac 8/93
[*] K-5 Educational Software Guide
[*] LanSatellite 1.0.3
[*] macpost-10b10-client-us.hqx
[*] macpost-10b9-server.hqx
[*] Math Stars
[*] myst-mechanical-age-patch.hqx
[*] NCSA Mosaic for the Macintosh 1.0.3
[*] NET_Mac2.3.36.sea.hqx.text
[*] New environment for (radio-)net/mac and im/mac
[*] Nubb
[*] O I C
[*] OtherMenu 1.3
[*] Re-Pete 1.8.1
[*] Smallview 1.2
[*] Speak Note GH submission
[*] Square Root Finder
[*] touch-tone-decoder-20.hqx
[*] Victoire 1.0.3
'Informed' Anyone? (R)
128 Mac (R)
128 Mac - Did you buy one?
128 Mac - Did you buy one?(R)
[Q] Multiple Master font won't print
All modems are not created equal
Animaniacs icons?
Async Appletalk on a Centris 650
Autodoubler problems
Bibliography Maker, Metronome Application Wanted
Binhex CRC Error (A)
CD's with Apple CD Drive
Color Monitors - Health Info
Cron 1.0d13 submission.
DeskPict replacement (C)
Duo 230-How much RAM on the Motherboard?
FEN -- new channels (financial software) -- new plans
Help With TrueType Font Display
How do I fetch from home? (R)
How to keep monitor colors after restart (A)!
HP laserjet 4ML printer (R)
Hyperdisaster (A)
Hypertext History
Importing WP for Windows 6.0 into WP for Mac 3.0 (A)
info-mac CD-ROM profits?
Info-Mac Digest V12 #15
Info-Mac Digest V12 #16
Lan Satellite: Easter Egg
Looking for Mac STEAM TABLES (A)
Mac TCP (2 msgs)
Mac to Videotoaster and back??
MacWEEK Online Index 1993
MIDI Format
Other mirrors for Sumex? [A]
Ouchie (AOCE) ain't all bad?
PC macbinary?
Photoshop and GIF
PowerMac card upgrade vs. real PowerMac computer [Q]
PowerPC 94 obsolete? Don't be silly...
Reliability of Word 5.1
SE Ram install
Strange file sharing problem
TCP/IP on an LC (R)
TCP over ARA
Toshiba TXM-3201A1 CD Rom
Type and creator archives
What will the power-pc do to the laptop market? (A)
X-Eudora ?
Yet another ICON visit
#### TEXT infomacv12-018.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] * Amateur Radio Repeater Directory
[*] /snd/loopback-grp5.hqx
[*] /snd/loopback-grp6.hqx
[*] /snd/loopback-grp8.hqx
[*] alt.sources.mac digest #01-94
[*] Basic Black 1.3.1
[*] Bk Report Stack submission
[*] bladerunner-snds
[*] Bruxo 1.11b, a spelling checker for Portuguese
[*] Chain-Stor-Eaze * submission
[*] CustomFinder 1.1
[*] DandStoQIF2 - Convert from Dollars and Sense to Quicken
[*] Disk Partition Sizer 1.0B1 stack
[*] Easy Errors 1.1
[*] Fables & Our Fables * Demo submission
[*] File Buddy 2.0.5.sit submission
[*] fortunehangman10.cpt.hqx
[*] Gestalt Selectors List 2.3
[*] GIFConverter 2.3.7
[*] Gradebook 1.7
[*] hst-gifs
[*] info-mac-3-cd-rom.txt
[*] Internet Archivist 94#1
[*] JCONV-DD ver.1.6.1
[*] JUNO Librarian 1.0.2
[*] MacMail, a unix mail utility
[*] MacWEEK Online Index for 93
[*] MusicBox XCMD v2.0
[*] Peace Action's 1993 Congressional Voting Record
[*] PowerLaunchLite 1.5.sut submission
[*] Quit It
[*] revised LinksWare
[*] RFZap 1.0.2.sit
[*] roborwar-disassembler-20.hqx
[*] SMF TypeCaster 1.0b3
[*] SoftwareFPU 2.44
[*] Spike Studio
[*] the MACS 1.0b6
[*] The Underground Mac#08 2/1/94
[*] TIFF_a-n.cpt.hqx (TIFF clipart imagess)
[*] TIFF_n-z.cpt.hqx (clipart images, Part2)
[*] UUParser 1.71
[*] winona-stack
[*] ZoneRanger 1.0.0
(Q) Type 1 error
12 inch video problems (q)
Activating the RAM disk in Sys7.1 and ClassicII upgrade Questions
Amiga disks on a Mac (Q)
Apple Higher Education prices
AppleScript = AppleEvents?
Apple Stupidity
Autodoubler (Q)
Autodoubler problems (R)
AV Audio Performance Question
BinHex CRC error (C)
Cross Stitch Program (A) (2 msgs)
dark queen of kryn
DeskPict replacement (C)
Deskwrite 550 C with postscript (Q)
ethernet for Quadra 610 and MacIIx(Q)
Function keys in Zterm
Help with Okidata laserprinter
How can I set the width of the file name column(Q)
HP laserjet 4ML printer (R)
HyperText History (R)
IBM HP ScanJet to MAC (Q)
info-mac cd rom 3 interface files...
Info-Mac Digest V12 #12
INIT icon running off screen (R)
Internet providers 'Mac-aware' in Europe? (q) (fwd)
Kermit Protocol, Statistics, & Database Questions
LaserWriter IIg problem?
LaserWriter Select 360 on serial (R)
Mail reader on Mac? (Q)
new Macs anytime soon?
Newton Software Needed
Note for Duo 210/230 owners
Ouchie (AOCE) ain't all bad?
Power on/off switches for macs?
Prince of P II Demo problems
Project Gutenberg MIDI
Prometheus MaxFax Software Compatibility
Puny Floppy Drive Capacity
Recycling PowerBook Batteries
runic alphabet in TT format? (q) (fwd)
SCSI Disk Crisis on Mac+
Showing off the Internet on a Mac
Shut Down Programs (A)
SoftPC Professional 3.1
video adaptor to PC monitor for Quadra 610 (Q)
weird icons
#### TEXT infomacv12-019.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 1993 Canadian Tax forms
[*] 1993 tax form for Quebec
[*] CatWalk-1.0.hqx
[*] comm/the-news-233.sit.hqx
[*] dev/src/mac-starter-c.hqx (new version)
[*] FactorHopperV34
[*] gestalt-pro-111.sit.hqx
[*] graphic-converter-177.hqx
[*] grimoire-10-hc.hqx
[*] Jewish Calendar 2.0
[*] Mac & IBM compare-Version 1.9.2
[*] mac-facts-94-02-02.txt
[*] mac.ftp.list Version 3.8.2
[*] Mac Attack Upgrade to 1.1
[*] Manitoba tax form for 1993
[*] MikePack Update!
[*] mt-pack-101R-ext.hqx
[*] New Version SchoolStat 1.0.8
[*] Nova Scotia tax form for 1993
[*] PullProcess20.sit
[*] Radius software under /info-mac/cfg?
[*] read-time.hqx
[*] speech-pack-21.sea.hqx
[*] Tax form for Ontario 1993
[*] taylorology-4-to-14.hqx
[*] TIFF_a-n.cpt.hqx (TIFF clipart imagess)
[*] u-send-me-swingin.hqx
[*] violate-10.sit.hqx
$MACARCH ? Is is working?
128 Mac - Did you buy one?
[R] INIT icons running off the screen
Additional Memory kills network printing?
adjusting frame speed of QT movie (Q)
Amiga disks on a Mac (A)
Another Simm question
Apple 12" B&W monitor
AppleScript support in apps
Apple Stupidity
arinbjor@rhi.hi.is (Arinbjorn Bjornsson)
Async Appletalk on a Centris 650 (A :-)
Autodoubler (R)
Autodoubler problems (C)
Battery life of a PowerBook Duo 270c (Q)
Boot Block Fix???
C650 hard drive problem - help!
Canvas Updater (Q)
Cheap CD-ROM
DeskPict replacement (A)
Deskwrite 550 C with postscript
Disappearing Icons (R)
does Writenow 3.0 a file's Killer?
Energy Star
ethernet for Quadra 610 and MacIIcx (A)
ethernet for Quadra 610 and MacIIx(R)
Experience with Mercury 68030 Accelerator for SE/Plus
FDHD replacement for Mac IIfx?
First Class and Ethernet
Free Managing Your Money 5.0 (1 copy)
ftp-mail server
Geoport & Sound (Q)
Has anyone carked and LCIII's clock? (Q)
HD Stiction
HELP! Weird PowerBook problem
Help locating appl & font
HP FTP site for drivers
HP printer + 660 = S L O W???
INIT icon running off screen (R)
Internet providers 'Mac-aware' in Europe? (q)
Interslip and Fetch
Investment portfolio analysis & market simulation programs ?
IPX and the Mac
LCIII floppy problem
Looking for text processor...
Mac-DEC connectivity
MacTCP may be available to you free under a site-license
Mac utility for decompressing .ARC files (Q)
Mangia! files not found (A)
Mapping 3-D geological maps
MaxFax and LineLink modem
MIME and Macs
Mindvirus:Digital Inteactive Magazine
Mystery Science Theatre 3000
new Macs anytime soon? (R)
New Mice Sticking
PowerMac card upgrade vs. real PowerMac computer [Q]
Power on/off switches for macs? (A)
Puny Floppy Drive Capacity (C)
Recycling PowerBook Batteries (R)
Request regarding Powerbook DUO Fax
SFD Pop-up Menu Doesn't
Showing off the Internet on a Mac (C)
Showing off the Internet on a Mac (R)
SkyWay Shipping Problems
SLIP info request
Sound balance (Q)
Sound Recording Software
Speech Macro editor failed
StyleWriterII Driver/Chooser7.3/Orig SW Problem
Supercard XCMDS
System Boot Logger
System Software Memory Usage (R2)
Ted Howard Question (A?)
ThinPack and PowerPlate
Timbuktu 5.0 (Q)
Upgrading the Macintosh version of Mathcad
uploaded files.
Using aliases with Appleshare
Wanted: Tone dialer wanted
Wanted: Wedding clip art
What is the current HyperCard version?
#### TEXT infomacv12-020.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 1993 Canadian tax forms (3 msgs)
[*] 1993 tax form for New Brunswick
[*] Aurora 3.0
[*] AutoBin 1.0
[*] ColorKey 4.0
[*] Comp-Sys-Mac-Comm FAQ
[*] Flight Commander v1.1 Updater
[*] Inside Mac Games, January '94 Free Preview Edition
[*] Jewish Calendar, v 2.0
[*] Kai Sounds
[*] LaserWriter 8.1.1 Patch v1.1
[*] my pot archive
[*] New Version SchoolStat 1.0.8
[*] Open-wide 3.5.6
[*] PlainText >32K text editor (version 1.2.1)
[*] PlainText source + improved TE32K
[*] Re: AppleScript Scripting Extension Library
[*] SCSI_Case1.1.txt
[*] sound/midi - [MIDI Pack'en 1.0.2 - part 1 of 2]
[*] sound/midi - [SendIt 1.0.2]
[*] Submission: Factory Demo
[*] SUMMARY: RAMdoubler vs. OptiMem [S]
[*] Tar 4.0b
[*] Tar 4.0b Source
[*] update
[*] VirtualDisk
[*] Zedfont.sea.hqx
(A) system boot logger
(Q) Chemical Drawing Software (2 msgs)
(Q) GIS Systems for the Mac?
128 Mac - Did you buy one?
1993 Canadian Tax forms
1993 tax form for BC file naming
Al Bloom - Unchained
America Online's problems Apple's opportunity?
Apple 12" B&W monitor (A)
Apple LaserWriter 8 lpd & lpr needed (Q)
AppleScript support in apps (2 msgs)
Autodoubler (R)
AutoDoubler Flame
Axion Serial Splitter: Not bad!
Backup software recommendations
Bad Sectors on Floppies
Bold Symbols (A)
Cron 1.0d13 submission
Early Macs
ethernet for Quadra 610 and MacIIcx (A)
FDHD Replacement for MacIIfx
Folder From Hell
Government in your face and in your hard drive
GPS software for PowerBook 180c
Help: Trying to find publication...
Help with Info.
Home Internet Connections
HP FTP site for drivers
HyperCard 2.2 facts
Info-Mac Digest V12 #19
Info re: Fetch (2 msgs)
Internet in Europe
InterSLIP and Fetch
Looking for text processor... (A)
MacSLIP on a network (Q)
Mac utility for decompressing .ARC files (A) (2 msgs)
MacX and the Meta key---a puzzle
MaxFax and LineLink modem (A)
Need Animaniac Icons!
Need something scanned, HELP!
New Mice Sticking
New PICT into TText file? (2 msgs)
Plot/Graph programs (2 msgs)
Postscript error
PowerBook ADB (Q)
Printing from a TCP/IP network to a LocalTalk Laserwriter (Q)
Printing to line printer...
PS to MS Word converter (Q)
Puny Floppy Drive Capacity
RamDisk (Q)
RAMdoubler upgrade?
Reading 128k Mac formatted disks on LC (Q)
Re Nutritional Software Request
replacing Chicago as system font (Q)
SE HD doesn't mount...
Slide makers and software
SmartScrap (R)
System Boot Logger (A)
TIFF's, PCX, and EPS from PC to MAC (Q)
Trouble with Apple HD
Wanted: Tone dialer wanted [A]
#### TEXT infomacv12-021.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] /snd/loopback-grp7.hqx
[*] /snd/loopback-grp8.hqx
[*] 2nd Amendment After Dark module
[*] Brainwave.cpt.hqx
[*] code-programs.sit.hqx
[*] ExAminer 1.1
[*] F/A-18 updater submittal
[*] Fables & Demo submission , February 6, 1994
[*] FlightPrepDemo resubmission
[*] frog-counting-eat20.hqx
[*] frog-equation-eat21.hqx
[*] frog-integer-eaters20.hqx
[*] Info-Mac Archive Mirror Sites
[*] mac-facts-ii-94-02-04.txt
[*] MicroBridgeDemo.cpt.hqx (Corrected contact info)
[*] midi-copyrights.hqx
[*] NewMaxwell-c-src
[*] Peeping Tom 1.4
[*] PowerLaunch Lite v1.6F
[*] Screen Play 1.2.1
[*] SoftScreen Extension 1.0
[*] system.extensions - MacTCP Netswitch 1.0b2
[*] TeachersAide22.cpt.hqx
[*] TidBITS#212/07-Feb-94
[*] Timer
[*] word solution demo
$MACARCH -- is it working? (Thanks)
(Q) PD/SW Screen dump utility for System 7.1
(Q) Where do the Think C/C++ upgrades reside
(R) Al Bloom - Unchained
2 Commercials on Quicktime format (Q)
840av install CD
a bootable disk?
apple/mac history
Apple IIgs monitors
Appletalk software
Autodoubler (?) makes HD work overtime
AV and PowerDesign Solution
Bowling League Software?
Changing TIFF files into PICT files, How?
Color PC-ANSI Comm Tool
DA/Font Manager Needed
DeskPict vs BackSplash
Duo 230-How much RAM on the Motherboard?
Fixing bad sectors on floppy disks (2 msgs)
For the Digest : Book Reporter's Guild info
Fujitsu HD in PB180 problems
GNU & other public-domain fonts
Good TCP/IP Stack
hard drive question
Help: Trying to find publication... (A) (2 msgs)
Help with downloading files
Home Internet Connections (A)
Hypercard 2.1 (Q)
Info re: Fetch
Info re: Fetch (A)
Interslip & Fetch (C)
Looking for text processor...[R]
Macintosh Easy Open
Mac Plus Monitor Card Bitz (Q)
MacPost Question
MacTools 3.0 & Now Utilities 4.02: Conflict?
MacX and the Meta key---a puzzle
My solution to SOS APPL problems
News Reader for the Mac
Obscure Q950 problem (Q)
Other Japanese TrueType Fonts?
posting question concerning MAC
Powerbook 100 battery trouble
PowerBook ADB (A)
Problems Mailing to MACGIFTS@SUMEX_AIM
Puny Floppy Drive Capacity
Q: MacTCP+SLIP+Ethernet
Quicktime Novice has a question (Q)
RAMdoubler and First Class Client 2.0.9?
RAMDoubler Prices and Performance
Random Number Software
Screen shots
Sculley Resigns
Sending mail to aol or compuserve
serial or AppleTalk device on Ethernet (Q)
Speech Macro editor failed
Strange Finder problem on a Quadra
Undocumented System functionality and you
US Colleges internet directory?
Wanted: Info on Claris CAD Libraries
Weather gif site...
#### TEXT infomacv12-022.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 2Way Talker 2.1
[*] Academic DataManager 2.0
[*] Aurora 3.0.1
[*] bolo-map-snugg-nads.hqx
[*] CrossPuzzler
[*] CrudFont
[*] File(I/O) & PICT files
[*] frog-ion-eaters21.hqx
[*] Fudd 1.0 (source code)
[*] Fudd 1.0 (text utility)
[*] FunkyFresh Upload
[*] GLMStat 1.0b1
[*] Graphplot II Upgrade/New Version package
[*] Grunge Update Font
[*] HyperMacro 1.1
[*] Icon Puzzle
[*] KAWAI-K4-104.hqx
[*] Kermit-099-190
[*] MDictUpdt.hqx
[*] Movie Almanac 1.0
[*] MusicBox v2.0.2 update
[*] new uploads from RichD!
[*] Pathways Guide
[*] PowerPC info
[*] PRAM save/restore
[*] Quadra 840AV startup 16"
[*] RAM Doubler 1.0.1 Updater
[*] REPORT: Repair options for internal FDHD
[*] snd/jerky-boys-laser-surgery.hqx
[*] Std Map Application for Archive Please
[*] STool-10ur.sit.hqx
[*] Submission of "Ultra" Random-Number Library
[*] Teacher's Grading Program II 1.00
[*] TeleTarif v.1.0
[*] Torgo Screen Saver Module
[*] Totoro icons
[*] tube-bar-grp1.sit.hqx
[*] useKEYBDled
[*] UUParser1.71 replacement
[*] WAREZ 1.0 (source code)
[*] WAREZ 1.0 (text utility)
[*] Wordstar to RTF Translator update
ADRead 1.0a
Aesops Fables+Our Fables submission
Alias for BBS different settings
Apple "Licenses" Bedrock; Symantec drops it
apple/mac history
Apple IIgs Monitors (A)
Audio conferencing?
CD ROM Creation
Chain-Stor-Eaze submission
Changing TIFF files into PICT files, How? (A)
Early days of the Mac (A)
Flopticals (C)
Gopher problem
Home & School Mac collection
Home Internet Connections
Hypercard 2.1 (A)
Info-Mac Digest V12 #20
Info-Mac Digest V12 #21 (2 msgs)
Internet email gateways
Kudos for TechTool 1.0.3 (one.o.THREE)!
MacSLIP on a network
MacTCP networking stuff
MacX and the Meta key---a puzzle (R)
Mirror Sites
MOD files for the Mac(?)
Nisus mailing list [Q]
nuntius replacement
Old English font (Q)
on-line dictionary
PageMaker 5.0 and LaserMax
Paging Sabastian Software........
PortShare Pro 2.0 Demo timeout (Q)
posting question concerning MAC (A)
Programming Editor for the Mac
Puny floppy Redux
Q610 monitor outlet switched or no?
Q: MacTCP+SLIP+Ethernet (A)
RAM Doubler (2 msgs)
RAM Doubler and First Class
RAMdoubler and First Class Client 2.0.9?
Required Reading for Info-Macers
Searching a Smalltalk list
SE HD doesn't mount... [A]
Sending mail to aol or compuserve (A)
serial or AppleTalk device on Ethernet (A)
SOS APPL kudos
Undocumented System functionality and you (C)
Using serial in PowerBook
UUCP News readers
Wanted: Eduardo Mendez / XCMD
Weather gifs (A)
Weather gif site... (A)
Weather gif site...(R)
Where is Lists.src? (Q)
#### TEXT infomacv12-023.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] AutoType OSAX
[*] CatWalk-1.1.hqx
[*] CD-discolour
[*] Disk Charmer 2.1.3
[*] F-18 Hornet FAQ V1.6
[*] glidel-222FR.hqx Drag-And-Dropping on the Finder's Menus
[*] glidel-222US.hqx Drag-And-Dropping on the Finder's Menus
[*] HyperShare 2.2
[*] Lime Readme
[*] Macintosh Screensaver Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 2.0
[*] old time radio sounds (2 msgs)
[*] readtime 1.0.1.hqx
[*] RLaB0.97d.hqx - a linear algebra package
[*] RoboWar 3.1
[*] RoboWar Tournament 7
12" apple rgb on a lc475
16" monitor on IIsi?
A cool shareware payment!
AppleTalk over Ethernet (Long Distance)
AutoDoubler 2.0x updater
BackSplash 1.0.3 (Q)
Default Printer?
Electronic Design Software
fetch speed
Fujitsu HD in PB 180 problem resolved
Hard Disk Specs
High-Speed Modems
Hypercard 2.1 (A2)
LC speeds
MacTCP and BootP
Micro Bridge Companion (Q)
Nuntius 1.7 problems
on-line dictionary
online dictionary
PortShare Pro 2.0 Demo timeout (Q
PowerBook 100 Probs
Puny Floppy Drive Capacity (C)
Quicken 4
QuickTime 2.0 Press Release
RamDoubler 101 update...
RAM Doubler advice wanted (Q)
RAMdoubler and First Class Client 2.0.9?
Sending mail to aol or compuserve (A)
SLIP accounts
Software for Pioneer CD-ROM Changer DRM-610
TaxCut, UTS, and LineLink 144e
TCP/IP Application Package (Follow On)
WANTED: Match-up program
where is lists.src
Which PIM?
Wuarchive is alive folks!
Ziffnet Internet address
#### TEXT infomacv12-024.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 4 Mac Hello Beep Sounds
[*] BBEdit Lite 2.3.2
[*] Convert*Projects 1.0b1
[*] Convert*Projects 1.0b2
[*] CustoFinder 7
[*] dev/demo - Marksman3 gui editor
[*] info-mac submission -> Macro Key 1.1
[*] info-mac submission -> PowerPC disassembler
[*] LanSatellite 1.0.4
[*] Magic Dialler FKEY 0.2
[*] Magic Dialler FKEY 0.2AV (part 1 of 2)
[*] MIDISplit2
[*] Mosaicon
[*] old time radio sounds
[*] Pathways Into Darkness Guide v1.1 - Update!
[*] Rae 1.2 AD screensaver
[*] system.extension - WindowStacker 1.0
[*] THINK Scripts 1.2.sit.hqx
[*] ThreadLib-10d1-c.hqx
[*] tube-bar-grp2.sit.hqx
[*] upload MarksmanCodeMetroCp-30.sea.hqx
[*] upload MarksmanCodeTPascal-30.sea.hqx
"Unrecoverable disk error on file" (Q)
(?) A Converter for text -> HTML format
(Q) Resolving names of Gopher hosts and their IP numbers
128k Mac Memories
3M floppy disks - Good or bad ?
660AV File Sharing problem
[W] Wanted: Typewriter font
A cool shareware payment!
Ami-Pro to MSWord
Amortization schedule shareware?
Apple Phone
AppleScript Additions wanted
AppleTalk over Ethernet (Long Distance) (R)
ARA Setup
A Startup Picture Being closed Early
AutoDoubler 2.0x updater (R)
Best Shareware Payment
Changing TIFF files into PICT files, How? (A)
Changing TIFF files into PICT files, How? (GIFConverter)
Composing E-mail Replies. (2 msgs)
CPU cycles and apps
Custom-shaped Buttons
Does Mac II HRVC support 21" display?
Does Quicken import MYM data?
Email for Working Software (Spellswell)(q)
Fetch speed (2 msgs)
fetch speed (A)
Fetch speed information
ftp help
GIFs in animation (Q)
Having a CD-ROM produced...?
IM 3 CD-ROM & NEC Drivers Incompatibility
Info-Mac CD-ROM Profits
info on mac scsi ports and drivers
Laserwriter IInt and Quadra 840AV, can't print
LW Pro 810 problems
LZW decompression from Unix->Mac
MacPaint art
More problems with LineLink 144e modem
Need Articles
New Powerbooks?
Novell Network Tools Query
On-line dictionary
Other Japanese TrueType Fonts(A)
Problems with SITcomm
Programming Editor for the Mac
Puny Floppy Drive Capacity
QT speed (R & Q)
questionable APS behaviour
QuickTime 2.0 and interactive TV
RAM Doubler
RAM Doubler pricing (C)
RAM Troubler, er... Doubler
Removable media question. HELP!
Screen shots
SCSI ID problems
self produced CD ROM (Q)
Strange Filesharing problem
StyleWriter II streaks
Thread Manager
WANTED: Match-up program :-)
Weather gif site...
Word 4.0E No Longer Available
ZTerm Font Confusion
#### TEXT infomacv12-025.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] AMT-More-Modems (2 msgs)
[*] Aurora 3.0.2 (2 msgs)
[*] CalConvert 1.1
[*] Casablanca sounds (binary)
[*] DBugR 1.1
[*] Dialog View 1.0.8 (2 msgs)
[*] DX7 Librarian 1.0.5 (2 msgs)
[*] Fret-Navigator 1.2
[*] Gossamer-2.0.sea.hqx
[*] Incognito 1.1
[*] Incognito 1.1 source
[*] JUNO Librarian 1.0.3 (2 msgs)
[*] List Files 2.0
[*] MetroWerks CodeWarrior m680x0 Pascal update
[*] MetroWerks CodeWarrior M68K C/C++ update
[*] Metrowerks CodeWarrior PowerPC C/C++ update
[*] MetroWerks CodeWarrior PowerPlant Update
[*] MIDI Pack'en 1.0.3 (2 msgs)
[*] Nstack 2.0a (2 msgs)
[*] Open-wide 3.5.7 (2 msgs)
[*] OtherMenu 1.3.1 (2 msgs)
[*] OtherMenu 1.3 to 1.3.1 update (2 msgs)
[*] SimpleName
[*] sound-machine-202.hqx
[*] SpeedyFinder7 1.5.9b
[A] LZW decompression from Unix->Mac
About this MacIntosh... RAM allocation
Academic DataManager demo
AppleTalk a'la serial cable (was: LaserWriter Select 360 on serial)
AppleTalk over Ethernet (Long Distance) (A)
ARA for LineLink?
BackSplash 1.0.3 Problem (Solved!)
Calculator DA replacements
cc:mail (q)
CD's with Apple CD Drive
Email for Working Software (Spellswell)(a)
Eudora Macro for Info-Mac posting
fetch (and serial port) speed
FTP Problems
Grammar checker
HTML convertor
Hypertext History
Info-Mac CD-ROM Profits (C)
info-mac CD-ROM profits?
Info-Mac CD Profits (C)
Info-Mac Digest V12 #16
Info-Mac Digest V12 #24
interslip (2 msgs)
LC speeds
Location of Thread Manager at ftp.apple.com
Looking for a Mac file
Looking for an audio clip...
LZW decompression from Unix->Mac [A]
Mac & VGA Monitor.
Mac Plus "Killy Clips" (Summary)
MacroMaker under System 7
MSWord Printing problem with Pasted Drawing
NEC CD-ROM incompatibilities(Q)
NEC Problems
networking with Stylewriter II (Q)
New PowerBooks
New Quadra With Hiccups (Q)
No more problems with LineLink 144e modem
Online Dictionary (A)
Postscript Error (Q)
Postscript Previewer Wanted
PowerBook Screen - Problems with Black & White Reversal(Q)
Power User SyQuest Drives ?
Printing a PostScript File ??
Problem with Mac LC and text-editors [Q]
Puny disk capacity, etc....
questionable APS behaviour [comment]
RAM Doubler
RAM Doubler advice wanted (Q)
RamDoubler vs FAXstf
RAM Troubler, er... Doubler
Recommended TCP/IP Applications
Resolving names of Gopher hosts and their IP numbers [A]
Running Mac and PC simultaneously ?
strange noise
SW II Page Set-up
TIFF file problem
Troubles with InterSLIP
Type 1s
Unship for Macintosh
Webster's Dictionary via gopher (Q)
Writing to 5.25" PC floppy?
ZTerm Font Confusion (A)
#### TEXT infomacv12-026.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] file list format change coming
[*] alarm-book-14-demo.hqx
[*] BBEdit 2.5.4 Demo Package
[*] BBEdit 2.5.4 Updater
[*] CD+G Software for CD300 Drive
[*] ColorKey 4.0.1
[*] DeskTape 1.9 DEMO
[*] Dialectic 1.0 (source code)
[*] Dialectic 1.0 (text utility)
[*] Diffraction 2.00
[*] DigSimp 2.00
[*] hearts-21-ad.hqx
[*] Henry_V.1.0.sea.hqx (Shakespeare stack)
[*] LEU 2/94 Submission
[*] Loon song
[*] MacEmatics 1.2, the learning stack.
[*] MacroEcon 1.00
[*] New MacMiNT (Feb 8, 1994)
[*] OmegaWindow 1.04
[*] OmegaWindow Manual
[*] Pizza 1.0.4
[*] Plug-in Digitizer v1.0.1
[*] sci/rlab-097d1.hqx - a linear algebra package
[*] Scrapz-132.sit.Hqx
[*] Shutdown_Remote_1.0.2
[*] The Underground Mac#09 2/14/94
[*] TidBITS#213/14-Feb-94
[*] Updated source to MovieToolBox
[*] update Mark's Translator package
[*] W-t sparrow folder
[*] Waker 0.1
[*] ZoomToCursor_FKEY_1.0.1
"bad run of 160 Mb drives"?
Accessing Internet through a Firewall
Apple phone author (q)
AV HD formatting problems
Booting From A CD ROM
Calculator DA replacements
Calculator DA replacements (A)
Can ATE modems use data compression? (2 msgs)
Can I attach a 1.2 gbyte drive to SE?
cc:mail (a)
Chemical Compound Drawing (Q)
CPU cycles and apps
Fetch (and serial port) speed (R)
Finding Fabrizio Oddone?
ftp.apple.com (Q)
FTP Daemon
Info-Mac Digest V12 #23
Info-mac Problems
LZW decompression from Unix->Mac (A)
Mac & VGA Monitor.(A)
Mac Plus "Killy Clips" (a)
MSWord Printing problem with Pasted Drawing (A)
Networking with Stylewriter II (A)
networking with Stylewriter II (Q)
PCExchange & Apple File transfer on a Colour Classic?
PhotoCD (Q)
Postscript Previewer Wanted
PowerBook accu problems
Problems with Gopher Surfer
Problems with SITcomm (2 msgs)
Puny Floppy Drive Capacity (C)
Quicken-Another source for checks?
RAMDoubler compatibility problem
RAM Doubler problem (A)
Re : (?) A Converter for text -> HTML format
Removable media Question (R)
Replacement for ImageWriters?
Running Mac and PC simultaneously ?
Running PC and Mac simultaneously
Sending messages between Macs (A)
Smartsuite (Lotus)
Sound problem on PowerBook 170
Speech Recognition--Sage Advice
Three Things My 840av won't do...
Webster Dictionary (alternative A)
#### TEXT infomacv12-027.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Dateline 44
[*] FrontDoor v1.1
[*] HomerIRC_0.93.3.sit.hqx
[*] MacGhostscript 2.5.2b3 Integrated No Font Release
[*] MacGhostscript 2.5.2b3 Integrated Release
[*] MacGhostscript 2.5.2b3 Integrated Source Release
[*] Sound Master 1.7.4
[*] SoundTrecker20eng4.sit.hqx
[*] Symbionts 2.3.3
[*] Symbionts 2.3.3 patch
[*] Using Hypermedia to Navigate the Info Highway
[*] ZapTheMenus XCMD Resent!
[*] ZoomToCursor_FKEY_1.0.2
"Unrecoverable disk error on file" (A)
(A) INIT icon running off screen
(A) Zapping PRAM
*Think Before You Zap!*
[Q] Adding sound to Power Point Presentations
Accessing Internet through a Firewall (A)
Accessing Internet through a Firewall (R)
A closing Startup Screen the Answer
Aliases, Repair of
Apple CD300: device driver to hook it to a PC (q)
AppleScript 1.0 to 1.1 updater?
Appletalk over Ethernet (actually IP)
Applications "lost" after desktop rebuilt
APS response
Best Shareware Payment
Calculator DA replacements(A)
Calculator DA replacements [A]
CD Cataloger?
Changing date modified/created on Mac files
Chemical Compound Drawing
ClarisWorks 2.0
Composing E-mail Replies.
Control Mac from PC?
DA ID#'s
DA ID Numbers
Drag & Drop dosen't work with DropPS [Q]
FaberFinder (Q)
Finding Fabrizio Oddone?
Folder from Hell
Fried modem port?
ftp.apple.com (Q)
Gopher Tunnels into Resources (comment)
How do you set default margins in Word 5.1 (Q)
Info-Mac access via AFS?
Info-Mac CD Profits (C)
Is Typeit4Me author still supporting it?
Jeopardy! for Mac
Looking for a Mac file
LZW decompression from Unix->Mac
Mac Backup Device (8mm DAT or 4mm DAT)
mathematica non-FPU version.
Modems w/ RJ-45 Connections
Mosaic/PPP (Q)
MS Excel macro for two-way anova with unequal sizes
MSWord Printing problem with Pasted Drawing (A)
PB Cables
Pinnacle R-CD Audio Formats Question
PowerPC NON-upgrade for si?
Printing PostScript file to Printer [A]
Quicken-Another source for checks?
Quicken-Another source for checks? (C) (2 msgs)
RamDoubler/Stacker problem
RAM Doubler; the discussion continues
RamDoubler and Maxima compatible?
security apps
SITcomm (2 msgs)
SQL Server Connectivity for Macintosh
SupraFaxModem 144LC features
System 7.1 v2.0.1 and NowToolBox v4
#### TEXT infomacv12-028.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Chef 1.1 (text utility)
[*] Dialectic 1.1 (source code)
[*] Dialectic 1.1 (text utility)
[*] em.ruleset.stratos.2
[*] Fudd 1.1 (text utility)
[*] hearts-21.hqx
[*] HellFolder Fix
[*] Hotlist-to-html (Updated version)
[*] MacAnim Viewer 1.0
[*] PowerBook 170 screen problem (summary)
[*] SoftwareFPU 2.45
[*] UULite Version 1.6 Release for the Mac
[*] Version replacement?
[*] WAREZ 1.1 (source code)
[*] WAREZ 1.1 (text utility)
[*] WinStacker 1.0
"Unrecoverable disk error on file" (A)
[MR Nicholas . Shestople, DEH-: PageMaker translation]
Accessing Internet through a Firewall (A)
After Dark 2.0x passwords don't work on my 660av...
A new show...and a plea for your help!
Apple CD300i device driver to hook it to a PC (A)
Apple Scanner PShop Plugin
Applications "lost" after desktop rebuilt
APS flame
A Retrospect and Pyro problem
Baud vs megabyte
Booting From A CD ROM (A)
booting from CD
Can the Mac act as a Gopher server?
CD audio & Mic on AVs vs. Non-AVs
CD Plus Software
Changing date modified/created on Mac files (R)
Changing date modified/created on Mac files [R]
composing email replies
database (r)
deleting files
disk calculator
Disk problems!
Finder enhancements
Finding Fabrizio Oddone?
Fried modem port
FTP Daemon (2 msgs)
Fullwrite Pro and stylewriter II landscape
HyperCard 2.2 bug?
Info-Mac Digest V12 #22
Is there a "virtual desktop" utility?
Is Typeit4Me author still supporting it? (A)
Learning about Statistics
Looking for a Mac file (C) (2 msgs)
MSWord Printing problem with Pasted Drawing(A)
news reader over the modem?
Number of colors w/ 16-bit color
PB Cables (R)
Plotter and Color Printer Drivers for Mac
Printer and Plotter drivers for Mac
Problems with SITcomm
RamDoubler/Stacker problem (C)
RAM Doubler and Disk access
RamDoubler and Maxima compatible? (R)
RE>Re: Info-Mac Digest V12 #27
Setting mail
Snooper and Help!
Software authors
Supra FaxModem 144LC and Silent Answer
There used to be a way for nice bitmap font printing...
Tidbits 213
Voice default on the Mac
Wanted: to convert Mac sounds to text (integer) files
weird LPd problem
what is the current version of AMT
Will E.T.O. include PowerPC tools?
Will HFS change when the PowerMacs emerge?
#### TEXT infomacv12-029.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] "Here's How to MacPGP!" guide
[*] 8balltips.cpt.hqx
[*] At-Your-Service Upgrade
[*] Atrain Editor
[*] bajoran.hqx
[*] Chat 2.0 - Macintosh TCP/IP Chat Server
[*] Crystal Ball 1.1, Exquisite Entertainment
[*] CTB Connection Tool C source
[*] Demo: EndNote Mac 1.3 (with readme)
[*] drop-q.hqx
[*] externalman-13.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] info-mac submission -> QuickSearch
[*] Known Users vol. 1 v 1.7
[*] MacPager 1.0 (Comm/Util)
[*] MandelZot 4.0.1
[*] NEW version 3.0.4 of LinksWare: please post. Thanks.
[*] PasteColor Standard submission
[*] Quiet Start 1.2
[*] ScatterBrains 2.1
[*] Sound-Trecker 2.0e4 patcher
[*] SpeedPad.QT.Sit.Hqx
[*] THINK Scripts 1.2.1.sit.hqx
"bloated mac OS"-- was "small floppy capacity"
$99 Mercury Plus 68030 Accelerator
(Q) Think C 6.0.1 fatal error
840AV drive problems
A cool shareware payment
Ad. misprint flames
Adaptor for Sony 1430 monitor
AppleScript 1.0 to 1.1 updater?
AppleTalk a'la serial cable
APS Flame
APS flame (R)
Baud vs megabyte (A)
Baud vs megabyte (R)
Bug in Word's Equation Editor (C)
Buying A Scanner
CD-ROM Play Audio CDs upon insertion (Q)
CD300 SCSI Driver for PC
CD Plus Software
changing KCHR
CPU cycles and apps
Customer's responsibilty [F]
F-Key/extension to release port?
Finder doesn't accept colons anywhere?
ftp.apple.com (A)
GeoPort Express Modem settings
hangup modem automatically (Q)
I need a couple of email addresses
Info-Mac Digest V12 #28
In the market for a PB Duo
Is there a "virtual desktop" utility?
Mac & VGA Monitor.(C)
Mac+ and HD not working together (Q)
Magic: The Gathering Card List
Maxima (2 msgs)
microsoft quick basic and system 7 (2 msgs)
Mosaic/PPP (A)
My command-Q can't quit application any more
Newsgroup for Macs
Nikon CoolScan Problems
NMR Programs
PortShare Pro 2.0 Demo problem (Q)
Power CD-Good Deal?
Problems with Powerbooks on network
Problems with SITcomm
Puny Floppy Drive and FaberFinder
Putting Ears on an SE?
RAM Doubler
RAM Doubler, early Macs, & PowerBooks (a)
RAM Doubler and Disk access (R)
RamDoubler on an LC?
RAM Doubler on old macs (A)
Safeware Insurance (Q)
Security of Mac Data (Q)
Snooper and Help!
Speech Manager default
Terminal emulation software using Appletalk protocol and connections
The Underground Mac
Weather gif site...
Will HFS change when the PowerMacs emerge?
WinWord <-> Mac Word
#### TEXT infomacv12-030.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Boink 1.0 (AD module)
[*] Brickles Plus 3.0
[*] Bryan's ppats.sit.hqx
[*] Carrot Patch
[*] CatFinder v1.32
[*] Cellusoft Graphics Pascal
[*] Creepin' Critter Math
[*] DBL Pascal Lib.
[*] DOCMaker 4.0.1
[*] Dragon Maze 1.1
[*] GLMStat 1.0b2
[*] GNU Shogi gaijin patch for 1.1--Mac 1.10E
[*] HackerCrackdownHC.hqx
[*] Home & School Mac 10/93
[*] IconWDEF, submission by author.
[*] Incognito 1.1.1
[*] Incognito 1.1.1 source
[*] LandSlide
[*] lyapunov10.hqx
[*] MacTV Auto Sleep v1.0
[*] MiniScreen 1.7.2 (desktop shrinker)
[*] Molecule Library 1.3a
[*] MUDDweller 1.2
[*] MusicBox XCMD v2.1
[*] OneNet World 02/94
[*] OuterLimits
[*] Player Pro 4.15
[*] setext-viewer-0.3 attached
[*] source/C - RegionToRectangles
[*] Tetris Max 2.3
[*] The Odyssey
[*] TidBITS#214/21-Feb-94
[*] WordPuzzler
$99 Mercury Plus 68030 Accelerator
(A) Can the Mac act as a Go
(C) Applications "lost" aft
(Q) 720K - 800K disk format problems?
Adaptor for Sony 1430 monitor
Apple fonts under system 7.1
Apple Phone author (A)
AppleTalk a'la serial cable (2 msgs)
AppleTalk a'la serial cable (R)
Apple Updates
Application 'unknown' messa
Application Startup in order
APS (darn it anyway)
a simple text-based data base?
ATM and Sys 7.1
Belgian Mac models --- the Potemkin series
CD-Rom 5.0 *is* at ftp.apple.com
CD-ROM v5 on ftp.apple.com (A)
Chat 2.0
Duo question (Q)
Finder doesn't accept colons anywhere? (2 msgs)
Five beeps?
Help - reformat recovery (2 msgs)
Help for Network Problem
How do you set default margins in Word 5.1 (A)
Humbly Request Info
info-mac submission
LW Select 360 Specs?
Maxima and RAM Doubler
microsoft quick basic and system 7 (R)
MIME encode/decode on Pine Mailer
Modems with RJ-45s
MS Word and PB RAM disk (Q)
My command-Q can't quit application any more (R)
NCSA Mosaic Documentation - Where?
New Apple CD-ROM Extension - Too Much!
Newsgroup for Macs (R)
nmr programs
PortShare Pro 2.0 Demo problem (Q)
pov raytracer
Problems with SITcomm (summary)
Problem with Voice Waker module on After Dark
QuickTime v2.0
Security of Mac Data (A)
Silicon Sports (Wetsuit) phone number?
StyleWriter II
The decline and fall of the Macintosh software base
Transfer vector graphic from Mac to PC
Trek Sounds--the better ones
trouble upgrading powerbook to 7.1
Upgrading to System 7.1 (Q)
WinWord <-> Mac Word
wrecked powerbook display???
ZiffNet fm. Internet (A)
#### TEXT infomacv12-031.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 660AV startup
[*] ABZmon
[*] CDF
[*] Civilization 1.1
[*] Civilization 1.1 updater
[*] comm - Anarchie 1.1.1
[*] comm - Anarchie 1.1.3
[*] CPUSpeedDisplay 1.0.2
[*] DeepDischarge 1.0.0
[*] Diffraction 2.02
[*] drop-q-10.hqx
[*] FaxSTF-3.0 Patches.sea.hqx
[*] File to be included in info-mac
[*] High Quality Cannabis Hemp - Group 01
[*] MacMan Classic PRO 1.0
[*] mini-recorder-21.hqx
[*] mirage.hqx
[*] Monitor Expander 1.0.1
[*] Now Contact Demo
[*] Now Up-to-Date 2.1 Demo
[*] OneNet World 02/94 Text
[*] Outland PPC Tool 1.0d3
[*] Persisteance of Vision raytracer for the Mac from
[*] Pov-Ray 2.2 (POVSCN)
[*] Powerless 2.0 (shutdown/restart scheduler)
[*] PrefsPatcher v1.0 - Newton Utility
[*] Prophylaxis Plus 1.0 submission
[*] Psycho! v1.0b1
[*] Ray Dream Designer 3.0.2 updater
[*] RSI Network 16/More to Follow
[*] Scrapbook Helper.hqx
[*] SleepAid v0.9b - Sleep enhancement for Newton
[*] TeleFinderPro22.sit
[*] Turnaround Textures vol I
[*] Turnaround Textures vol II
(A) My command-Q can't quit application any more
(A) Snooper
(Solved) My command-Q can't quit application anymore
7.1 Font Terror
720k - 800k disk format problems? (R)
AmiPro to MSWord (S)
Anyone Have A Dead PB100?
Apple fonts under system 7 (R)
AppleModem Tool
Apple Personal Diagnostics
AppleTalk a'la serial cable (R)
Applications "lost" after desktop rebuilt
ARA and (no) compression (Q)
ARA vs. Timbuktu Pro?
Baud -vs- Megabyte
big scroll bars needed
CD-ROM Setup probs
CD-Rom Zip Code Directory for Mac/Street Atlas U.K./Europe?
Conflict (Apple Express Modem CP, QuicKeys and Suitcase)
Connecting a LaserWriter
Cool New Rumor
Cracked PB 180
Devanagri Script fonts wanted
Disk info in header for System 6?
Essential Software (Q)
Externals for recording QuickTime?
Finder doesn't accept colons anywhere? [R]
Four Key Box
FYI>Phone and Internet Security
I (Heart) APS
Info-Mac Digest V12 #29
Info-Mac Digest V12 #30
Info-mac response
Internal Modem for the LC (Q)
LPI/DPI and color separations
LW Select 360 Specs-Found!
Macintosh .avi player?
Maxima (R)
MEDLINE on CD-ROM -- which one to buy? [Q]
Micronet/FWB Formatters
Microsoft QuickBASIC & System 7.x
MS Word and PB RAM disk (A)
My command-Q can't quit application any more (R) (2 msgs)
Newsgroups automagically
Ofoto 1.1 will not export images.
Remote Access problems with LCIII
RESEDITing LaserWriter8
Safeware Computer Insurence
Scanning Resolution, HELP!
Scatter Brains 2.1
SITComm and background dialing
Speech Manager
Subject- (Q) Images to Word
Subject: 840AV drive problems(A)
Supra 144PB (2 msgs)
The decline and fall of the Macintosh software base
The decline and fall of the Macintosh software base (C)
trouble upgrading powerbook to 7.1 (R)
Where is Network Launch Fix? [Q]
Where To Buy - Scanner?
Word's Equation Editor
#### TEXT infomacv12-032.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Asante EtherTalk Installer 5.2.9
[*] blackjack.awsme.11.sea.hqx
[*] cfg/default-application-10a1.hqx
[*] ChunkJoiner 1.0.5
[*] Dissolve 1.0
[*] DNA-Teacher-13-sea.hqx
[*] Edit II 2.1.5
[*] Electron Cloud Mapper [PLANET software]
[*] Folder Icon Cleaner 1.1.1
[*] Incognito 1.1.2 submission
[*] JCONV-DD ver.1.6.2
[*] Jim's SimCity2000 Starter Cities
[*] Jupiter Satellites
[*] Malph 1.0 submission to sumex archives
[*] Math 2.0
[*] More Beavis & Butt-Head Sounds
[*] Open-wide 3.5.8
[*] SoundMaster 1.7.5.sit
[*] Submission - Claris Impact Trial Demo
[*] teletimes-94-02.hqx
[*] TTidyApplication - A leak detector for MacApp
[*] Turnaround Textures(tm) Volume III
[*] Turnaround Textures(tm) Volume IV
[*] UsenEdit v1.1.3
(?) Adam Engst's Book
14.4 modem Software (Q)
2-sided laser printing?
9-pin b/w monitor into 15-pin color socket?
Any "DATA" art work out there ?
Apple 40Sc Cartridge Unit
ARA and (no) compression (A)
ARA and (no) compression (Q)
ARA v. Timbuktu Pro
ARA vs. Timbuktu Pro?
ASCII to Binary converter
Baud -vs- Megabyte
Bits per Byte Using Modems (was: Baud -vs- Megabyte)
Canon BJ10e on a Mac (Q)
CD-ROM Setup probs
CD-ROM Setup probs (A)
CD-ROM Setup probs (R)
CD-ROM Setup probs [R]
CD-ROM V. 5.0; where did the A-B Loopback button go?
Client software
Computer Graphics
Computer Safeware Insurance (C)
CopyDoubler (Q)
Duo Enabler Patch Problem (Q)
Editor Librarian for Proteus II
Finder doesn't accept colons anywhere? [R]
Florida map w/counties
FoxPro 2.5 for Macintosh
Frog Systems?
HELP: How to read ATARI discs on Mac
IM/Mac & PowerPC...
Looking for a simple postscript viewer
MacGolf Upgrade
Mac net help
modem rates
Mouse (Taiwanese) w/ problem
Newbie SLIP conundrums
New PowerLaunch version...
Please release the 610
PostScript 2 => 1 (Q)
PowerPC in MacUser
Problems Upgrading to 7.1
Problems with CD ROM
Problems with SITcomm
Quadra 610 DOS Compatible
Quark text formatting
RESEDITing LaserWriter8
Scanning & faxing question
Scanning Resolution, HELP!
Serial Clients for the Mac (Q)
Serious Matlab Bug
Shareware NFS?
SITcomm v. 1.0 - Instability of Character Set - Self toggles
Speech Manager (R)
Ten Bits
The decline and fall of the Macintosh...
UNIX .AU Decompression
Unstuffit + Mac-II + APS drive problem
Using TurboGopher through At Ease
Where is Network Launch Fix? [Q]
WinWord <-> Mac Word
WinWord to Mac Word
#### TEXT infomacv12-033.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Alt.sources.mac digest #03-94
[*] Burglar 1.1
[*] Chat 2.0.1 - Macintosh TCP/IP Chat Server
[*] Chef 1.1 (source code)
[*] CIncludesTool.sea submission
[*] CRLF v.1.2.0
[*] Default Folder 2.47
[*] Even more Beavis & Butt-Head sounds (2 msgs)
[*] FC2Clip2.0.cpt.hqx
[*] GrafSys 2.0 Triangle Files [part 1 of 1]
[*] Greg's Browser 2.0
[*] Greg's Buttons 3.1.4
[*] hermes-ii-regform-center-1.0.sit.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-safecracker-2.0
[*] How to launch SITcomm with HC 2.2 and AS 1.1
[*] Keyboard PLUS
[*] MacWeather 1.0
[*] Outland TCP Tool
[*] pawpaw 1.4
[*] PowerBar
[*] ShortFinder 1.5b1
[*] SimpleMerge Application
[*] Synchronize! 3.0.6 submission
[*] Tetris Max Stereo Music file
[*] VoiceMail
(R) Decline and Fall of Mac Software Base
800K v 720K disks (the diff) & etc, reply to Joshua
[Q] Serial Port and Zapping PRAM
Adam Engst's bool
Advice on buying a new monitor?
ARA 1.0/2.0
Async LaserWriter (fwd)
Attention FullWrite users (C)
Canon BJ10e on a Mac (A)
Computer Insurance
Computer Insurance (C)
Computer Safeware Insurance (C)
Dear Eric and everyone,
Desktape demo 1.9 incompatible with stuffit expander [Q]
DeskWriter 310 driver (Q)
Digital Messiah 2
Eudora Macro for Info-Mac posting (r)
Externals for scanning
FaberFinder [A]
How to get Vector Graphics from PC to Mac (Q)
How to read ATARI discs on Mac (r)
Laserwriter Select 300 Problems
LaserWriter V8.1
LineLink 144e S Registers? (Q)
LineLink Modem Hangups??
Lotus on Mac
Mac Power PC Chips Made in VT?
MacWrite II help
Microsoft QuickBASIC & System 7.x
Monitors Problems
More info on MacTCP problem
Nasty problems with my hard drive (help)
nice bitmap font printing
Ofoto 2.0 to 2.02 upgrade ???
Please Don't Write
Popup Folder
Problems with ppat's - crash crash crash!
Refilling HP Double size Ink Cartiges
Serial clients
SLIP problems
sounds extracted from movies [Q]
strange startup noise?
Summary: Copy MacDraw Pro into MS Word
SupraFAXModem LC vs. V.32bis
The decline and fall of the Macintosh software base
TRS, RS232C info, and data acquistion
Updating Stylewriter II driver (Q)
Use of Scanners in Image Analysis
Where is Network Launch Fix? [A]
Writer of Internet Archivest - need e-mail address (Q)
Z-term Auto-Dial (Q)
#### TEXT infomacv12-034.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Babylon 5 interactive presentation
[*] Castles-Siege & Conquest Demo
[*] F/A-18 demo
[*] fmpro.dayplan94-98.v2.hqx; a daily planner
[*] Indy 2.0.2; a BOLO brain
[*] Inside Mac Games - Feb 94 Free Preview Edition
[*] Mac & IBM compare-Version 1.9.3 pt1
[*] mac.ftp.list Version 3.8.3
[*] Macintosh Memory Guide
[*] officepool2.hqx; a 64 NCAA Pool Manager
[*] Patcher for GV Teleport to remove boot time disc space warnings
[*] Spanish Mac Keyboard 1.1
[*] TidBITS#215/28-Feb-94
[*] Turnaround Textures vol V
[*] Turnaround Textures vol VI
[*] UltraFine 1.0.3
[*] UParser 1.71a
[*] Voyeur 1.1.1 (file utility)
[*] Voyeur 1.1.1 (source code)
(A) Frog Systems
(A) Problems Upgrading to 7
(Q) Dynamic system modellers for Mac?
(Suggestion) Disk info in h
660 av upgrade
Any good ftp servers besides FTPd?
Apple 40SC Cartridge Unit (R)
Apple HD SC Setup on Quadra 700
Apple PowerPC uplink?
AppleSingle Decoder for PC?
Appletalk Connection across Internet
ATARI disks on Mac (r)
Attention FullWrite users (C)
AutoCAD R12 (Q)
Avoid Astound
Backup disk software ?
Baud -vs- Megabyte
Baud Confusion
Carina Software Phone Number
CD's 'n' file sharing
Commercial demo presented as shareware [gripe]
CopyDoubler (R)
Decline and Fall of Mac Software Base
decompressing .lha files from amiga
Default paper tray changing
File update postings
Free to a Good Home....
halftone screening
Help: pbs with a CD ROM
How to read ATARI discs on Mac
HP 4MP Graphics
image file
Is Apple's MoviePlayer freeware?
Laserwriter 360 and Quark
LaserWriter V8.1 (Where?)
LineLink 144e Modem
Locked Folders?
Looking for specific software packages
Macintosh Easy Open 1.0.3 incompatible with AV Macintoshes
Macintosh Plus and compatible software
Mac net help (R)
Mac net help [R]
Mail question
Metro 2.4 ?
Midi Manager (Q)
MIME decoding on Macs (summary)
Modifying F3 key
multipule lanches
Music/MIDI question
Need low-cost tape backup unit
Network Launch Fix fixed! Get version 1.0.2
Newbie SLIP conundrums
Personal Laserwriter -- Good Deal?
Popup Folder and Other Launchers
PostScript 2 => 1 (Q)
PowerUser 2400mini modem.
PPC CD Drive
Project management??
Pump & Snatch or other distribution program...
Quattra (sic)
RAMDoubler on an LC?
Request for info about Mac's ADB
request Handeze Gloves information
Sending Mail to Someone on Prodigy [Q]
SITcomm v. 1.0 - Instability of Character Set - Self toggles
SLIP Problems
Ten bits, an apology ;-)
Text-based games for 8-year-olds
The decline and fall of the Macintosh software base
The game 'gwyddbwyll"
The Mac is Dead? No, Lotus just can't compete!
using VGA with Mac internal video
Word - opening TIFF files
#### TEXT infomacv12-035.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] Sumex is down...
14.4 modem Software (R)
16/17" Monitors
Another Message from Oxford, UK
any help-desk software?
Appletalk tunnelling through IP
Arabic & DTP
ATM and Microsoft Office
CD's 'n' file sharing (A)
Change default font in Endnote plus?
decompressing .lha files from amiga (A)
Error type 41 (Help??) (Q)
Font Smoothing on-screen in MS-PowerPoint
How to copy a busy file on the net?
How to read ATARI discs on Mac (A)
Laserwriter Pro 810 Comments
Line Link
LW8 Default tray settings (S)
Mac-based SMTP/POP3 host?
MacHandwriter opinions *wanted*
multipule lanches (R)
Music CD on Mac speaker?
Network suggestions !!
Oberlin Computer Music Workshops
PageMaker Acquire Image Addition
Permanently setting "Copies" with Laserwriter driver
Photoshop plug-in for scanjet IIc
PopUp Folder
PPC & Games
Problem with CD Setup 5.0 software
PU/DD upgrades available
RamDoubler = WOW!!! (C)
Request for information about ADB
request Handeze Gloves information
RESEDITing LaserWriter8
Sunrise/Sunset data
What's Missing Microsoft?
Word 6.0 (PC) to Word 5.1 (Mac) converters
#### TEXT infomacv12-036.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] Sumex-aim still down...
(Q) LW PRO 600 problems
14.4 rates
An EtherTalk Question...
Another Message from Oxford, UK
Another Very Good Calculator to Consider
Apple HD SC Setup (R)
Apple PowerPC uplink?
Appletalk tunnelling through IP
ClarisWorks Logon Macro [Q]
DECLaser 1152
DECLaser 1152 Printer Comments
Decline and fall of the Macintosh S/w base/SuperNerd to the Rescue?
Dragonlance/Frank Frazetta Pics (Q)
eDisk (Q)
email addresss for AOL business office (q)
Error #41 (A)
Extra Long Mac II Monitor Cable?
faxmodem with voice support
Finder doesn't accept colons anywhere?
Foreign Language Software
FoxPro Mac book
HPGL reader on Mac
Info-Mac Digest V12 #35
Internet Node Setup Proceedure
LCD Panel with Mac
Locking printer in a zone [Q]?
Mac-based SMTP/POP3 host? (A)
MacHandwriter opinions *wanted* (R)
Macintosh Plus and compatible software (A)
MacTCP and ethernet
MacTCP over ARA? (2 msgs)
Magic Faxmodem 14.4
Mail question
Modem questions
MS Mail, hard drives, fast-SCSI cards
Network suggestions !! (A)
no FTP-access to SUMEX until further notice
Obstinate Extensions (Won't Load) (Q)
Phone software compatable with geo-port.
Power cords
Printer tests (Q)
Problem with CD Setup 5.0 software
Quadra crashes
RAMDoubler (Tripler)
RamDoubler -> RamTripler (C)
RAMDoubler and LC
Recovering Damaged files
Request for information about ADB (A)
request Handeze Gloves information
SAM Virus Defs, 3/3/94
Sending Mail to Someone on Prodigy [A]
Simpson's Sounds for Maelstrom
Sonic Systems' "The Diskless Mac" ... trade experiences? (Q)
Sound synchronizing and other stuff...
substitute application for Powerbar (Q)
Sumex-aim break-in -- find them and prosecute
TT Font Won't Trash
TT or PS Terminal Fonts (looking for)
Updating Stylewriter II driver (summary)
Video out on AV Mac
#### TEXT infomacv12-037.txt ****
Today's Topics:
(A) RAMDoubler on an LC?
(C) Applications "lost" after desktop rebuilt
(C) RAMDoubler on an LC? (2 msgs)
.gz extensions!
14.4 rates
A calm request for HEEELLLLLPPP!!!!!
Animated graphics program for video design (fwd)
ARA 2 better than ARA 1?
A success story TCP/IP over LocalTalk
Cheap PowerTalk Mail?
ClarisWorks Logon Macro [Q]
Classic II Clip-On Processor (2 msgs)
Contacting Military Addresses via Internet
Crash sounds [J] (2 msgs)
DECLaser 1152 (2 msgs)
DEClaser 1152 comments
Disinfectant 3.4 Problem
eDisk (A)
eDisk (R) (2 msgs)
FileMaker Record-By-Record Synching
First WUArchive, now Sumex...
Formatting/Partition Software (2 msgs)
Free Mac Offer
Handeze gloves - here is UK address (2 msgs)
HD on PowerBook 140 (2 msgs)
help with directory problem
HP 500C vs. Cannon 600
Info-Mac Digest V12 #36 (2 msgs)
laserwriter IInt
MacHandwriter - an update
MacPost Send Log (2 msgs)
mactcp and ara
MacTCP and ethernet (A)
MacTCP over ARA?
MailOrder Apple Color OneScanner
Microphone II
NetWare for Macintosh & ATPS
old softwares
Photoshop Copy transgression
Photovoltaic power in J
Power cords (R)
Printer tests (R) (2 msgs)
Problem with Newswatcher and .newsrc file
Purity Test
Q610 DOS Power PC Upgrade?
Q840AV and patch for disk hits
Question on Laserwriter Pro 810 (2 msgs)
QuickTime 1.6.2
QuickTime FAQ?
RAM Trippler. How to.
Sonic Systems' "The Diskless Mac" ... trade experiences? (Q)
Speech Manager, MacIntalk (Q)
SYQUEST 270MB 3.5" (Q)
Tacoma Narrows Bridge movie
TT Font Won't Trash
TUTSIM simulation
Updating Stylewriter II driver (located)
Vendor for 10mb floppies (Jasmine MegaDrive)?
Video Output To VCR
Wishing for a SpreadBase/DataSheet...
#### TEXT infomacv12-038.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] Info Mac Archives back online!
[*] BeamWars 2.3.2 update (2 msgs)
[*] CompuNAV 1.1
[*] CountPixels 1.0
[*] Decor 2.0
[*] dockernaut-14.hqx
[*] EX - MacTCPNetswitch-101.sea.hqx
[*] excel-talk-21.hqx
[*] Exercise Log 1.07a
[*] Fade Me 1.1 (INIT)
[*] findertoggle-1.0.cpt.hqx
[*] Folder Watcher 2.0.3
[*] graphic-converter-178.hqx
[*] Hearts 1.2
[*] hermes-ii-3am-blackjack-10.sit.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-ballotbox-112.sit.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-bul-20.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-changeinfo-311.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-expressions-21.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-hangman-11.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-newuserii-13.sit.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-nupatch-10.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-utilities.hqx
[*] HyperCard 2.2 Help
[*] IM_Mac1.0b27y.sea.hqx.text
[*] Incoming
[*] Incoming - NeXT Icons
[*] mac-bread-board-demo.hqx
[*] MacPPP Control 1.1
[*] MacScripting mailing list digest
[*] Mazer 3D 3.0 (2 msgs)
[*] Media Player 2.0
[*] Menu Enabler 1.0 (INIT)
[*] micro-world.hqx
[*] Monitor 1.5-2
[*] Moon Tool 1.0
[*] NET_Mac2.3.38.sea.hqx
[*] Odyssey Patch (2 msgs)
[*] Online
[*] PageMaker-Mac-Upd-5a.sit.hqx
[*] PageMaker-Mac-Upd-Twain.sit.hqx
[*] Process Jumper
[*] propagator-10-demo.hqx
[*] rae 1.2.1
[*] SAM release for INIT-9403 (2 msgs)
[*] Sound-Trecker 2.0e4 -> 2.0.1 (English)
[*] Sound-Trecker all -> 2.0.1 (English)
[*] Strange-Ways-v1n8
[*] TableIt! for HyperCard demo
[*] The Odyssey (2 msgs)
[*] The Sound-Trecker v2.0.1 (English) (2 msgs)
[*] TTidyApplication - A leak detector for MacApp
[*] Turnaround Textures(tm) Volume III
[*] Turnaround Textures(tm) Volume IV
[*] Turnaround Textures(tm) Volume IX
[*] Turnaround Textures(tm) Volume X
[*] Turnaround Textures vol I
[*] Turnaround Textures vol II
[*] Word Connection Demo 1.0.5 (2 msgs)
[*] x-files.hqx (2 msgs)
PASCAL source of DEHQX
#### TEXT infomacv12-039.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] dockernaut-14.hqx
[*] DOCMaker_V402.hqx
[*] Folder Watcher 2.0.3
[*] graphic-converter-178.hqx
[*] hermes-ii-3am-blackjack-10.sit.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-ballotbox-112.sit.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-bul-20.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-changeinfo-311.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-expressions-21.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-hangman-11.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-newuserii-13.sit.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-nupatch-10.cpt.hqx [part 1 of 1]
[*] hermes-ii-utilities.hqx
[*] Media Player 2.0
[*] micro-world.hqx
[*] Monitor 1.5-2
[*] Moon Tool 1.0
[*] Online
[*] propagator-10-demo.hqx
[*] Sound-Trecker 2.0e4 -> 2.0.1 (English)
[*] Sound-Trecker all -> 2.0.1 (English)
[*] TTidyApplication - A leak detector for MacApp
"Rescued items" at startup
.gz extension Answer
.gz extensions![R]
14.4 rates
A File Transfer Problem
A MAC se/30 that sometimes doesn't recognize floppy disks
Applications "lost" after desktop rebuilt (Summary) (2 msgs)
Best price for Floptical media? (2 msgs)
BinHex app for MS-DOS?
Cheap PowerTalk Mail? (R)
Cheap PowerTalk Mail? [A]
Contacting Military Addresses via Internet (R)
Daystar Turbo 040 board for Mac II ci (Q)
Deneba Upgrade Policy :-)
Eric Larson's image analysis
File Sharing WISH LIST
Formatting/Partition Software (R)
FPU for LC 475 / Performa 475
Hardware Handshaking?
HP 500C vs. Cannon 600 (C)
IIsi clock chip upgrade?
Info-Mac Digest V12 #37 (2 msgs)
LaserWriter II NT Questions (A)
Looking for specific software packages [R]
Mac emulator from Hewlett Packard (fwd)
mac EMULATOR fro PC's demo is availible
Macweek phone #
Maven AudioConferencing
MEDLINE on CD-ROM -- which one to buy? [PLEASE HELP]
Moderator Applause!
MS Word Fast Save
NEC 6FGp & 840AV...
Netwon Apps for Windows Users
Network Launch Fix?
Newton (Seeking Behavior/Logic Explanation)
Optical character reader (Q
Powerbook power supply
PowerCD $199.00!?
programming a Stylewrite (Q)
Q610 DOS Power PC Upgrade? (2 msgs)
Quadra 610 vs PowerMac 6100/60 (Q)
RAM Doubler & Accelerated IIsi
Reflection inquiry
Shareware typing tutor?
Specified Volume Does Not Exist
Speech Manager, MacIntalk (R)
StyleWriter II: 2 buy or not 2 buy, that is the?
substitute application for Powerbar (C)
Thank you...
THINK C/Symantec C++ not li
TT Font Won't Trash
Turkish Font
Unsuccessful use of MacCompress
Welcome Back Sumex-Aim
What is the A/ROSE extension for?
Zoom 24,000bps modem
#### TEXT infomacv12-040.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 500 Name Database
[*] [JUNO Librarian 1.0.4 - part 1 of 2]
[*] A2D (submission)
[*] animals+sound.hqx
[*] BlackOut 1.1
[*] ChainStorEaze-1.01Demo.sit --file submission
[*] Checksum 1.1
[*] Cheese Toast 1.0.1 (Game + SourceCode)
[*] Co-OOPs-1.0demo.sit -file submission
[*] CTerm 2.2
[*] Default Folder 2.47
[*] ernie-the-bat.hqx
[*] F/A-18-hornet-demo-sit.hqx
[*] findertoggle-1.0.cpt.hqx
[*] Fwd> ClarisWorks 2.0 to 2.1 updater
[*] Fwd> ClarisWorks 2.1v1 Demo
[*] incoming
[*] ItStinks, from TV's The Critic
[*] LMPDEMO.hqx (2 msgs)
[*] MacroEcon 1.01
[*] MacWeather 1.1.1
[*] maX.500 X.500 Directory client -- new version
[*] mortgage-maker101.hqx
[*] Movie Nudes (stack) 4.3
[*] newt-turt-20.sit.hqx
[*] NotifyMail 2.1.0
[*] peek-a-boo 1.1
[*] picofermibagels-11.sit.hqx
[*] pict-show-201.hqx
[*] Player Pro 4.15
[*] Player Pro 4.15 Dev Toolkit
[*] Prophylaxis Plus 1.1
[*] Ptr-TCL 2.1
[*] Replica for Macintosh Free Trial
[*] RoomDemo10.hqx
[*] RUNewt-20.sit.hqx
[*] sci/rlab-097d2.hqx - a linear algebra package
[*] Sound-Trecker 2.0e4 -> 2.0.1 (English)
[*] Sound-Trecker all -> 2.0.1 (English)
[*] squelch-sys-beep-03.hqx
[*] stringer0.1a.sea.hqx
[*] Submission- AD: Aquarium Kit
[*] Submission- AD: PJ's Fish!
[*] tex-for-the-mac.txt
[*] The Sound-Trecker v2.0.1 (English)
[*] TopBoxDEMO.hqx
[*] WordFamilySpell-1.0demo.sit --file submission
[*] Zipple 1.9.2 control panel/extension
Aldus Tech. Support BBS (fwd)
Apple Event error code
ARA Client 2.0 crashes with System 7.0
archive/submission plans/ideas
Bad CD-Rom drive?
BinHex app for MS-DOS?
Classic Accelerators
Contacting Military Addresses via Internet (A)
Decline and fall of the Macintosh S/w base
Lost Icons and Update Temp File (Q)
MAC/PC question
Mac Aquarium, trying to find.
Rainbow Apple Logo
SCSI tape drive for DC 6150
Speech Manager
Upgrading Q800 VRAM (Q)
Why can't I capture screen anymore?
#### TEXT infomacv12-041.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] Recent Directory is back...
[*] 16" H.R. Giger Screens - Group 4
[*] 19" H.R. Giger Screens - Group 3
[*] 2nd Resend of Trillium Remus Demo
[*] 3-D Viewer 0.1a
[*] A2D (submission)
[*] A FAQ for the Linelink modem ($99 Macwarehouse)
[*] ambient.hqx
[*] Babylon 5 interactive presentation
[*] BlackOut 1.1
[*] bookbinder.hqx
[*] CalTech PowerPC Intro Invite
[*] Castles-Siege & Conquest Demo
[*] Cheese Toast 1.0.1 (Game + Source)
[*] CSMP Digest, issue 2
[*] Disinfectant 3.4.1
[*] EX-MacTCP Netswitch 1.0.2
[*] Graphic Elements Resubmission
[*] Intel-Outside Desktop Patterns
[*] JPEGView 3.2 for 680x0 and PowerPC Macintoshes
[*] JPEGView 3.2 for 680x0 Macintoshes
[*] JPEGView 3.2 for PowerPC Macintoshes
[*] link2-simulnet-1.0demo.sit --file submission (2 msgs)
[*] louie-toons.hqx
[*] More Beavis & Butt-Head sounds...
[*] MovieTrilogy1.0b2.sit.hqx
[*] MuEdit1.2, Part 1 of 2
[*] MWANSI.hqx (2 msgs)
[*] MWCodeRes.hqx (2 msgs)
[*] Pairs 1.0.sit submission
[*] Popolous Demo
[*] PostScript Printer test program
[*] Puzzler 2.0
[*] Re: [*] Drop Text 1.4
[*] Re: your mail
[*] Replica for Macintosh Free Trial
[*] RSI Newsletter 16 .sit
[*] RSI Newsletter Full Archive .SEA
[*] SAD 1.0 - 18 sound-aware AD modules
[*] StereoGram Maker
[*] storybook.hqx
[*] submission-PICTify 1.5
[*] submission-shanghai II 1.0.5 update
[*] synchronize-307-demo.hqx
[*] Tacoma Bridge QuickTime movie clip
[*] te3click-10.hqx
[*] technobats.hqx
[*] the-orb.hqx (2 msgs)
[*] The Gradebook Stack V1.8
[*] think-c-from-scratch.hqx
ClarisWorks comm (Q) (2 msgs)
Communications Software with AutoLogin and Kermit [?]
Damaged Word File
Font troubles
Formatting/Partition Software (R) (2 msgs)
General Magic on CNN Headline News
hardware handshaking (2 msgs)
Internet Connection via ARA
Limit of Fonts in Sys 7.1 Fonts folder
Maven (3 msgs)
OCR (2 msgs)
PageMaker Canadian Update (2 msgs)
PC? (was: MDictUpdt.hqx) (2 msgs)
PowerCD $199.00!? (R) (2 msgs)
Purity Test [A] (2 msgs)
RAM Tripler, Quad, ETC. (2 msgs)
Resedit & PPATs (2 msgs)
Sunrise/Sunset data (A)
TT Font Won't Trash (A)
#### TEXT infomacv12-042.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] Power Macintosh Specs, Upgrades & Pricing
[*] Belgian PostCards 2.4.hqx part 1
[*] C.S.M.P. Digest, Issue 3
[*] Demo of CrossPro(tm)
[*] Fetch 2.1.2 (680x0 + PowerPC)
[*] first-class-text-picture-112.hqx
[*] fmpro-DayPlan-201.hqx <A Daily Planner>
[*] geography-challenge-052-hc.hqx
[*] LineLink144eModem.faq.1.3.2
[*] mirage-3d.hqx
[*] More Beavis & Butt-Head sounds...
[*] pentris11.hqx
[*] PixelCat 1.6.5
[*] Poly-Tile - a new Poly-series game
[*] resubmission- Conflict Catcher II 2.0.2 Demo
[*] resubmission- Shanghai II 1.05 updater
[*] RSI Newsletter 16 .sit
[*] RSI Newsletter Full Archive .SEA
[*] System Error Patch version 1.1b
(?) Unix utilities lex and yacc on the mac?
Accelerating a Mac Classic
Accessing Extra RAM in Classic?
accounting software
A homesick Quadra - really!
Apple Computer Info & PR
AppleScript & WordPerfect 3.0
CD caddy write protect [Q]
Changing MacTCP and Network Settings at Boot Time (Q)
ClarisWorks 2.1 updater
CU-SeeMe Video Conferencing Software
Deneba After Sales Service :-(
Details about the Power Macintosh, take 2
Font from Hell (was TT Font Won't Trash (A)) (C)
Formatting/Partition Software (C)
Heizer software
help with ethernet server on internet
High-speed Settings
Hofstra Helping Hand?
Info-Mac Digest V12 #39
installing textures (Q)
KeyFinder (2 msgs)
Mac Aquarium, trying to find. (A)
Mac Quarium
MacSea Info
MacTCP with Sys 7.1 Pro (Q)
Motherboards from PowerPC Upgrades? <Q>
MS Word & xtra line feeds
PC? (*** FLAME ***)
PPC: From the Trenches. . .
receiving files
Running F/A-18 on a PowerBook??? (Q)
SCSI tape drive for DC 6150
SCSI tape drive for DC6150 (A)
Stella and other System modellers (A)
time used with different applications - SW needed
ZTerm and Kermit (C)
#### TEXT infomacv12-043.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Animaniacs icons
[*] Apple HD SC Setup patch
[*] Astrology Treasure Hunt
[*] C*l*o*c*k
[*] C.S.M.P. Digest, Issue 3.004
[*] Chamber Works demo; Physics Educational Software
[*] Cosmic Portrait; astrology information
[*] DeepDischarge 1.0.1; a PB battery conditioner
[*] FrontDoor v1.1.5; a file sharing utility
[*] GOTO FKEY 2.0; a process access utility
[*] Guitar Tuner v2.0, shareware tuner for Macs with a microphone.
[*] HeapIt 1.0 - Newton Memory Utility
[*] JUNO Librarian 1.0.5; compiles voice data for JUNO106
[*] MacCPIO v0.2; a CPIO archive creator utility
[*] Mac Facts II 94-03-15; hardware information about the Macs
[*] Maven; digital packet audio
[*] Maven manual
[*] MaxRAM 1.0; a RAMDoubler utility
[*] New version of MacHTTP; a WWW server
[*] OmegaWindow 1.05
[*] OmegaWindow Manual
[*] Open-wide 3.5.9; widens directory dialogs
[*] Personal Librarian 1.1
[*] PICTs Stored in AV ROMs
[*] Power_Macintosh_PRs_3_14_94.hqx
[*] PowerGraph; The Ultimate Math and Science Tool
[*] PPC Mac Prices.sit.hqx
[*] Protector - Mac Protection Software...
[*] Re(2): Mt.Image 1.0.2
[*] ScreenPlay 1.2.2; VideoSpigot software
[*] SimpleMovies; 3 QT movies
[*] SnapMail 1.01 Demo; an email application
[*] Sound Match 1.0, a memory game
[*] SpeedyFinder7 1.5.9c
[*] statistical-tests-hc.hqx
[*] THINK Power 1.0b4
[*] TidBITS#217/14-Mar-94
[*] Unused Clips; some QT demo clips
[*] VolumeFKEY; quick access to volume settings
"Unrecoverable Disk Error on File ...." WHY??
[Q] - Coprocessor Card
A Homesick Quadra: Summary!
American Heritage Dictionary - Deluxe
AppleTalk Remote Access CCL script editing
Autodoubler,Copydoubler,File Sharing conflict
Boot blocks
cdev stub for CodeWarrior
Cricket Graph
Dead SE/30 Screen Fix
disabling SE/30 internal monitor (Q)
Ethernet to connect 3 Localtalk LANs
files hqx
FoxPro Book available
Help with Info-Mac Archives Needed
INIT, globals, multisegments in CW
JPEG compressed images
KeyFinder (2 msgs)
MacTCP with Sys 7.1 Pro (A)
Mode32 version and source
Network Server help
Numbering convention.
old 128k ROMs
PhotoShop plug-in wanted
PopChar (R) (was: KeyFinder)
Power-PC upgrades for older Macs (Q)
Powerbook modem & DOS card
PowerCD Opinion
PPC Memory Lust.....
Q: Rebuild Desktop w/o losing Info Comments
Receiving files
Remote Network Access
Sound Synchronizing
What's Missing Microsoft? (c)
Windows .avi viewer for the Mac (Q)
#### TEXT infomacv12-044.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] AVI->Quick; an .AVI to QuickTime converter
[*] Awesome BlackJack v1.5
[*] C.S.M.P. Digest, Issue 3.005
[*] color-master; a color depth switcher and coloriser
[*] compuNAV; a FileMaker Pro navigational planner
[*] Crystal Ball 2.0, *YOUR* decision helper!
[*] March Madness; for 1994 NCAA Basketball Tournaments
[*] ppc.basic2.9b0; BASIC for the PowerPC
[*] Procrastination; assorted sounds
[*] robowar-disassembler-30.hqx
[*] ScriptRunner; a scripting system for the Mac
[*] scsi-master-115; a SCSI disk driver
[*] servermount-10; a Hypercard external
[*] SMF Utility 1.0b8
[*] Vor 2.1 Beta; a HyperCard puzzle game
! Adobe Purchases Aldus !
(Q) PowerMac not WYSIWYG in MSWord?
[A]: MS Word & xtra line feeds
[A] files hqx, plus intro to compression/encoding
[Q] Word 5.1 and Extended Postscript
A/UX & POPMail [Q]
A: Rebuild Desktop w/o losing Info Comments
a DEFINITE need - 6100/60AV 16MB RAM/500MB HD/CD300i+/AV Card
Adobe Multimaster Typeface
CD300 System software 5.0 (q)
CD Rom Won't Boot
Coprocessor Card (A)
Dead SE/30 screen -> guide to Pina books
DiiMO 50 MHz Accelerator
Discharging video tube
Disinfectant: A public toast!
Donating Computers (?)
Ethernet to connect 3 Localtalk LANs (A)
Eudora attachment feature (Q)
Experience with VideoPaint? [Q]
First look at the Power Mac
Generating Postscript files
Have u used Etherwave?
Help with VT100 tool
HP4M on a IBM network
HyperTalk help needed...
Infini-D LIstserv list
I recently purchased a copy of The Internet Starter Kit in which there
was a copy of Eudora. I believe that I have installed and configured it
properly. I attempted to connect to the Delphi server via a Tymnet
number through a Compudyne modem with Mac/TCP enabled and received an
error message 43. When I then unchecked Mac/TCP and tried to use the
Communication ToolBox, the Communication ToolBox could not be opened.
Linelink FAQ
Mac SQL query software (Q)
MacTCP with Sys 7.1 Pro (A)
Map Art (Q)
Network time application?
Now-Up-To-Date & Word or Qu
PAL from a Quadra 950
PC? (was: MDictUpdt.hqx)
PowerCD and PAL (A)
Power Macs and 21" Monochrome monitor
Power Macs w/CD & Windows?
RAM Doubler & AHD
RAM Doubler & AHD (fwd)
re>MacWEEK phone no.
Rebuild Desktop w/o losing Info Comments (A)
Rebuild Desktop w/o losing Info Comments (R)
repeated articles in Infomac
simulating 12" inch screen with portrait display (q)
Simulating a modem/dial-in connection from an Internet-worked machine?
utilities to block out bad sectors on a floppy (Q)
#### TEXT infomacv12-045.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] all-day-40; a calendar
[*] Alpha 5.76
[*] AXIS GEMs (Cheats)
[*] C.S.M.P. Digest, Issue 3.006
[*] Dateline 45.txt; Star Trek newsletter
[*] Detect New Volume - Display volume's message-of-the-day
[*] Drop*PS 1.1, a Postscript file downloader
[*] FileMaker Pro 2.1v2 (Mac) U
[*] foil-10.hqx; an airfoil designer
[*] Gaeke's Maps; BOLO maps
[*] Icons-4-Us-PRO; 300 color icons
[*] Icons-4-Us; 300 color icons
[*] internet-dial-in-Europe-1.0.txt
[*] mac-bread-board-115-demo.hqx
[*] MIDI Pack'en 1.0.4; for system exclusive MIDI data
[*] NSF Forms Templates updated
[*] PopupFolder 1.0 Demo, menu access to folders
[*] qt-on-ibm.hqx; how-to information
[*] RailroadFonts1.0
[*] RunTime 1.0.4; readout of total power-on time
[*] submission of new version ppc.basic2.9b2.sit.hqx
[*] UUParser 1.71b; UUCode utility
[*] Voodoo 1.5; a version control tool
[*] Watch Volume Mount - Display volume's message-of-the-day
2 Questions from Dieder Bylsma
[A]: MS Word & xtra line feeds
[Q] Word 5.1 and Extended Postscript
Adobe Purchases Aldus???
A Mac and a PC sharing a monitor?
American Heritage Ditionary(C)
Apple Blunder......
Apple Event Manager and 32 bit mode [Q]
As Apple has sown, so shall they reap - the tools mess
AutoDoubler Woes
AVI->QuickTime conflict (Q)
CD-ROM 5.0 audio question
CD-ROM player that works on both Mac and PC?
Change default font in Endnote plus?
Claris Resolve (C)
connecting localtalk lans
Crashed Quadra 840av Fixed
Dead SE/30 screen -> guide to Pina books
disabling SE/30 monitor
disk drive repairs near boston
Eudora and Delphi
EUDORA Questions
Eurora for Windows enclosure format
extension .tgz
FTF Proactive 1.0 slow and buggy.
FullWrite 2 Status (fwd)
General Magic phone number
Global Village
High-speed Connect
How to set up a local talk with just 2 computers?
HyperTalk help needed... (A)
ink jet refill - larger sizes
In praise of the HP Deskwriter 5.0 drivers
Join Now.
Letter Gothic Font
Mac configurations
Mac SQL query software (A)
Mac symptoms (fwd)
MapArt is still around
MountImage 1.2b2 and Mt.Image 1.0.2 (/info-mac/disk/)
My own opinions
need for 6100/60 16MB/500MB/CD/AV Card
polar bears
Power Mac Hard Drive Speed Specs ?
Power Macs and 21" Mono monitor (A)
Printer recognition problems
Quadra 840av Goes Belly Up
receiving files, etc.
Robert Gibson's Scale
si sound bug
Sound source re-direction from internal CD
stereo-maker problem
WriteNow 4.0 (Q)
#### TEXT infomacv12-046.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Alias Dragon 1.1; a fix for remote volume aliases
[*] bone-factory-icons.cpt.hqx
[*] Crystal Ball 2.0.1; a helpful decision maker
[*] F/A-18 demo; an air combat simulation
[*] Graphic Elements; development tools amnd examples
[*] Hearts-121; a card game
[*] Ibo Textures; desktop patterns
[*] infomac-ppat; a desktop pattern with Info-mac in stone
[*] Ismini Greek font
[*] LaunchPad 3.0.2; a file launching utility
[*] Lemmings Data sheet (copy protection data)
[*] macgzip 0.2.1
[*] next-step-icons-color-stack
[*] PhotoShop PPC plug-in
[*] ProGen for Macintosh v1.1 Genealogy Demo
[*] rnMac 1.2b (offline newsreader)
[*] rtftohtml V2.5; RTF to HTML converter
[*] update appsfaq; macintosh/apps-faq 2.2.3
[*] update sysfaq; macintosh/system-faq 2.2.6
[*] update wantfaq; macintosh/wanted-faq 2.2.4
"Unrecoverable Disk Error on File ...." WHY??
(Q) Non Documented Error 903
[Q:]PowerMac LogicBoard upgrade $?
all-day calander
Apple 16" Monitor Popping!!
apple II+ board midi kbd out to mac fried
Benefits of SCSI 4.3 on Q610?
Best way to clean/lube FDHD?
dialup access and MacTCP programs
FoxPro: A wake-up call
FTP file transfer from 4th Dimension?
Heizer software
how to hook up two Macs by modem
Image Management S/W?
Letter Gothic Font
Letter Gothic Font (R)
MacTCP and SLIP (R)
MacUser special edition for PowerPC (Where is it?)
memory prices
My AutoDoubler Probs
News For InfoMac
PAL from a Quadra 950 [A]
Performa 600CD memory unlock
Personal LW LS Grayscale
Player Pro Users Electronic Mailing List
PPC & GeoPort
SCSI Manager 4.3
SCSI tape drive for DC 6150
Sharing Monitor, Disabling MonitorB
si sound bug
si sound bug (reply)
SLIP Connection Help
Strange Mac behavior (reply)
SupraFAXModem 144LC (Q)
utilities to block out bad sectors on a floppy (Q)
Video cards with very high refresh rates (Q)
video switches
Viewing PostScript
WriteNow 4.0 (A)
#### TEXT infomacv12-047.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Example Player Pro Native Module (MADF Fromat)
[*] faq submission; macintosh/general-faq 2.2.5
[*] faq submission; macintosh/misc-faq 2.26
[*] fix-icons-10d3; a desktop icons utility
[*] french-startups; Twelve StartupScreens with French citations
[*] Gradebook stack v1.81; a grade keeping Hypercard stack
[*] Greek font conversion tables
[*] JPEGView 3.2.1; a multiple format graphic viewer
[*] JPEGView 3.2 to 3.2.1 updater (for 680x0 Macs only!)
[*] MEDLINE on CD-ROM [Summary]
[*] Menuette 2.0; replaces menu titles with icons
[*] most-beautiful-girl; from the Prince song
[*] O'Clock 1.0; a digital clock
[*] Palaver; a Swedish electronic periodical
[*] PowerScan 2.0.2 (disk scanning utility)
[*] solitaire1.0; a card game
[*] Thread Manager Utility source code
[*] TidBITS#218/21-Mar-94
[*] volume-fkey-101; volume control via keyboard
[*] war-of-flowers-203; a card game
(Q) Dial-out Modems?
Adobe + Aldus = gorilla
A Good Word For Apple
Anagram apps?
Any BASIC Available For Quadra 650
children's edu. SW for Mac Plus - S. Bay
Cleaning floppy drives (A)
Clock chipped PowerMac 6100/60--80 Mhz
Disabling monitors
Disabling SE Screen
Eudora attachments (A)
Experiences with FrameMaker 4.0
FoxPro: A wake-up call (C)
FoxPro: A Wakeup Call
GeoPort w/ PowerPC
Hand-held scanners [Q]
hardware handshaking
How to obtain the ethernet address of a 660 (Q)
Internet Traffic - Will it cope (Q)
Lemmings Copy Protection Submission
MacHandwriter: Not Ready for Prime TIme
mountimage 1.2b3 serves me well
Now this is going to sound weird...
Personal LW LS Grayscale
Pesky Nonloading Extensions
PowerBook External video
PowerMac SIMMs
REQ: Timer for launching applications?
sharing stylewriter (Q)
Should I upgrade to MacWrite Pro 1.5?
si sound bug (thanks)
si sounds
SLIP connections
SpreadBase? Funny you should ask...
Sto the LaserWriter Startup Page
Transportation Agencies!
Turkish font
Video A/B Switch
Voice recording program
VRAM for PM 7100
Word 5.1 full justification woes
Word 5.1 full justification woes (solved)
#### TEXT infomacv12-048.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Amy's recipes v1.5; a Hypercard stack to keep recipes
[*] Beer Trash Icons
[*] Cool Addresss Book v1.0b4
[*] DialScript 1.7.1; a serial communications program
[*] Doc Creator v1.0
[*] Dockernaut 1.4.2; a Dock preference management utility
[*] Enhanced; a text adventure
[*] ens-times; a font with Greek diacriticals
[*] Five Dice v1.5; a Yatzee-type game
[*] FMPro ISBN Verification
[*] Font Library v1.3; a Hypercard stack
[*] glidel-23-fr.hqx; Drag-And-Dropping on the Finder's Menus
[*] glidel-23-us.hqx; Drag-And-Dropping on the Finder's Menus
[*] GLMStat 104; linear model analysis program
[*] IconBOSS 1.0; an icon editor
[*] Ismini Greek font, metamorphosis version
[*] janet-and-bill; Janet Reno and Bill Clinton
[*] LoanCalc, a loan calculator
[*] McPoet 2.0; a random poetry generator
[*] Open Prolog 1.0.2; a programming language
[*] PM4-Launcher conversion application (and some for MacWrite)
[*] Polytris 1.03;l a game like Tetris
[*] Sailing Simulator; Sail Away
[*] santa-maria-fr; A Greek short-story translated in French
[*] SMF Utilities with better docs; for MIDI files
[*] Sound Trecker 2.01 Sound Drivers, For Developers
[*] StockCalcLite; calculates Schwab commissions
[*] subtle-spring-startup; a startup screen
[*] UpWord 1.2; a word processor
[*] wakeup-11; a sound monitoring extension
[*] Wulfila, a font with Indo-European diacriticals
(Q) InterNet Access with ARA?
32-bit System Enabler (Q)
[Q] receiving fax and data on a LineLink modem
A Good Word for Radius
A Mac to VGA question
Apple kills services
AV Power PC Card?
AWK for the Mac needed.
Byte's latest editorial...
Calculas tutitorial software
cc:mail attachment format (q)
Changing MHz of a sound
Color Depth Problems
DarkSide (Q)
Dead quadra 840AV (q)
Deskwriter 650C vs Deskjet 650C
Embossed Typeface
error in my posting
ethernet address(A)
Experiences with FrameMaker 4.0 (R)
extension .tgz
Filemaker, Word, & Applescript [Q]
FoxPro: A wake-up call (C)
GeoPort? Don't do it!
Help with MacPPP/MacTCP needed...
Igor Pro ships!
Info-Mac Digest V12 #36
Info-Mac Digest V12 #47 (3 msgs)
looking for toggleAT
Macintosh Pascal Programming Primer Vol. 1
Mac Suffers from Windows Compatibility
MacWrite Pro 1.5
MEDLINE on CD-ROM [Summary]
Microsoft Wake-up call (was: FoxPro wake-up...)
mini docks that come with ethernet
MPW CreateMake (Q)
Mr. Macintosh, appearing in "Blank Check"
need Duo repair help
Needed: help with Color Classic
Network problems(Q)
Network time application? (A) (2 msgs)
Now this is going to sound weird...
obtain ethernet address
PlainTalk voices
Quad605, LC475, and Performa 475 OS
Quickmail Utilities
Quicktime --> .AVI?
Receipt Printer Drivers
REQ:Timer for launching applications?
SLIP, TCP, ...?
SLIP Problems Resolved - CRL Still Sucks
Software Ventures e-mail addr.
Subject: [A]: MS Word & xtra line feeds
Temporary Items Folder
They shoot horses don't they
Unrecoverable Disk Error
utilities to block out bad sectors on a floppy (Q)
Video card for Powerbook 170 (Q)
Word 6.0 & Excel 5.0
#### TEXT infomacv12-049.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] So, exactly how busy in sumex-aim?
[*] Buzzword Bingo HC stack; a game :)
[*] Drop Shadow Photoshop Plug-in Filter
[*] easy-view-244; a text file browser
[*] fix-icons-10d4.hqx
[*] Fractal Hearts (card game)
[*] Greg's Buttons 3.1.5; prettier controls
[*] High Speed Modem Musings (v1.1)
[*] Hyper Table Periodic table Stack
[*] Internaut V1N1 available; a magazine
[*] LetterHeader 1.3; a watermark utility
[*] MacROT13--a rot13 translator for Macintosh
[*] Malph (v1.1); an applications switcher
[*] Mangia! demo; a recipe database
[*] On the Edge--a fun, solitare card game
[*] Outland TCP Tool 1.0d3
[*] Poker--a small video-poker simulation
[*] Power Mac Commercial QT movie
[*] PowerMac pictures
[*] puriTEXT1.1; strips the resource fork off of data documents
[*] Quake94Photos4.sea
[*] Quake94Photos5.sea
[*] Quake94Photos6.sea
[*] SMF Utilities 1.0b8 (repost complete package)
[*] Traps Check 1.0; checks for implemented system traps
[*] Trekbats font
APL fonts for mac
Apple kills services
Apple kills services (not true)
Apple Macintosh emulator on UNIX?
Apple Talk Config.
cc:Mail attachment format
cc:mail attachment format (q) (from: David L. Hirschberg)
cd-rom for Mac and PC
Chessmaster 3000 (Q)
ClarisWorks 2.1
Color ANSI Comm Tlbx. Tool?
Crystallography software
EPS Conversion by Word
Fax control software for Quadras?
Filesaver and File Sharing conflict
GeoPort? Con't do it!
Graphic Simulations Relations
Guests and how to get their real names??
How do I put this 4M SIMM in this LW Select 310?
Igor Mailing List [Was: Igor Pro ships!]
Info-Mac Digest V12 #47
Info-Mac Digest V12 #48
Internet and ARA
Just a Hypethetical question
LaserWtiter 630 or 360?
Letter Gothic(R) font summary
list of lists
MacPPP and DNS error
Mac WorkGroup Servers
Microsoft Wake-up call...
Mirroring archive sites on a BBS
Need AOL non '800' phone/fax numbers (Q)
Personal LW LS Grayscale
phonebooks (A)
Possible to disable icon highlighting?
REQ: Utility to mount ext. HD unattended
Should I buy an LC 575?
SLIP/PPP (fwd)
SupraFAXmodem 144lc
Text Munger (like Perl but Mac-ish)
Using a Matrix PCR Film Recorder on a Mac?
utilities to block out bad sectors on a floppy (A)
Virus Warning
Word 6.0 & Excel 5.0
#### TEXT infomacv12-050.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] What happened to the issue numbers?
[*] Auspice 3.3--Calendar Program (serious upgrade from 3.1)
[*] Digital Messiah Ambient Sounds Installer
[*] Digital Messiah v2.0; a game
[*] Find The Missing Word v1.0; educational software for kids
[*] GTQ Scripting Library1.1 (AppleScript)
[*] Hyper Table Periodic table Stack
[*] LaunchPad 3.0.3; an application launcher
[*] LoadADrive: Mount switched off CD-ROM without restart
[*] lyapunov-11; a fractal-like program
[*] mac-meth-321; A Fast Modula-2 Language System
[*] MacTools 3.0 Update: AutoCheck 12/2/93.hqx
[*] MacTools 3.0 Update: AVApp 12/2/93.hqx
[*] MacTools v3.0 upd README
[*] Matt's Scripts (AppleScript)
[*] OtherMenuExternals1.2.sit.hqx
[*] Plug-in Digitizer v1.1 (Photoshop and NIH Image)
[*] Quake94Photos1; photographs of the recent CA earthquake
[*] Quake94Photos2; photographs of the recent CA earthquake
[*] Quake94Photos3; photographs of the recent CA earthquake
[*] sluggo_maps_101; Bolo maps
[*] Solar panels for PowerBooks and Newtons (HC stack)
[*] Solar panels for PowerBooks and Newtons (Newton book)
[*] The Alphabet Bee; educational kids software
[*] The Swarm 1.0 [After Dark module]
(Q) Internet Software for Mac that doesn't use MacTCP
(Q) PC and Mac File exchange's
4th Dimension/FoxPro support for QT movies?
[Q] Where's the LAYO equivalent in Sys 7.1?
[S] Coca-Cola & Trek TNG quicktimes avaliable
Adding a Hard Drive to a Mac II
Any 'U' Presses pressing CDs?
Apple Adjustable Keyboard feedback
Apple Macintosh emulator on UNIX
Bug isolated!
creating a large-letter banner
Creating poster icons for QuickTime movies
DayStar FastCache (Q700) on a Centris650 (Q)
Direct Ether to 630
Editing Postscript file [Q]
Excel 3.0 on LC475
eXodus on PPC
Expert Shells and Knowledge Based Systems
external monitor as startup on pb160??
Fox Pro: A WakeUp Call (R)
FTP file transfer from 4th Dimension? [A]
Games for 2 year olds
Genicom 4440 & Macintosh
GV PowerPort Modem HALF Works
how to hook up two Macs by modem (R)
How to shutdown cleanly without the Finder's shutdown?
Imagewriter spooling under Sys 7
Info-Mac Digest V12 #49
Internet and ARA (A)
InterSLIP / MacTCP Problems
Letter Gothic
MacII Color
Mac LC 575
MAE Announcement
Merging Scrapbooks
Mount UNIX Floppy
Need pointers on making Mac CD ROM - where to go, how to do it?
Network time application? (A)
Plus + GCC FX20+ X = :(
PopUpFolder Demo Problem (C)
QuickLink II Fax software (R)
Statistics Symbols
Suggestions on Letter Gothic(R)
Windows to Mac Truetype convertor?
ZiffNet/Mac - Please Help!
Zoom modem Problem
#### TEXT infomacv12-051.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] appleevent-utilities; scripts and externals for HC 2.2
[*] A Vietnamese Meal -- a Mangia! file.
[*] Bolo map-Manhattan
[*] corkboard; an idea manager
[*] DuoTris 1.0 Demo; a Tetris type game
[*] Enigma 2.3; for data encryption
[*] FaxState3.0 utility (for FaxSTF)
[*] Find The Word v1.0; educational software for kids
[*] First Lessons In Multiplication; educational software for kids
[*] Formula 1 111; for FIDONet
[*] Interactive Newton Demo
[*] Internaut V1 N1, replacement
[*] Latest version of Remember?; a calendar
[*] MacTools 3.0 Update: AVConPanel 12/2/93.hqx
[*] MacTools 3.0 Update: Backup 12/2/93.hqx
[*] Mark/Space ZMODEM Tool Demo 1.0.1
[*] Matrix Master 1.2; a matrix manipulator
[*] Messenger_1.5.9; an AppleTalk intercom
[*] mindvirus-issue02.94; a magazine
[*] Murphy Calendar Recipes - a Mangia! file
[*] NiceStopShutDown 1.0.1; shutdown guard
[*] O'Clock (a circular clock) update
[*] Quake94Photos5; photographs of the recent CA earthquake
[*] Quake94Photos6; photographs of the recent CA earthquake
[*] Quake94Photos7; photographs of the recent CA earthquake
[*] rlab-097d4.hqx: a Matlab-like package
[*] Sentence Builder v1.0; educational software for kids
[*] SHUTDOWN1.1.hqx for the Mac
[*] The Math Bee v1.2; educational software for kids
[*] The Math School v1.2; educational software for kids
[*] The Player Pro Information File [text file inside]
[*] Word Find v1.0; a word game
(Q) PC and Mac File exchange's
amys-recipes-15-hc infected by "merryxmas" virus
ARA: Answer Delay
driver updt for Abaton on Quadra 840AV?????????
Getting Rid of Headers in MS Mail (Q)
HP ThinkJet 2225D+
Internet Software/MacTCP
MacTCP, MacPPP and EtherTalk
Mount UNIX Floppy
Network time application? (A)
New Mac ftp Site -- ftp.pht.com
newton mp 110 steals attention (resend)
PC and Mac File Exchange
System 7.1 and Disk Doubler
#### TEXT infomacv12-052.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Dan's Source Converter; C to Pascal
[*] Digets of MacOS Internet services
[*] Excel appleveent docs
[*] fileplayer 2.0; background sounds player
[*] Film-Format-Translator
[*] First Lessons In Math v1.5; educational software for kids
[*] Gestalt Selectors List 2.4
[*] LastBootup1.1; logs usage
[*] Metro Midi 4.5 Demo
[*] Sounds Like-educational software for kids
[*] Sparkle 2.0 A mac-look-and-feel MPEG and QT player and converter.
[*] Talking Note Picker-educational software for kids
[*] Talking Piano Teacher v1.5-educational software for kids
[*] Talking Spelling Bee v2.5-Educational software for kids
[*] TechTool 1.0.4; PRAM and Desktop database utility
[*] The Talking Watch v1.0; Educational software for kids
[*] trekbats; a font
[*] True Or False v1.0-Educational software for kids
[*] Unscramble v.1.0 sea-Educational software for kids
[*] Word Math v1.0-Educational software for kids
[*] ZZWoof1b19.sitl a FidoNet mailer
!!! Proof that Info-Mac really works !!!
(A) Internet Software for Mac that doesn't
[Q] Powerbook insurance.
Beginning Programming on the Macintosh
digital imaging
Does Word 5.1a support apple events?
Editing Postscript file
Excel 3.0 on LC475
Fax Software
Gatekeeper: SetResAttrs on CODE 18 on Finder
IICi and 16/24 bit colour
Info-Mac Digest V12 #50
Information about a list for Theorist (Math Prog. for the Mac)
Internal 128/256 MO Drives
Internet Software for Mac that doesn't use MacTCP (A)
Mac Express newsletter available free
MacInTalk & PlainTalk
MAE Application
Merryxmas virus in HC stacks
PowerCD & QuickTime
Printer Drivers for HP Lase
So, exactly how busy in sumex-aim? (R)
Speech Manager/Macintalk 1.5
Statistics Symbols(A)
utilities to block out bad sectors on a floppy
why binhex?
Windows to Mac Truetype convertor?
#### TEXT infomacv12-053.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] (*) Font Fro #2 Specimen Book
[*] Alias Finder Pro; finds originals and other goodies
[*] ArrowCDEF; control definition source code
[*] C.S.M.P. Digest, Issue 3.007
[*] Chat 2.0.2 Release; talk over Internet
[*] enigma231; a data encryptor
[*] hermes-ii-import-plus-252 for the Hermes II BBS
[*] LeeMail 2.0.4; am email program
[*] LineLink 14.4K modem FAQ Version 1.4
[*] MacElements Utilities v1.03; a chemistry tool
[*] Moon Tool 1.0.1; Would you like to see the Moon?
[*] MooVer; a PICT to QT converter
[*] Ofoto 2.0 Trial Version; "Photoshop for dummies"
[*] Personal Librarian 1.2; a database for books
[*] PhilateLISTER 1.3; a stamp organiser
[*] powerplant-POBJ-converter.hqx (MetroWerks CodeWarrior)
[*] ScriptRunner 1.02; for batch jobs
[*] set-aux-binary sets ty/cr to 'BIN '/'A/UX'
[*] Turnaround Textures vol VII; desktop patterns
[*] Turnaround Textures vol VIII; more desktop patterns
"merryxmas" virus (Q)
"Rom Simm" Slot
(Q) Broken CRT of an SE/30
3 questions about Quadra 650
4D and QuickTime
660AV Wierdness
ARA delay
ARA Delay oops
Authoring software pointers needed
Can't find sound utility...
easing the load on SUMEX-AIM
HP 4M and bitmap smoothing
Hypothetical answer?
info-mac mirrors
LaserWriter Pro 630 Print Density Settings
LineLink CCL Script
Mac Suffers from Windows Compatibility (c)
MacTCP and system 7
MacTools Stupidity
MacWrite Pros (and Cons) -- Summary
MAE Press Release
May I play through?
mountimage version not yet without bug, sorry
Networked Faxing
Neural Nets for Stat Analysis (Q)
Project management software
RE>IM 52 Mac TCP 1.1
Statistics Symbols (A) (2 msgs)
StyleWriter Clogs Up!!
StyleWriter II toxic ink
Symantec vs. Metrowerks C++ (Q)
What's the story with the Mactools updates???
why binhex?
why binhex? [R]
Yohkoh SXT solar soft X-ray QuickTime movie for all of 1993
ZiffNet/Mac's free areas (Q)
#### TEXT infomacv12-054.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] New virus (INIT-29-B); Disinfectant 3.5 available
[*] About 1.0.2; a process monitor
[*] Alice 2.3.1E; an offline QWK reader
[*] Alice 2.3.1updater; an offline QWK reader
[*] Alt.sources.mac Digest #4
[*] Archivist v 4.2; a Hypercard document database
[*] Archivist v 4.2 FRENCH; a Hypercard document database
[*] Chat 2.0.3 Release; talk over the Internet
[*] csmp-digest-v3-008
[*] DeskCover1.1; a HyperCard XCMD to cover the desktop
[*] DiskPrint; a Chooser extension
[*] DrummerZ; a collection of 75 drum patterns in Standard Midi
[*] Encore3.0-DEMO; musical score editor
[*] ens-times; a font with diacriticals for Greek
[*] FreeRam 1.1; how much do you have left?
[*] Group 2 of samples from Prince and the NPG
[*] Help on Wheels 1.1; a generic help server
[*] HomeBrew Archivist 94 #3
[*] HoW Developer's Kit 1.1; for Help ion Wheels
[*] I Ching Squared (shareware statistics program)
[*] Internet Archivist 94 #3; info about the Internet
[*] Kingyo!; your digital pet
[*] Lucky Ducky; a design and color package for ages 4 and up
[*] mac.ftp.list Version 3.8.4
[*] MacroEcon 1.10; an economics simulator
[*] Matrix Master 1.2.2; a simple matrix manipulator
[*] Maybe 1.3; spiffs up aliases
[*] Menu Events 1.1; a scirpting interface for menus
[*] Menu Grabber 1.1; an illustration of Menu Events
[*] Metronome 1.0; a simulation of a mechanical metronome
[*] MTPro5.2-DEMO; a MIDI program
[*] NCSA Telnet 2.6 for the Macintosh
[*] Phase D (Shareware phase diagram program)
[*] PictPocket 1.1; a screen grabber
[*] Print Screen 1.2.1; an extension
[*] Protein synthesis cartoon
[*] Quake94Photos4; photographs of the CA earthquake
[*] Samples from "Midnight Marauders" (sounds)
[*] SAM Virus Defintions 3/30/94
[*] SAM Virus Help 3/30/94
[*] sat-trak-102; a satellite tracking program
[*] SimCity 2000 1.1 Updater
[*] SimCity 2000 Funds Editor
[*] SymC++/ThC v6.0.1->v7.0 FULL; update for the full environment
[*] SymC++/ThC v6.0.1->v7.0 SMALL; update for both compilers
[*] telefinderpro2.2.2; a GUI BBS/terminal emulator
[*] The Player Pro Demo; Macintosh MOD player and editor
[*] Think C v7.0 Patch READ ME
[*] Update of Photoshop Drop Shadow Filter
[*] Virtual Desktop 1.7; a desktop expander
(A) PC and Mac File exchange's
2 System files on the same disk
About Binhex
About MountImage
Alt.sources.mac Digest #4
Anarchie? (A)
Cable (TV) tuner NuBus Card
Changing Internal Hd On 660Av
Circuit Simulator's
comment on sumex load
demos: Infini-D, QuarkXPress 3.2, AutoCad...Where?
Doin' it right on Saturday Night
Dot Matrix Font
DragonDrop (C)
Driver updt for Abaton on Quadra? (would be nice)
Finder 7.1.4 ZoomRect Patch
FirstClass Server and the FAXStf Line Manager
HELP! Upgrading SE ROM 800K->1.4M
Inbound Faxes to Workstations (Re: V12 #53)
InfoBrowser 2.8
LaserWriter layouts
linelink handle newton fax (Q)
Mac Express newsletter available free (sort of)
Macro program
MacTCP 1.1 and system 7.1
MacTCP and System 7 (C)
May I play through (A)
MPC on PowerCD ?
multiple machines/multiple licenses
PC to Mac monitor
print-merge escape key for MS Word?
Setting the clock over a dialup
Sharing PLW LS using LW 300 Driver (Q)
startup quirks
Strange SLIP util needed
submission announcements
Suitcase under System 7.1
Sun raster
System 7.1 and Disk Doubler
Video or Interactive Multimedia
Who was that masked man?
why binhex?
ZiffNet/Mac without CI$ (long)
#### TEXT infomacv12-055.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Afghanistan HyperTextBook Demo
[*] AppleCDPlayerfacelift; A ResEdit patch
[*] Aromatic Chemistry; instruction on benzene reactions
[*] Bird Songs, part 1; a game
[*] Bird Songs, part 2, a game
[*] Brain HyperTextBook Demo
[*] Clouds 1.1; an AfterDark module
[*] Comp-Sys-Mac-Comm FAQ
[*] Dialectic 1.2 (source code)
[*] Dialectic 1.2 (text utility)
[*] DiskDup+ 2.3
[*] FA-18 Hornet FAQ V1.7
[*] Faster version of Pov-Ray; a ray tracign utility
[*] Fernmail 1.2; a mail client
[*] GraphixExchange, v5; a list of computer graphics professionals
[*] InfoBrowser 2.8; a browser for Info-Mac digests
[*] Listing of Speech Manager Apps
[*] macfacttwo940404; info about Mac models
[*] March MacScripting digest
[*] MOONCLOCK 1.0.4 - Graphical real-time lunar ephemeris
[*] mpw-play-tool-100; plays System 7 sounds
[*] MR. TIMER V2; a timer for your Mac
[*] Mystique Issue 1 (Part 2 of 6)
[*] Mystique Issue 1 (Part 3 of 6)
[*] Mystique Issue 1 (Part 4 of 6)
[*] Mystique Issue 1 (Part 5 of 6)
[*] Mystique Issue 1 (Part 6 of 6)
[*] Mythology HyperTextBook Demo
[*] New version (1.0) of SleepAid - Newton Sleep management utility
[*] non-linear-finite-element-solver-132.hqx
[*] OptiMem-4Meg Press Release
[*] Philosophy HyperTextBook Demo
[*] photctrl; exposure controls educational stacks
[*] poing-10; an arcade game
[*] Pythagoras After Dark module
[*] ren-n-stimpy-snds.hqx
[*] rlab-097d5
[*] SAM anti-viral definitions
[*] SAM anti-viral help file
[*] Scruffy; a b/w game
[*] Stack O' Love v 2.0; Mystery Science Theater 3000 info
[*] Stretch3.01; a window utility
[*] Tetris; an arcade game
[*] ThreadLib-10d4-c; multi-threading within an application
[*] TidBITS#220/04-Apr-94
[*] Translation Package Update v1.50
(C) submission announcement
A.M.U.G. Hellas / 1st one in Greece...!
Applied-Engineering software [help needed]
ARA CLL for ATI etc/e
Aubobon's Birds (was: MPC on PowerCD ?)
Autodoubler error
binhex archives again....
Cable (TV) tuner NuBus Card
Deleting Missing File (Q)
FTP file transfer from 4th Dimension?
Golden Triangle
Hack MacWrite Pro for Autosave?
IICi and 16/24 bit colour
Inbound Faxes to Workstations (Re: V12 #53)
Increasing SoftWindows speed, recommended settings
Keeping time
Larger Icons in the Finder.. It Can be Done! **
mac Tools Stupidity.
MAE Announcement
May I Play-Thru!?
Merry Christmas virus (Q)
more memory in Classic II
Setting the clock over a dialup
Setting the clock over a dialup (C)
Software questions, where should I post?
Statistics Symbols [r]
submission announcements (How about AFS?)
Suitcase under System 7.1 (A)
sumexmirror load
ZMac-Exclusive Distribution
#### TEXT infomacv12-056.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Blackjack Deluxe version 1.5; a card game
[*] csmp-digest-v3-009
[*] Enhanced Release 2; a game
[*] Enscriptor v3.0; a text printing utility
[*] Fontographer 4.0.3 > 4.0.4 FPU patch
[*] gestalt300; info about your configuration
[*] HIPPARCHUS 4.0.0 DEMO - Observational and Positional Astronomy
[*] KeyMenu; command keys for all menus
[*] Macintosh Cellular Automata; one-dimensional growth simulator
[*] MacTools 3.0a update: Build Disk Data
[*] MacTools 3.0a update: FileFix
[*] MacTools 3.0a update: Undelete
[*] MacTools 3.0b update: DiskFix
[*] MacTools 3.0b update: TrashBack
[*] PHOTON '94 - photo contest
[*] playerpro-info.txt
[*] PopChar 2.7; pops a table of available characters
[*] PowerPC disassembler v2.0
[*] RAM Disk Iconer 1.0; gives your RAM disk a custom icon
[*] Return-2-Womb 1.0 arcade game
[*] Roland TR-505 Sound Sample Set
[*] RunTime 1.1; displays total power-on time
[*] SciNotation XFCN for HyperCard and SuperCard
[*] shadowrama-fkey; a window utility
[*] sound-machine-21; Play and record SND/AU
[*] Speak-to-me 1.0 date managment util with speech
[*] Strip-Mac! v3.0 -- Adult party game.
[*] SymC++ v6.0->v7 full; an upgrade for Symantec C++ 6.0
[*] SymThC v6.0->v7 full; THINK C 6.0 upgrade to 7.0
[*] The SITComm Update (to version 1.0.1)
"Undeleteable" files
(Q) Editors that accept G4 TIFF?
[C] PowerPC News and how to subscribe!
About MountImage
Allan Bloom re Sys 7.1, MacTCP 1.1.1
Announcing submissions to info-mac'd archives
Apple font
apple kills services (thanks)
automatic delete
Binary vs binhex
Cache setting
ClarisWorks 2.1 and slow cursor
ClarisWorks 2.1 shortcuts
CompuServe on the Internet(?)
Correct time stamping (2 msgs)
CP Backup to tape under VM
DOS Compatibility Card Notes
Energy Saver Freezes
External Monitor for SE (Q)
File access woes when several applications try to open their docs.
Growing system heap - culprit found
Hack MacWrite Pro for Autosave?
Info-Mac Digest V12 #54
Info-Mac mirrors and ftp congestion
Init to change screen refresh rate (Q)
InterSLIP *CALLBACK* script needed urgently!
Keeping time
LC problem
Mac Classic Won't Talk to LaserWriter
Mac disks on a PC
MacLayers file transfer
MACPB-L Digest - 4 Apr 1994 to 5 Apr 1994
Mactools updates
Modems for a powerbook
My mac just shuts down
My stack won't stop growing (Q)
Mystique Pt.1 ? (Q)
Photoshop Plug-in Compatible Programs
PowerBook device for disabled
programmer's switches for MacLCIII [Q]
QuickMail-cc:Mail gateway
RAMDiskSaver 2.0
Re- FTP transfer from pro
Reading WPerfect 3.0 Mac with Word 5.1a
Scripting Beginner
Shared (modem) fax (Q)
SLIP busy-work utility
Stylewriter II grayscale/B&W
suitcase under sys 7.1 [A]
Tape Drive (Q)
Telnet 2.6 and setting transfer directory
Think C 6.0.1 to 7.0 patches
TrueType font converter
Which INITS for 840av?
Will Hewlett-Packard laser printer work w/ Mac II?
#### TEXT infomacv12-057.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Anthropology HTB Demo; an information book
[*] Avid VideoShop 2.0 to 2.0.1 update
[*] Biology-wait-curs11; three animated cursors
[*] csmp-digest-v3-010
[*] DLViewer; a DL-style animation viewer for the Macintosh
[*] Donna Matrix Patch for Inside Mac Games CD-ROM
[*] Fat binary version of Pathways into darkness!
[*] FinderHider Universal; for presentations
[*] FLIViewer; an FLI animation viewing program
[*] Fontographer (font generation utility) FAQ
[*] Fontographer 4.0.0>4.0.4 No FPU updater
[*] Infinity Windoid WDEF 2.6
[*] InfoBrowser 2.8 [repost]; browser for Info-Mac digests
[*] LaterLaser 1.0b1; allows delayed printing
[*] Mac CPAV Antidotes 4/2/94; for MacTools
[*] Player Pro Demo Info-File version 1.1
[*] PopupCDEF-10b3-c; implementation of a popup menu control
[*] Pythagoras_1.1; an AfterDark module
[*] Quick and Dirty HyperCard UTM/Lat/Long converter
[*] Roland TR-707 Sound Sample Set
[*] Sociology HTB Demo; an information book
[*] Tetris; a free, compact version
[*] Timer 1.5 update
(A) System Enablers
(C) Allan Bloom re Sys 7.1,
(Q) Dialup SLIP/PPP between Mac and Sun
(Q) MacTCP over ARA
Allan Bloom re Sys 7.1, MacTCP 1.1.1 (c)
Announcing submissions t (2 msgs)
Apple CD Player--Howzit work?
ATM/Quickdraw GX
Automatic Trashcan
AVI -> QuickTime
Correcting the GMT offset (automatically)
D/L usenet
Database Design and Theory
DECLaser 1152
Deleting Sys 7 Undeleteable files under System 6
DiskCopy 5.0? Where? How?
Does plugging in live SCSI fry Powerbook?
Educational Pricing MAE
Flow Charting SW
GeoPort? Can do it (almost)!
Hack MacWrite Pro for Autosave?
Hack MacWrite Pro for Autosave? (R)
hardware handshaking
Icon resource files
Info-Mac Digest V12 #55
Info-Mac mirrors and ftp congestion
Init to change screen refresh rate (A)
Is Anarchie stateless? (Q)
LC problem (A)
Macintosh Disk Cache fix -- 25 times speedup
MacLayers & CD ROMS
MacTools AutoCheck Desktop data problem
May I Play-Thru!?
Mystique -- is it worth the download?
PPP vs. MacTCP
Printing from ethernetted PCs to Localtalk printer
Programmer's switch on Quadra 660AV
Public Utilities 2.0
QuickMail-cc:Mail gateway (A)
removable vs permanent drives
Roessli: sharing network faxmodem
Scripting Beginner (A)
Serial port: PC -> Mac? [Q]
Snow White Icons Anyone?
StyleWriter 1 value in dollars
submission announcements (C)
System Enablers
Talk and Finger utilities over server-assigned PPP?
Telnet 2.6 and setting tran
Telnet 2.6 and setting transfer directory
ZMac-Exclusive Distribution
#### TEXT infomacv12-058.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] WriteThrough enclosure
[*] AboutThatMac_V20; an easy-to-use system management utility
[*] Apple-cd-audio-player-rsrc2; (a face lift)
[*] Convert*Projects 1.0b3; from Think to CodeWarrior
[*] Crystal Speedup History 2.3 (for timing oscillators)
[*] csmp-digest-v3-011
[*] Default Folder 2.48
[*] DeskMates 1.2.3; desktop accessories
[*] dskl10.hqx; DSK_Loader 1.0; Loader for TI DSP Starter Kit
[*] excel-xltalk; a Speech Manager interface for Excel
[*] Final Frontier 0.1 alpha; a 25 fps 3D space-opera game
[*] Font Trouble Summary Post
[*] Greg's Browser 2.1 -- File Navigation Utility
[*] Incognito 1.1.3
[*] Menuette 2.0.1; replaces menus with icons
[*] Menuette 2.0.1 Updater
[*] Mike's Textures Vol.1; Desktop patterns
[*] PageMaker 4.0 template for Motorola Bravo Express Label
[*] pathways-11-to-20-68k-updt (Pathways Into Darkness)
[*] pathways-11-to-20-ppc-updt (Pathways Into Darkness)
[*] pI_protein; isoelectric point Excel worksheet
[*] Printer Patrol 1.0; only print to allowed printers
[*] ProteinSynthesisCartoon 1.1; a scientific visualisation
[*] Roland TR-606 Drumatix Sound Sample Set
[*] Shutdown FX 1.4 (source code)
[*] Shutdown FX 1.4; clears the screen with a cool effect
[*] Sparkle201; an MPEG and QT player and converter
[*] SubjectExtractor; atext file parser
[*] WriteThrough INIT source code; bypasses the disk cache
3D Scanning/Sampling
[Q] Address for Canon
[Q] Civilisation & Q650
About DiskCopy
Adjustable Keyboard/OIDS?
a few questions...
Apple's World Warranty in the Middle East (Not!)
Biology Cursor (Q)
C++ examples
ClarisWorks Logon Macros Results
com.txt format?
comment on sumex load
Easter egg in Sound Trecker
Growing system heap - culprit found
help me
Help me please!
How not to read headers with Easy View
HP DeskWriter 560C vs. Apple Color StyleWriter Pro
Internal Syquest 88C-Centris/Qudara 650 problems
Macintosh Midi Manager not at ftp.apple.com?
Mystique -- is it worth the download?
Photoshop Plug-in Compatible Programs
Printing from ethernetted PCs to Localtalk printer
Print Mac Postscript files on Unix postscript printer ?
Program Execution --> VHS
REQ: Amiga MED player for the Macintosh...??
scheduling programs
Scripting Beginner's Advice
SIMM Problem
Suggestion to ease load on Sumex...
System Enablers
Uninvited characters in e-mail
#### TEXT infomacv12-059.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] AddressBook368; keeps, prints, and dials!
[*] Alphabet; a hypercard stack for the wee ones in the family
[*] Autograph 1.0B7, Swedish; an Eudora signature utility
[*] Autograph 1.0B7; an Eudora signature utility
[*] csmp-digest-v3-013
[*] Digital Messiah Updater v2.0 -> v2.0.1 (a game)
[*] Digital Messiah v2.0.1 fixer (a game)
[*] FAQ: How can I send a fax from the Internet? (ver. 0.1)
[*] FaxSTF 2.2.6 update; a facsimile modem utility
[*] Guitar; a HyperCard Stack guitar lesson
[*] hermes-ii-merchant-050b1.sit.hqx
[*] Internet Services FAQ (ver. 1.8)
[*] LEU 4/94; an electronic magazine for Mac users
[*] Myst 1.0.1 (a game) updaters
[*] Nuntius new release; a Macintosh news (Usenet) client
[*] On the Edge 2.0; a solitaire type game
[*] OptiMem Demo 1.5.6; a virtual memory utility
[*] OptiMem Update 1.5.6; a virtual memory utility
[*] Pictify 1.5 (resubmission); a screen capture utility
[*] Player Pro Demo 4.154; a MOD file player
[*] pms 1.0; a ascreen saver
[*] Poker 2.0; a card game
[*] print-juggler-demo; direct access to printers
[*] Printer Defaults 1.2; configures defaults settings
[*] Quill2.2; a text viewer
[*] StartupScreenManager; a control panel
[*] Teacher's Grading Program II 1.03
[*] teletimes-94-04; a journal
[*] Tester 1.00; a test editor
[*] Tetris; an arcade game
[*] Tex-Edit 2.3.1; an editor
[*] The Macintosh/Newton Easter Egg List
[*] Unofficial Internet Book List (version 0.3)
(Q) Address and or FAX of Metrowerks
[?] FWB & GCC e-mail addresses needed.
[Q] Access to CD-ROM from At Ease?
[Q] How do I convert LaTEX to Word or RTF (Formulas and sections)?
[Q] Seeking better terminal and modem tools
About DiskCopy 5.0d1
Annonymous e-mail
App to produce railroad diagrams?
Archie data
Color StyleWriter Pro brief review/speed test
Common Ground and PageMaker 5.0
emulating a bug
FileMaker Pro
Graphic Simulations U Turn
How to get data out of a Rocket board onto the network, fast???
HP DeskWriter 560C vs. Apple Color StyleWriter Pro
Info-Mac Digest posting
Info-Mac Digest V12
info-mac inclusion
Init limits
InterSLIP-CALLBACK-Script needed (repost)
IP over ARA
irc clients
Lost Files on floppy (Q)
Macintosh Disk Cache fix -- 25 times speedup [C]
MacTCP over ARA
Mouse Cleaning Time in Montana
Network backups
Nisus 3.4 problem - please help
Pathworks vs. PowerBook 165c
PowerPC - Sys 7 Pro YES
Problem with large BinHex files
Reported Trojan Horse in FTPd!
SPSS 6 vs PowerMac
Stylewriter and IIgs
Talk and Finger over server-addressed account
Telnet Version # Q
Time Tabling On A Mac
Turkish Font
What's the deal with File Sharing?
What mail programs handle internet mailing lists?
ZModem spec (Q)
#### TEXT infomacv12-060.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] Messages lost
[*] AfterDark - flame module (screen saver)
[*] BatteryMinder1.0; a PowerBook battery utility
[*] Big Note Music Speller 1.1. educational software for Kids
[*] BioFlix 1.0 Demo; cell and molecular biology instruction
[*] calculator-ii-124; a color multi-function calculator
[*] cron-100; a cron dameon for the Mac
[*] csmp-digest-v3-014
[*] csmp-digest-v3-015
[*] Cyber v1.1; an AfterDark screen saver module
[*] Dolch Sight Words Game.sea educational software for kids
[*] Find This Missing Word 1.2 .sea educational software for kids
[*] GLMStat 1.1.0; statistical analysis of linear models
[*] heritage100; a geneology database
[*] hermes-ii-mailinglist-Issue-1
[*] Hide Folders 1.0
[*] IconBOSS 1.0.1; a shareware icon editing program
[*] JCONV-DD ver.1.6.3; a JIS<->SJIS<->EUC converter
[*] MacEKG Updaters; a hardware diagnostic utility
[*] Menu Events 1.1.1; scripting access to other app's menus
[*] Menu Grabber 1.1.1; direct access to applications
[*] NotifyMail 2.2.5; notifies when new SMTP mail arrives
[*] Oxyd 3.6; a game
[*] Patterns-4-Us; 77 desktop textures
[*] Periodic Table; a HyperCard stack full of elements
[*] PHOTON '94 - 1.1; a Teletimes photography contest
[*] PreVersion 1.1.1; version monitoring utility
[*] S-Tool1.2; a keyboard wedge program
[*] Talking Fraction Teacher.sea educational software for kids
[*] Talking Rhythm Teacher v1.sea educational software for kids
[*] Tax FKEY 1.0 -- adds tax to a number in clipboard
[*] The Math Factory v1.1.sea educational software for kids
[*] The Talking Alphabet 2.6.sea educational software for kids
[*] Turkish Fonts Package
[*] Unscramble 1.2 sea. educational software for kids
'Free to use' clip art and images
400K disks & Quadra 840AV?
[Q] Can SLIPped Mac forward IP packets?
App to produce railroad diagrams? (R)
ARA over MacTCP [Q]
BinHex and IBM's
Bookends Plus vs. TouchBase Pro
CDROM Encyclopedias?
Clarisworks updater (Q)
Dead HD20 in my SE. Advice?
DECLaser 1152
Disk cache settings (fwd)
DOS/Mac Backup
F/A-18 Hornet On Ara
FaxSTF Updater version confusion
Finder Icons from PICTs?
FTPd Virus: False Alert!
Hold your (Trojan) Horses! (2 msgs)
How to unstuff Mystique files?
ImageWriter print spoolers under System 7
Info-Mac Digest V12 #55
InfoBrowser 2.8.1
Init limits (C)
irc clients (2 msgs)
IW2 Print Spooler for System 7
Keep Your Hands Off
Latest version of Serial Tool?
looking for a typewriter-teaching program
Macintosh METAFONT is public domain
MacLCIII programmer's keys for restart and interrupt (S)
Maven, CU-SeeMe
Michael Spindler's nickname ?
MO Drives, Macs and PC's
Nisus and 32-bit addressing
PB through airport security file?
PowerBook SCSI Disconnects
PowerMac and Pathworks
Problems: PhoneNet Connection & HP Laserjet 4ML
QuickTime mail lists ?
Reflection 3+. Whats the newest version ?
Seeking better terminal and modem tools [A]
Serial Port Resetting Question
Slow FileSharing startup
STF3.0 problem
Syquest 270's
To 300i or 300+, that's the question!
Trace Route
What's the deal with File Sharing? (R)
Where In the World Is Carmen ... Deluxe Version (Mac)
Windows sumex and Info-Mac
WordMac List: Does it still exist?
#### TEXT infomacv12-061.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Amy's Recipes; a recipe database
[*] BijouPlay 1.2 QuickTime player
[*] Cool Address Book
[*] csmp-digest-v3-016
[*] Doc Creator; create teachText read-only documents
[*] dvorak-keyboard; replaces the qwerty key map
[*] Five Dice v1.5; a Yatzee-type game
[*] FL Package of BBEdit extensions v1.1
[*] Font library
[*] Gradebook Stack v1.82; a teacher's friend
[*] Hellcats (a game) 1.0.2 to 1.0.4 updater
[*] Jon's Commands 1.1; a set of AppleScript scripting additions
[*] Leyte Gulf (a game) patch 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
[*] Macintosh V for Victory Updates (a game)
[*] MOD-Editing-Lesson (instructions)
[*] No Erase 1.0; disables the Erase Disk menu
[*] PB_Insomnia; helps prevent your computer from sleeping
[*] poor-mans-newton-12-hc; a Newton-like information database
[*] PopChar 2.7.1; presents available characters of a font
[*] PowerMac_The_future_is_here; a startup screen
[*] PowerXplorer1.01; test your PowerPC performance
[*] QuickEditor; a QuickTime editor
[*] roland-tr-626; sound samples from the drum machine
[*] roland-tr-707; sound sample set
[*] Science Jeopardy HC stack; a Jeopardy-style trivia game
[*] Speak Note GH 2.0; hear your alerts and notifications
[*] SWIIPrintUseMon version 1.2; keeps track of pages printed
[*] UUParser 1.71; a UUcode utility
[*] WriteThrough; disabled disk caching
[?] MacWrite Pro/LaserWriter LS problem
A New Electronic Magazine: PowerPC News
C Coding Standards
CD-ROM start-up disk
Color StyleWriter Pro brief review/speed test
Dead HD20 in my SE. Advice?
Decompressing Mystique
Easy Open (MacLink 7.5) Problems
F/A-18 Hornet On Ara
FaxSTF 2.6.1 updater problems
File Sharing Startup [A]
Fontographer & other font creation utils.
FTPd Virus: False Alert!
Gopher's tradeoff
Hard Disk Overview
HP printer/scanner drivers -- official ftp site for
Info on Spyglass/Transform/Dicer
Init limits
ink jet color transparencies
Internet software
irc clients [A]
LAT tool
Looking for shareware or freeware that changes icons
LW printer driver (Q)
Modem difficulties...
MS FoxPro and LCIII - slow ???
Network Instant Message?
NewsWatcher: dialup use
Postscript printing on a Quickdraw Printer
Printer Question
Serial Port Resetting Question
SoftWindows and PowerPC - only available as a bundle?
Spooling ImageWriter Files
TelNet 2.6
Telnet 2.6 and hash (#) character
Telnet 2.6 and setting transfer directory
WordMac List: Does it still exist? (Yes)
WordPerfect 3.0 -> QuarkXpress 3.2
WriteNow 4.0 feature/bug (Q)
#### TEXT infomacv12-062.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Acid Jazz 1.2v1; a phone dialer
[*] At-Your-Service 2.0; a HyperCard communications package
[*] calculator-ii-125; a calculator for your desktop
[*] Chiral 1.0; a new game from Ambrosia
[*] CivEditor; patches for commercial game Civilization
[*] csmp-digest-v3-017
[*] Digital Oscilloscope 1.1.1; turn your Mac into an o-scope
[*] Eagle GradeBook 1.7; a spreadsheet-type grade database
[*] EveryMansDreamIconsSampler; some color icons
[*] FA18 1.1.2 to 1.1.3b1 updater (a flight combat game)
[*] FA18 11x to 112 updater (a flight combat game)
[*] flame 1.0; an AfterDark screen saver module
[*] Flynn's Castles Bolo Map
[*] ForcePRAM; reset your PRAM at will
[*] FrontDoor v1.1.6; password protection for data
[*] Hornet 1.1.X to 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 Updaters (a game)
[*] JPEG Convert 1.0 for PowerPC
[*] LanSatellite 1.0.5; network sensus utility
[*] LEU 3/94; Low End User March issue
[*] Lost Crystal; an adventure game
[*] mac-updt-cw-09-Apr-94; software updates from Apple database
[*] mac-updt-etx-09-Apr-94; software updates from Apple database
[*] mac-updt-txt-09-Apr-94; software updates from Apple database
[*] MacAngband 2.0.2 -- an ASCII-graphics adventure game
[*] NoDesktopCleanup 1.0; add confirmation dialogs to menus
[*] Planet 5.1 Color; a program for computing locations of planets
[*] powerenigma01.hqx; a data encryption utility
[*] Screen Refresher; an FKEY to force screens redraws
[*] sculptor-10; a free-form 3D modeling program
[*] SoundVol XCMD 1.0; a HyperCard external command
[*] Teacher's Grading Program 1.04
[*] Tester 1.01; a test editor
[*] USDebt 5.3; see how much the US governmet owes
[*] vista-pro; a terrain rendering utility
[Q] HyperCard Error 5454?
A: SoftWindows and PowerPC - only available as a bundle?
About DiskCopy
Apple Catalog Disappeared (QC)
Apple Support on Internet (LONG)
BinHex and IBM's
Bootable International system 6 disk.
Color StyleWriter-positive comments
Deskwriter drivers & 'Economode'
downloading uuencoded binaries
Fax Modems
FTPd Virus: False Alert!
Inside Is Stacked
Keep Your Hands Off
Native American Religion
Now Utilities and PageMaker
Open Dialog Box Preview
Password restriction on Macintosh (2 msgs)
PATHWORKS for PowerMacintosh
Problem with large BinHex files
Return to the Womb too big! Worth getting?
SoftWindows for Power PC not available outside bundle?
TelNet 2.6 (scrollback buffer)
Telnet 2.6 and setting transfer directory
Wanted:Low cost backup system!
Way to Kill INIT Icons
Windows sumex and Info-Mac
WriteThrough INIT source code; bypasses the disk cache
#### TEXT infomacv12-063.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] AliasZoo 2.0.4; an alias management utility
[*] Coloring Book; a digital coloring book
[*] final-draft-demo; a screenwriting aid
[*] NeuroLab_Demo_v1.02b; a neural network library
[*] Outland; a graphical multiplayer game network
[*] Outland Backstab
[*] Outland Chess
[*] Outland Crossroads
[*] Outland Gateway
[*] Outland Reversi
[*] Outland Spaceward Ho!
[*] Siege Watch 2.0; time left for Bill Clinton
[*] Sleep Deprivation 1.1 (source code)
[*] Sleep Deprivation 1.1; clears the screen with a cool effect
[*] Threshold 1.0.4; a Powerbook battery utility
[*] TribeStar 20.1 Update
[*] UPS Monitor 1.5; for backup power supply units
(fwd) STF3.0 problem
840av & Still Image Frame Grabs
[?] TCP, CTB & SITcomm advice wanted
Back-to-front printing on a StyleWriter II?
CD-ROM: How to read unix text files?
Centris 610 and HP Laserjet
Gap in Info-Mac deliveries
Loading a RAM Disc at start-up
Looking for shareware or freeware that changes icons (R)
Mystique mystifies my mynor mental mass
Password restriction on Macintosh (A)
Photoshop/RAMDoubler conflict solved!!
Photoshop and RAMDoubler conflict?
RAM Doubler on a Centris 650 (Q)
request for PICT
ResEdit Immune Security/Password Program?
SGML translators (Q)
SoftWindows and PowerMac - only available as a bundle?
System 6 <-> System 7 switcher
Telnet 2.6 scrollback lines
Wanted: Suitcase 2.1.3->2.1.4 updater
Wanted: Text based data organizer
#### TEXT infomacv12-064.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 3-Channel Timer with audio and visual feedback
[*] Audio Interface: Software for Mac users with sight difficulties
[*] AVTEK ARA Scripts
[*] BatteryMinder 1.1; monitors remaining battery life
[*] BijouPlay v1.2.1; a QuickTime uitility
[*] Book Inventory Stack; a Hypercard database for books
[*] Cheshire; a completely esoteric, uncategorizable program
[*] CommConnect XFCN: Communications Toolbox support for HyperCard
[*] csmp-digest-v3-018
[*] DeepDischarge 1.1.0; a Powerbook battery utility
[*] DuoFAQ; frequently asked question about Powerbook Duos
[*] Faraday. A battery status monitor.
[*] GoldPusher; a game of puzzles, strategy and action
[*] How to Print Crop Marks Only in PageMaker 5 Documents
[*] HyperTable 1.2; a periodic table
[*] Indy FOA bug fixl; a LucasArts game
[*] Leytte 1.0.x to 1.0.2 update (a game)
[*] MacFactsTwo 4/22/94; a list of all Apple Macintosh Models
[*] MIDI2TeX; translates MIDI data files into MusicTeX
[*] Nancys-ppats1-4; some desktop textures
[*] NetComm ARA Scripts
[*] newt-turt-21; Logo for the Newton
[*] NextPrevSection; BBedit LaTeX extensions
[*] photctrl; camera exposure-controls tutorial
[*] PowerStrip 3.1; a status indicastor for PowerBooks
[*] quark-printing-patch (Quark Xpress 3.3)
[*] Return-to-Womb1.1; a 32-16-8-bit Mac game
[*] runewt-21; executes Newt applications (Logo-like env.)
[*] Sample SCSI code
[*] SpeakAlert103; hear your alerts (requires Speech Manager)
[*] Speak Note 2.0.1; hear your alerts and notifications
[*] Vocalise XCMD: Add high quality speech to HyperCard
6100--Crippled FPU?
anyone try "stop and go" by Engram yet (Q)
Apple CD-ROM Set-up 5.0.1 $@)@$)(
A question about KaleidaGraph
Archie client for Mac
Automatic Application Quitter? (Opposite of cron)
BinHex and IBM's (A)
BinHex for IBM
Caution: Do shut off all inits before running PageMaker updater
Connect to WordPerfect Mail?
Corrections to MacWeek article: Apple Supt Info on Internet
Customizing Mac to act like Windows (Q)
Error type 28
Excel 4.0 Quits??
FileShare Slider; sets CPU load dedicated to FileSharing
Foreign Language Interpreter Software for the Mac or Windows
Loading a RAM Disc at start-up (A)
looking for a typewriter-teaching program (a)
Mac screens for the masses?
macsee4d.zip demo info
MacX X-windows-like software?
MaxFax/File Sharing: apparent incompatibility
Need help from the UK.
Neural Networks Simulator for the Mac?
Now Menus & PageMaker solved
Optimem (Q)
PowerMac MS-DOS
RAM Doubler Response from Connectix (A) (2 msgs)
Removable drives
SE/30 upgrade options
Serbocroatian fonts
Tape Drive and Retrospect(summary)
Telnet 2.6 version # and setting transfer directory
Where can I find "ChipWits" (by BrainWorks)
#### TEXT infomacv12-065.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 500 Cards v0.9; a card game
[*] _Tarrtha/il_; a game based on _Star Trek_
[*] ADB Scan 1.0 (returns the number of attached devices)
[*] BBEdit 2.5.5 Updater Package (a text editor)
[*] BBEdit 2.5 Demo Package (a text editor)
[*] Controls GH 1.1; source code for two CDEFs
[*] csmp-digest-v3-019
[*] csmp-digest-v3-020
[*] DMG Calendar DA; a simple calendar desk accessory
[*] DX7 Librarian 1.0.7; librarian of voice data for DX7 (MIDI)
[*] Economics & Business Hypetext Book Demo
[*] Enscriptor v3.01; text file printing utility
[*] Extension Shell 1.3 - Help for INIT writers
[*] FA18 updater (1.1.2 -=> 1.1.3b2); a flight combat game
[*] FileBuddy 1.2 bug fix
[*] File Buddy 2.1; a file management utility
[*] foil-102; an airfoil designer
[*] glidel-242-fr.hqx; Drag-And-Dropping on the Finder's Menus
[*] glidel-242-us.hqx; Drag-And-Dropping on the Finder's Menus
[*] Icons/Total-System-Makeover; some system color icons
[*] JCONV-DD v.1.7.0; a JIS<->SJIS<->EUC converter
[*] JCONV-DD v.1.7.0; a JIS<->SJIS<->EUC converter (Japanese)
[*] JUNO Librarian 1.0.7; librarian of voice data for JUNO106 (MIDI)
[*] Kalk 1.0b1; an RPN calculator
[*] Launch Apps 1.0 (v6); a special version for System 6
[*] Mactivity 94 Conference information
[*] mactivity 94 Conference sessions
[*] MacWrite Pro 1.5 review (text file)
[*] MenuChoice 2.0; a hierrchical Apple Menu manager
[*] Menu Commands Library (AppleScript)
[*] Morse Font
[*] Mosaicon; a color HyperCard game
[*] MSG Demo 1.4 (graphics demo)
[*] MSG Demo 1.4 (source code)
[*] MSTiconsv2.0; icons based on Mystery Science Theater 3000
[*] Passbook Demo; a bank account management program
[*] Powermac startup screen, 16"
[*] Printer Remote DA; control your ImageWriter remotely
[*] QuickEditor 1.5; a QuickTime editor
[*] RSINET.SEA (Updated 4/94)
[*] RSI Network Newsletter #17
[*] ShutDown1.2; a timed shutdown utility
[*] Shutdown FX 1.5 (source code)
[*] Shutdown FX 1.5; clears the screen with a graphic effect
[*] Snitch 1.0b7; a Get Info.. window expander and editor
[*] spam-10-demo; four small applications/utilities
[*] SpectreNotes v2.0; a notepad utility
[*] SpeedyFinder7 1.5.9d; a Finder enhancer
[*] star-drive-lite-20; a screen saver
[*] Startup_Watcher 0.9b; keeps track of the last start
[*] SyMan Demo -- a symbolic manipulator
[*] Tactical Advantage; Thrustmaster joystick design template
[*] TidBITS#223/25-Apr-94
[*] Timbuktu Pro Free Trial version 1.0.3
[*] ViewIt 2.24; an interface builder
[*] virus-reference-213-hc-jp (Japanese version)
[*] virus-reference-213.hqx
.avi viewer
520C (new Powerbook) rumors wanted
7th Guest Warning
[R] Can SLIPped Mac forward IP packets?
Apple CD ROM Software (C)
APS vs Apple HD SC Setup (SCSI 4.3)
ARA over MacTCP [R]
CD-ROM: How to read unix text files? [R]
Conflict between SAM 3.0 and File Sharing?
Deskwriter 5.0 driver incompatibility
Easy Open (MacLink 7.5) Problems
Express modem lights?
Fetch 2.1.2 error
Fontographer and other utils
Good Mac Hacks Wanted
gopher search for programs
Has a virus attacked my HyperCard stack?
Help with Crash - Macsbug error message (Q) (2 msgs)
Info-Mac Digest V12 #63
InterSlip Help Needed
Looking for A Maltese Cross
Message not deliverable
Modem Software
mystified by mystique
PPP- or SLIP-Server for the Mac
PPP or Slip server for the Mac
Quadra 660 AV compatibility; which AV-Mac to choose ? [Q]
Quadra 840AV allocation blo
Quick Text File Reads
QuickTime 1.6.2
RAM Doubler (fwd)
Serial printer driver
Sound Manager 3.0
Syquests Cart's for sale...
telnet 2.6
three button mouse
Video and the PowerMac 6100/60AV
Virus (?) affecting HyperCard stacks
Virus in CoolAddressBook
Webster Multiport Router - info requested
#### TEXT infomacv12-066.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] adagio-bold (a font)
[*] antoine-c; a C music library for CodeWarrior and Think C
[*] BatteryMinder1.1.1; a Powerbook battery utility
[*] Belch! 2.0; indigestion for you Mac
[*] Big Cheese Key 1.2.1; fool your boss!
[*] Bomb Shelter 1.0.1; some protection from System bombs
[*] CheckBook1.4; tracks transactions in a bank account
[*] Chiral 1.0 Press Release; an arcade game
[*] ColorSwitch 2.3; a color depth switcher
[*] csmp-digest-v3-021
[*] Discolour 1.0.2; colorises floppy icons
[*] Easy Envelopes+ 2.6; an envelope printing utility
[*] Eclipse 2.2; a screen saver
[*] finder-progress-bar-11.hqx (CDEF w/ C source)
[*] FlashWrite II 1.1; a notepad desk accessory
[*] Fontographer 4.0.x>4.0.4 updaters
[*] Iconizer1.0; converts pictures to icons
[*] INIT Tracker 1.3; spies on other extensions
[*] Inside Mac Games - April '94 Free Preview
[*] Inside Mac Games CD-ROM - Free 1.1 Upgrade
[*] MacCurveFit 1.0.7; a least-squares curve fitting program
[*] Maelstrom 1.3.x -> 1.4 Updater (a game)
[*] Maelstrom 1.4; an Asteroids-likee game
[*] Maelstrom 1.4 press release; an Asteroids-like game
[*] MWDebugPPCa1-patch1 (metrowerks PPC debugger patch)
[*] nancys-textures-grp1-to-grp4 (some desktop patterns)
[*] Office Manager Demo; a contact manager
[*] OnAccount Demo; a billing application
[*] Oracle 2.1; a fortune teller
[*] Photoshop User's Report #2
[*] Player PRO 4.155 Demo FAT; a MOD player
[*] QDvorak; a keyboard layout
[*] rlab 0.99b: a linear algebra package
[*] sculptor-11; a free-form 3D modeling tool
[*] SUSAN 2.5 - board game
[*] SUSAN Manual - strategy tips (a strategy game)
[*] SUSAN Pack - v2.5 plus color art files & manual
[*] ToDo! 3.2.1; a schedule minder
[*] Tradex 1.0.2; a sophisticated stock market utility
[*] Unofficial Internet Book List (version 0.4)
[*] Wacky Lights 1.0.1; plays with the keyboard lights
[*] Word Find v1.1 - a word find puzzle creator program
7th Guest Warning
appletalk (fwd)
AppleTalk on Modem Port?
A search for "Thing-a-ma-Bob"
Autodoubler error
Automatic Application Quitter SUMMARY
Barcodes and Macs - assistance please!
Chinese Big 2 card game?
Color Postscript to TIFF?
Default Folder Boomerangs
Error type 28 [R]
External Diskette drive for newer Macs
Fax Modems (A)
FAXstf 3.0 speed problem
Fetch 2.1.2 error
Fetch 2.1.2 Post-Processing bug
HELP: Hints to OOTW
Hypercard text cut/paste utility?
Info-Mac Digest Article (2 msgs)
Info-Mac Digest V12 #65
Internet software
InterSLIP-CALLBACK-Script needed (last try)
JCONV-DD Bug Alert!
Looking for A Maltese Cross (A)
Mac hardware diagnostic software
Mac HFS interchange & 800k disks
MacWrite Pro style shortcuts
More Mac IIsi problems
More than 8 mB of memory (R)
mystified by mystique
NovaTerm [Q]
Opening X-L files (a problem)
Persuasion 3.0 Upgrade - Is it worth it?
ResEdit Immune Security (R)
sharing problem; mounted drives
SoftWindow from Tiger SW
Soft Windows and the Power PC
summary of 1 month old question answers
Synchronizing with Nifty.andrew.cmu
telnet 2.6
Tex on Mac
three button mouse (R)
Voice-Capable Modem Recommendations?
Wanted: the perfect launch pad
What's the definitive book on PhotoShop?
What's the modern mem manager?
WindowPicker bug
#### TEXT infomacv12-067.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Alt.sources.mac Digest #5
[*] Amy's recipes 2.0; a recipe database
[*] Electronic Birthday Card - B&W
[*] Electronic Birthday Card - Color
[*] Electronic Mother's Day Card - Color
[*] FileTyper 4.1.1; a type/cretor editor
[*] Final Impact 1.0; a fun space shoot-em-up game
[*] Greg's Buttons 3.2; colorised, 3-D controls
[*] Hoffman -- TrueType/Type 1 font
[*] JCONV-DD v.1.7.3; a JIS<->SJIS<->EUC converter
[*] JCONV-DD v.1.7.3J; a JIS<->SJIS<->EUC converter (Japanese)
[*] Knockout -- Truetype/Type 1 font
[*] Laserwriter 8.1.1 No Borders Patch
[*] Legrand -- TrueType/Type 1 font
[*] LineShare 3.0.2 Demo; allows simultaneous access to serial ports
[*] Mama -- TrueType/Type 1 font
[*] MIDI Museum 1.10; an universal MIDI patch librarian
[*] Movie Conversion; a QuickTime utility
[*] MovieTrilogy1.0b3; 3 applications for video subtitling
[*] New Day -- TrueType/Type 1 font
[*] Ocean View -- TrueType/Type 1 font
[*] OptionCapsLock; only lock cpas if Option is pressed also
[*] PersonalLog v1.0; for a collection of personal notes
[*] The Big One -- arcade game
[*] UltraYahtzee 1.0.2; a Yahtzee variation
(Q) Mactools 3 and Syquest 105 removable
7th Guest
[Q] How to access individual entries of a repeating field in FileMaker
Absoft Fortran for Power Macintosh
Announcement: BBEdit for Power Macintosh
AppleTalk on Modem Port? (A)
Audio input for Mac LC475
ClarisWorks outlines (Q)
Compatibility list for PowerMacs (Q)
Coward Needs Simms Help!
Downloading quirks (R)
EasyView (Q)
FAXstf 3.0 speed (reply)
Help files for CD games
is there an e-mail address for MacWrite Pro?
Joystick for PowerBook (Q)
MacWrite Pro style shortcuts (R)
MOD Files with more than 4 voices
More Mac IIsi problems (repost)
PageMaker 5 printing to GCC PLP II?
Perfect launchpad is PowerBar
Several Questions...
Tex on Mac (R)
Unstuffing Mystique, the mystery continues
Voice-Capable Modem
WANTED: e-mail-partners
Wanted: the perfect launch pad
Wanted update for faxstf 2.2.3 to 3.0
What is the SIMMS config of PowerMac 6100?
Where is QuickTime 1.6.2?
WindowPicker bug (R)
Zterm vs. BBEdit Lite?
#### TEXT infomacv12-068.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Chess++ - chess for Macintosh
[*] Chess++ source code
[*] csmp-digest-v3-022
[*] digital-oscilloscope-121; use your Macintosh as an o-scope
[*] Edu-Shareware-for-kids.txt
[*] Fontographer 401>404 nofpu updater
[*] Gimmick; a little program that blinks the LEDs
[*] LineLink 144e Commands.txt (v1.0 submission)
[*] mac.ftp.list Version 3.8.5; a list of Mac FTP sites
[*] Music File Formats Archive 1.0 (Zip File)
[*] NoDesktopCleanup 1.1.1; adds confirmations to dialogs
[*] SciNotation XFCN for HyperCard and SuperCard bug fix
[*] Strip-Mac! 3.0.1 -- Adult party game
[*] word-6-converter; enables Word 5 to open Word 6 (Win) documents
[*] WriteNow 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 updater
[*] WriteNow 4.0 to 4.0.2 update package
(Q) ABATON Interfax/ FAXstf 3.0 problems
.BMP filter?
[Q] *Big* system problems.
[Q] Correct interleave value and drivers for Plus peripherals?
[Q] MicroNet DAT drives.
Apple PowerCD with Quadra 610/DOS?
AV Effects Control Panel and AV Macs
CCL (communication control language) reference needed (Q)
Centris/quadra 610 "Install Me first" Needed!
Clipboard across network?
Craps and Roulette Games
Encryption/PGP Info
File type SCPD and creator SCPG?
Help on font substitution please
Help with control of laserdiscs
is there an e-mail address for MacWrite Pro? (R)
LC/Performa 575 w/68040
LW Utility 7.6.2 File Type AOSz Creator AOS1
Macintalk Lite?
MacTCP help....
MacUser 'Second Notice' Marketing Gripe
mystified by mystique - last word
NASA Eclipse Bulletins available via Mosaic
Network Installer 1.4.5??
Next windows
Offline Mail Reader
Openstack deja vu [Q]
Return to the Womb too big! Worth getting? (A)
So, what do I do in real live?
Source code for paint file save
Telecommunications using RIP
Unstuffing Mystique (A)
Unstuffing Mystique, the mystery continues
Wanted update for faxstf 2.2.3 to 3.0 (A)
Word & WP 6.0 translator (Q)
Word 5.1 Installer won't work across network
#### TEXT infomacv12-069.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] "Space Station" Educational HC Stack
[*] 2D_tool_kit; estimates molecular weights
[*] Amy's Recipes v2.1, "a great cookbook program."
[*] April MacScripting Digest
[*] BatteryMinder1.2.0; keeps track of battery life
[*] BBEdit 2.5 Demo Repost; a text editor
[*] Blur and Twisture 1.0b1 for After Dark
[*] Comp-Sys-Mac-Comm FAQ
[*] Crusader Demo (Mac); a startegy/war game
[*] csmp-digest-v3-023
[*] Faster Finder 7 Resources; make the Finder more convenient
[*] Five Dice v2.0; a yahtzee type game
[*] foil-102b; an airfoil generation and display program
[*] HyperCuber 2.0; rotates hyper-dimensional objects
[*] Icon Vault Package 1.0; for Desktop icons
[*] JMP 3.0 Demo; an interactive statisical graphics package
[*] Launch Remote 1.0; kaunches app on another Mac
[*] ListProcesses XFCN 1.0 Demo; active processes information
[*] Menu Commands Script
[*] Myst Hints 1.0 (for the commercial game MYST)
[*] Native Power PC Compact Pro; file compression utility
[*] Nautilus-CD 14 month index
[*] NET_Mac2.3.40; implements TCP/IP over packet-radio
[*] OmegaWindow 1.1; a mouse-free window access program
[*] Script Optimizer 1.0.1; for HyperCard developers
[*] Shutdown Remote 1.0.3; shuts down another Mac
[*] System Error Patch version 1.2; logs system errors
[*] textNumber XFCN 1.0; turns numbers into full-length phrases
[*] UpdateMaker 1.3.4; a shareware update-generator
[*] Worldscript-Info; Apple's multi-lingual system
*Big* system problems (R)
[?] Metric Conversion
[A] Accessing individual entries of a repeating field in FMPro
[Q] Ethernet connectors for PB 145
Assault my Battery
avi players for the Mac
Black Screen on Quadra
Decent optical formatting?
DXF to PICT convertor
Information on Symantec C++ 7.0 package wanted (Q)
is there an e-mail address for MacWrite Pro? (A)
Joystick for PowerBook (R)
Latest Network Software Installer is 1.4.4
LC/Performa 575 w/68040 (R)
Nisus 3.4 Problem (result)
Quadra 840AV allocation blocks (A)
repeating fields in FM Pro (A)
Scrapbook upgrades [Q]
Segment Joining
Sleep option
Startup Printer
SuperCard, Where Are You?
Voice-Capable Modem Recommendations (A)
Wanted: the perfect launch pad [R]
Windows SUMEX
#### TEXT infomacv12-070.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 3d Paddle Bash! 1.04; a game
[*] Acid Jazz 1.2v2; a phone dialer
[*] CheckBook 1.5; for bank transactions
[*] Desert Trek 1.0.2; a game of adventure
[*] FileTyper 4.1.1a; a shareware type/creator editor
[*] Galactic Empire 2.0.3; a war/commerce game
[*] Galactic Trader 2.0.3; an inter-planetary commerce game
[*] HyperRotiStatsv2; for fantasy baseball teams
[*] MacBrickOut 2.04; like the classic breakout
[*] MacMines 2.0.4; a strategy/puzzle game
[*] Newton Book about LAN Technology
[*] Nightigale135demo; a music program
[*] OptiMem Demo 1.5.6d; a virtual memory utility
[*] OptiMem Update 1.5.6d; a virtual memory utility
[*] Outland Gateway 1.1a5
[*] Pegged 2.1.3; solitaire game
[*] Peter's Player 1.0; a QuickTime player
[*] Pulses 1.1b; creates various color patterns
[*] QuickEditor 2.0; for QuickTime movies
[*] Runner's Journal; a diary
[*] SpaceBattle 1.0.1; a shoot 'em up space arcade game
[*] Super Columns; a Tetris type game
[*] switchback2.33; synchronises two folders
[*] ToyBox 1.01; a screen saver
(Q) HELP: corrupt Excel file
*Big* system problems [A]
[Q] Macworld in Paris(France)
[Q] PowerMac 6100 no FPU? also crashing...
Astrology program wanted
BMP filter [A]
Can Excel Speak to me?
CCL (communication control language)
FREE THE SDKs (inspired by MacWEEK Dev Series)
FTP site for HP printer drivers
IMG on info-mac
legality of obsolete s/w
Macintosh Networking Basics
MAC system
metric conversion
Montior Flicker
MS Office look & feel
Openstack deja vu [A]
OS-9 WORM drive
PC-simm can be used as Mac RAM? (q)
Put Info-Mac digests on WWW?
Q: What graphics card to buy ?
Question Regarding Disappearing Icons Under At Ease
Radius Universal 24xp card (q)
RAM Doubler blocks other extensions
Seeking the best of both worlds...
Self Locking Harddrive on Quadra 700!
Setup program for Lexicon LXP5
Why is Illustrator88 called Illustrator88?
#### TEXT infomacv12-071.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] A mini drag-and-drop archiver
[*] Basic Black 1.3.3; a screen saver
[*] BetMaster v.1.0; gambling statistics package
[*] books-off-20; bypass searching books
[*] BrewArt, volume 3--The Wood
[*] Calypso 1.0.1; a CTB tool
[*] color-icon-mania-10; colorises alert icons
[*] csmp-digest-v3-024
[*] Evocation 1.0 demo; an adventure game
[*] ExerciseLog 1.09; a diary
[*] FAQ: How can I send a fax from the Internet? (ver. 0.2)
[*] Fast Case 1.0.2; creates font suitcases
[*] Flower-Puzzle; a classic tile game
[*] fs-atc-cdev-101 (Flight Simulator - Air Traffic Controller)
[*] FWB Hard Disk Toolkit 1.5.1 updater
[*] High School Curriculum Presentations
[*] HTML.edit v1.1, an HTML (WWW format) editor
[*] HyperCuber 2.0 Movie
[*] HyperCuber 2.0 Source Code
[*] HyperQWK 1.0; for QWK packets
[*] IM/Mac1.0b27z; a communications program
[*] Iris-Puzzle; a classic tile game
[*] Jon's Commands 1.1.1
[*] Lighthouse-Puzzle; the classic tile game
[*] Mac Speccy 1.0 - a ZX Spectrum emulator
[*] MacTracker1.20; a program for playing MOD files
[*] MacTrackerSource1.20, C source code of the MOD player
[*] Monitor 1.5.3; monitors processes and activity
[*] MuEdit1.3; styled and world-scripted text editor
[*] MungeImage 1.0; mount disk images as floppies
[*] MungeImage 1.0; Pascal source
[*] MyBattery 2.2.3; battery minder for Powerbooks
[*] native-checker-10.hqx
[*] NotifyMail 2.3.0 - Instant email notification (Eudora)
[*] Old-Camera-Puzzle; a classic tile game
[*] out-of-this-world-demo; a commercial adventure game
[*] PDA Package Downloader 1.5 (for the Newton)
[*] PhilateLISTER1.5; for stamp collectors
[*] PlainText text editor
[*] PowerPC-GoodasGold-Startup
[*] Replace! extension (modifies "Replace existing <file>?" dialog)
[*] ResTest; a resolution test pattern in postscript
[*] Revelations 1.0.6; a relational database management system
[*] Scripts to build multiple projects (CodeWarrior)
[*] Script Tools 1.3-1; a collection of scripting additions
[*] SpectreWrite; a word processor
[*] SpriteWorld1.0b4; an animation development library
[*] Sunflower-Puzzle; a classic tile game
[*] Tax FKEY 1.0.1; adds tax to a number in the clipboard
[*] WASTE 1.0a4; a text-editing library
[*] What is gzip? What do I need? textfile
[*] Word Find v1.2 - a word find puzzle creation program
[*] WORF_GoodTea_NiceHouse.hqx (Sound file)
[*] Wrapper 1.0; an AfetrDark module
(A) HELP: corrupt Excel file
[?] Stalker Lineshare
[Q] Printing to laserwriter from VMS with parameters
CCL (communication control language) reference needed (A)
CD-ROM 5.0.1
DOS in Mac
duh..help with LineLink
Dvorak vs. Qwerty
Every Man's Dream (?!?)
FTP site for HP printer drivers (A)
FTP site for HP printer drivers [A]
GeoPort Official Word From Apple
How does Appletalk get reset?
HP ftp site
HyperCard externals collection
Identifying native PPC code or fat apps ?
IDL Scientific Visualization Package for the Mac
legality of obsolete s/w (A)
Mac Netnews Readers for NNTP protocol
Offline Mail Reader (A)
Old System Disks
PowerMac 6100 no FPU? (A)
Radious card
Small system 7.1?
Why is Illustrator88 called Illustrator88?
Why is Illustrator88 called Illustrator88? [A]
WriteNow & Finder crash (Q)
#### TEXT infomacv12-072.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 16-bit Coke textures
[*] 16 bit Trek & cat textures
[*] 3C Timer 1.11; a scientific timer
[*] 8-bit Coke 50's sign textures
[*] 8-bit Coke inverse textures
[*] CEToolbox 1.7.2
[*] csmp-digest-v3-025
[*] DEMOS 2.6; Lumina's Decision Modeling System
[*] DiskDup+ - new version 2.5; disk copying utility
[*] Electric Filed Kinks, QT movie
[*] Evocation 1.0 demo; an adventure game
[*] GLMStat 1.1.1; a statistical program
[*] Greg's Browser 2.2 (PowerPC); a browser for files
[*] Greg's Browser 2.2; a file interface
[*] High School Slide Shows (Persuasion presentations)
[*] High School Slide Shows (Persuasion presentations, last set)
[*] High School Student work File 2 (Persuasion presentations)
[*] Home & School Mac 12/93; an electronic magazine
[*] Keys! 1.0b2; add command keys to dialog items
[*] LetterGothic-EGG_Rel; a font (PS and Type 1 versions)
[*] Missions of the Starship Reliant; a game
[*] ProIcon 1.0; a FileMaker Pro P Icon Manager
[*] QuickEditor 2.1; a QuickTime editor
[*] RunTime 1.2; monitors total power-on time
[*] Screen Refresher 1.0.1; forces the screen to redraw
[*] Sounds Helper 1.1; plays sounds in the background
[*] Star Trek NCC-1701-E jpeg picture
[*] Symbionts 2.4; an extension that monitors the startup process
[*] Symbionts 2.4 patch; monitors the startup process
[*] syndicate-demo; a game
[*] teletimes-94-05; an electronic magazine
[*] TidBITS#225/09-May-94
[*] Trist; a board game
[*] xmover; copies resources from one file to another
(A) Apple PowerCD with 610DOS
[Q] My Mac plus is broken down. HELP!
[R] PowerMac 6100 no FPU? also crashing...
Adapter for Sony 17" monitor
AppleTalk/TCP tunnel using PortConnector
A problem with Eudora sending mail
Best of both worlds (R)
Can Excel Speak to me? (R)
ClarisWorks outlines in text (long)
Close View Substitute (Q)
csmp digest archives
Database question
Display Enabler Freezes
DOS in Mac (reply)
HELP! "code overflow" error in Think C
look for ...
Macs in the woodshop
MacWorld DC
MS Office look & feel
Offline Mail Reader (A)
PC-simm can be used as Mac RAM? (A)
PlainTalk Easter Egg (on PowerMacintosh 7100/AV)
PowerMac 6100/60 FPU // MacTCP/MacSLIP crashes [SUMMARY]
printing on a UNIX machine?
Problem HP DW 5.0 Driver and DW C
product icons
Programming question
Radius card follow-up
RAM Doubler blocks extensions (update)
Remapping Caps Lock to Control on PowerBooks: Truly Impossible?
Small System 7.1 (R)
Small system 7.1? (R)
Sys Software Update 3.0
TIGR converter (Q)
Write-Through Extension
Zoom Help Needed
#### TEXT infomacv12-073.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] A PPD for the DEClaser 1152 ENHANCED!
[*] AppleSearch Server 1.0.1 patch (for PPC compatibility)
[*] Asterax 1.0; a new shareware game
[*] BIRD-SONGS101; digitised bird songs -- educational game
[*] BIRD_SONGS_101_PATCH; different digitised bird songs
[*] civ updater for all versions (a game)
[*] Connectix RAM Doubler 1.0.2 Updater (virtual memory utility)
[*] csmp-digest-v3-025, resend
[*] DriveTracker 1.0; monitors free disk space
[*] File Buddy 2.2; a file manipulation utility
[*] Hellcats 1.0 to 1.0.4 update; a flight combat game
[*] IIsi RAM Muncher INIT (optimises RAM allocation)
[*] Interface enhancements for Nisus
[*] Jotto ][ 1.0.1 (source code for a game)
[*] LEU 5/94; Low End User electronic magazine
[*] Mac Anime Icons
[*] Maelstrom 1.4 Simpsons sounds
[*] MemWin for System 7.1; freem memory monitor
[*] Microsoft VfW (.AVI) Mac Utilities Disk
[*] MungeImage 1.0.1 -- source/pascal
[*] MungeImage 1.0.1 -- util/disk
[*] nancys-textures-grp1-to-grp4; desktop patterns
[*] OtherMenu 1.3.1->1.4 update package
[*] OtherMenu 1.4 extension, a hierarchical menu utility
[*] Personal Log v1.0.4; a diary
[*] Preschool Primer 2.0; a HyperCard based teaching system
[*] RAM Disk Iconer 1.0.1 (bug fix release); customise your RAM disk
[*] Rescue! 2.0; a Star Trek game
[*] RunTime 1.2.1 (bug fix release); displays power-on time
[*] telefinderpro222-223updater (BBS software)
[*] teletimes-94-05.hqx - replacement
[*] Tesselmania! demo
[*] thing-a-ma-bob FOR QUARKXPRESS 3.3
[*] Trash old messages, an AppleScript for Eudora mailboxes
120 meter DATs
csmp digest archives
Database question (A)
Ethernet connectors for PB 145 [Summary]
FirstClass client software
ftp.apple.com updates & System Update 3.0
Info-Mac Digest V12 #70
Looking for Tamil fonts
MacTCP and Eudora
Minimum system 7.1 (summary)
NCSA Mosaic
Offline Mail Reader (A)
PostScript output for StyleWriter
PROBLEM HP Drivers 5.0 DWC (V12-072 ^63^) ME TOO.
Problem HP DW 5.0 Driver and DW C (A)
Re-MacWorld DC
ResEdit & Map?
Royalty-free clip art & clip art CD-ROMs (Q)
Smartcom II v4.0
Square One (Hint)
System Update 3 (Found!)
System Update 3 (SNAFU)
System Update 3.0 -->(A)<--
Trouble with Norton2.0 for Mac
Unit calculator: UNITize
WriteNow 4.0 - 2 major bugs
Zoom setup string
#### TEXT infomacv12-074.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] Adagio Font 1.1 (a monospaced font replacement)
[*] Annular Ellipse JPEG
[*] Annular Ellipse PICT
[*] csmp-digest-v3-026
[*] FastClock+DCC3.23 - Run Model Trains with your Mac
[*] glidel-243-fr.hqx; Drag-And-Dropping on the Finder's Menus
[*] glidel-243-us.hqx; Drag-And-Dropping on the Finder's Menus
[*] heritage102; a geneology program
[*] installermaker.2; creates product installers
[*] Poly-Dol 1.0 - Brand new board game
[*] taskmaker-2.0-2.0.1-updater; an adventure game
[*] UUParser 1.72; a UUCode utility
[*] viewsetter1.2.1u; a Finder view utility
applescript on non script finder
A problem with Eudora sending mail (2 msgs)
Backup solutions -- What kind and do brands matter?
Calendar for tracking/reserving resources (Q)
Can anyone give me an e-mail addr. at Apple?
Danger to internet access
Database Question responses
Duo PPC & CD300+ release dates
EasyView groan; where's the setext report?
ecological software (Q)
EXABYTE tape drives for Macs
How to open a large file
Hypercard XCMD Compiler (BASIC)
Info-Mac Digest V12 #72
Looking for a font
Mac II to Mac IIx
MacTCP Updates
MacWorld DC comment
MasterJuggle & BeHeirarchic
MS Office look & feel
New Apple CD drives?
Nisus 4.0
Power Mac Plaintalk software...
Pretty major System Update, eh?
Quicken 4 Graphs
RAMDoubler update is slower!
recording sounds off of CD's
ResEdit & Map?
Send in the clones?
SoundEdit 16 and AV Macs
Suppress Startup Page on Personal LW NT?
Trouble with Norton2.0 for Mac
VMS-style version #'s
Wanted: Drag & Drop text encryption
Why is DayStar PPC card so expensive?
Zoom Help Needed (A)
#### TEXT infomacv12-075.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] TidBITS#226/16-May-94
(A) Elite+
[FWD] [D[D[DApparent Bug in System Update 3.0
[Q] Anyone know the current status of DataScan?
[RE] Backup solutions -- What Kind and do brands matter
Address Needed
ARA CCL for Supra at 9600?
A repair guide to Personal Laserwriter NT ?
Book available for MPW? (Q)
Can anyone help me contact Apple (followup)
Can Excel Talk to me? [S]
Coca Cola Commercials in QT?
Convenient Printer Chooser
Corrupt Word docs 'Recovered'
Delete MerryXMAS
Easy View
Express Modem
frame grabber problems (2 msgs)
Huh! Internal modem?
InterNews HELP
LaserWriter Startup page (R) (2 msgs)
Mac file format ?
MacTCP updates
MacWorld expo in Europe.
Mail order source--NEC SW 2 90 toner cartridges
Mosaic Extension (Q)
Movie2Snd source (Q)
Need Sounds !
New Apple CDROM software w/ CAI internal CD
printing on a UNIX-machine: solved!
problems with the sys update 3.0
Problem with PPP on PB
Quadra 605 on an inverter
radar antenna pattern prediction model (R)
ResEdit & Map? (A)
ROM drives for the mac?
Scheduler (Q)
SoundEdit 16 and AV Macs
Startup sound
Suppress Startup Page on Laserwriter
Suppress Startup Page on Personal LW NT
That Ongoing Headless Chicken Scenario Just Ran Past Me Again
Train Sounds
Which surge protector?
Why is DayStar PPC card so expensive? (R)
Your favorite Internet site
#### TEXT infomacv12-076.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 500 Cards v0.9.3
[*] Alice 2.4b2; offline xrs, qwk, bluewave reader
[*] Amtrak North East Corridor schedules
[*] Animorpher 1.0
[*] Castles:S&C Crowning Guide
[*] ChunkJoiner 1.1; Join a group of files into one
[*] credits-display-101-updt.hqx; hc credit dialog updater
[*] csmp-digest-v3-027
[*] csmp-digest-v3-028
[*] Delete MerryXmas; HyperCard Merry Xmass info and killer
[*] demo - StoneTable; List manager dropin replacement
[*] dialog-display-20.hqx; hc windowing software
[*] Disk Charmer 1.4.7; Prevents writing w/out password
[*] DiskLocker 1.0v1; Write lock a disk with password
[*] DiskLocker; Write lock disks with password
[*] FaberFinder 4.1.2
[*] fracppc10b1.hqx; Mandelbrot Set Generator for PPC
[*] FrontDoor v1.1.7; Network access control
[*] GTQ Scripting Lib; 65 AppleScript extensions
[*] Halma 1.0 (source code); Solitare like game
[*] Halma 1.0; (solitare like board game)
[*] Hellcats/Leyte FAQ, Version 2.5
[*] Hex Keyboard
[*] HyperGrapher v1.0'
[*] LifeMaker 2.1 Cellular Automata Program
[*] MacHTTP 1.3
[*] Macintosh Models List (mac/misc/documentation/macfactstwo940516.txt)
[*] Macintosh screensaver Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) v2.1
[*] Midi Typer 1.0
[*] More Electronic Greeting Cards
[*] Morph 2.01 PPC updater
[*] nancys-textures-grp-5.hqx
[*] Notebook Maker; Convert text into stand alone application
[*] PowerBook Insomnia v.3.2; Helps 'memory-effect' on batteries
[*] Right On Time 2.6
[*] ScriptRunner1.04; Run scripts
[*] SetupPartitions 1.0.3; Hard partition Apple SC disks
[*] Slot Machine v1.0; a HyperCard based game
[*] Solution for 'The Journeyman Project'
[*] Sounds Helper 11v1; Play sounds in background, rec long sounds
[*] speedometer-powerbook520sit.hqx; Blackbird performance
[*] Speedometer 4.0.sea (Fat Binary)
[*] Spheres!; place pipes, balls in the holes game
[*] Strange Ways #9 for mac
[*] Symbionts 2.4.1; Detailed info on loaded extensions
[*] Symbionts 2.4.1; Update -- info on loaded extensiosn
[*] Telnet2.6.1d1 Source Code
[*] Tiggr's Clock 1.0
[*] Timekeeper 3.1 demo; track time spent on projects
[*] UnderWare 1.0->1.0.1 updater
[*] UUParser 1.72
[*] Word StdFile Color Icon Patch; Add color icons to file dialog
[*] xupdater-101v2.hqx; Update software Perspectives xcmd/xcmds
(Q) Disk capacity limits - 80MB just ain't enough!
[FWD] [D[D[DApparent Bug in System Update 3.0
Accellerators + Frame Buffers for SE
An alternative to MountImage1.2b2
Application monitor?
Book available for MPW? (A)
CD-Rom Setup
DataScan equivalent [A]
Email for Daynafile makers (q)
File Server Shut Down ???
GL viewer for the mac
Info-Mac Digest V12 #75
Invisible name
Laserwriter NT Repair
Mosaic (Q)
NEC SW 2 90 toner cartridges
Networking Problems
NisusWriter 4.0
PB100 Battery lifetime?
Power User CD-ROM
Printer Selection without Chooser (R)
problems with System update 3.0 (C)
Problem with ZTerm
Quadra 605 on an inverter (A)
Record Button
Soft-PC and MS-DOS Kermit
SuperATM Conflicts with Network Connection? Help!
Unable to access mailto: links using NCSA Mosaic
Wanted: Drag & Drop text encryption (A)
Why is DayStar PPC card so expensive? (R)
Yamaha Speaker Problems (Q)
#### TEXT infomacv12-077.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 3C Timer 1.2; a scientific quality timer
[*] A La Carte 1.0.1; access to frequently used apps
[*] Asterax 1.0->1.0.1 update (a game)
[*] Asterax 1.0.1: shareware arcade game
[*] BatteryMinder 1.2.2b; a PowerBook battery utility
[*] BBEdit 2.5.6 Updater; a text editor
[*] Bird Stack 2.7; A Bird Watcher's Data Manager
[*] calendar-cdef-11 with Pascal source code
[*] CD Playthrough 1.0; forces sound intput from the CD ROM unit
[*] Chord Reference; for musical chords
[*] city-fly-through; a QT movie
[*] ClarisImpact 1.0v3 (Mac) Trial version
[*] Color Fractal Generator 2.1
[*] Conflict Catcher II upgrade => 2.1; an extensions utility
[*] csmp-digest-v3-029
[*] Digital Filter, Fourier analysis demo
[*] Disk Charmer 2.1.4; formats and verifies floppies
[*] DiskLocker 1.1; locks and unlocks disks
[*] EVDesign: Electric Vehicle (EV) design spreadsheets
[*] FaberFinder 4.1.2; a mini-Finder
[*] FAQ: How can I send a fax from the Internet? (ver. 0.3)
[*] fmproCD-Lib1.0; a CD library for FileMaker Pro
[*] Folder Icon Cleaner 1.1.2; deletes custom folder icons
[*] Font Control 1.1.1; allows for better looking printed text
[*] Forward Delete 1.1.1; delete characters ahead of the cursor
[*] friction-301-demo; Friction Analysis
[*] gestalt-pro-112; a 4D external
[*] GIF Blast 2.0.5; a lossless GIF compressor.
[*] GLMStat 1.1.2; a statistics package
[*] GNU gdbm-1.7.3: a database manager
[*] hermes-ii-ballot-box-12; a voting external for the BBS
[*] HyperProject Demo Disk; project management software
[*] Kamprath CDEF Pack v1.2; control definitions
[*] MacWT 0.04; a 3D public domain engine
[*] Mancala 1.0 - a logic game
[*] Mancala Sounds - for use with Mancala
[*] matrix-helper-11; performs various matrix operations
[*] MemWin/KMemWin v1.1; display free memory
[*] Menu Events 1.1.2 [upgrade]; scriptable menu access
[*] Menu Grabber 1.1.2 [upgrade]; controls any menubar
[*] mpack-1.2-mac; a MIME decoder/encoder
[*] NoDesktopCleanup 1.1.2; confirm any menu item choice
[*] Overview chart of present/future OSes on RISC and Intel platforms
[*] Personal Log v1.0.5
[*] PG:PRO Demo; a FutureBASIC code generator
[*] PGA Tour II Color Icons (icnons for a game)
[*] Photoshop Dither Filter package
[*] PlainText v. 1.29a text editor
[*] Printer Defaults v1.3; adjust printing defaults
[*] Printer Patrol 1.2; access to frequently used printers
[*] Quiet Start 1.3; boot your Mac without the startup chord
[*] Restore Monitors - Fixes CLUTs & Redraws
[*] sAVe the Disk 1.4; remedies AV Mac Enabler deficiencies
[*] Serenity(tm) 1.0 [children's application launcher]
[*] Soft Back; a file backup program
[*] SoundApp 1.1; multi-format sound player
[*] SoundsHelper 1.1v2; an 'snd ' player (2 msgs)
[*] Space_invaders1.0 to game-arc
[*] Stephen Johnson's QuickTime Texture-mapping Demo
[*] Think PM / AScript Patch 1.0
[*] Tiggr's Clock 1.2; an After Dark module
[*] Volume FKEY 1.0.2; quick access to volume control
[Q] civ updater for all versions (a game)
[Q] UK Fax Modem to wake up a Mac?
[Q] video capture on 660AV
[RE:][FWD] [D[D[DApparent Bug in System Update 3.0
An alternative to MountImage1.2b2
ARA script for a magic 28.8kbs modem (Q)
BackSplash II
Calling all users of PLP laser printers
card index
Coca Cola Commercials in QT?
Demo versions
Disk eject button NOT
Excel Graph as a PICT
Finite element method software (Q)
French Language Apps
GEOL/SIMA type/creator combination ?
HD Icon Disappearance
How to drive HP LJ-IIp from a Mac (Q)
HTTP/HTML Server for Unix
IIci microphone?
Language tutorial software for the Mac
LC575 comms slot ether card?
Menubar cruncher for SE-type screens ?
Microsoft Grammer Check
MountImage1.2b2 and MungeImage
PB100 Battery lifetime?
PB100 SCSI problems
Power User CD-ROM
Problem with Zterm (R)
Q650 First Impression
Re-Express Modem
Reading Japanese (NEC) 1.2M floppies (Q)
Spanish hardware updaters?
SU3.0 & Pathworks 1.2
System 7 PRO Finder Feature
System Update 3.0 & Quadra 660av
System Update 3.0 and IM/Mac
System Update 3.0 Conflicts? [Q]
System Update 3.0 Net Install? (Q)
Various things
Various things continued
Various things part 3
Your favorite Internet site (r)
#### TEXT infomacv12-078.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] BatteryAmnesia 1.3.0; a PowerBook battery utility
[*] comMIDI 1.0 (real-time MIDI over Modem)
[*] CompUSA 10% restocking return policy
[*] Conflict Catcher II 2.1.1 Demo; extensions utility
[*] Conflict Catcher II update => 2.1.1; extensions utility
[*] Control Strip Clock 1.0.0; a clock for the new PB utility
[*] CopyDoubler 2.0.3 Lite updater; a file compression utility
[*] csmp-digest-v3-030
[*] DeskMates 1.2.5; useful desktop programs
[*] Fokker Triplane Demo v.2.89
[*] FrontDoor v1.2.0; front end to file servers
[*] HangMan 1.4; a classic game of words
[*] Hunt for Barney; a deadly game
[*] IM_Mac1.0b28a; a communcations program
[*] KeyChart; layouts for Quark and PageMaker
[*] Letter-Gothic-EGG [monospaced] font
[*] Macintosh Commadore 64 Emulator
[*] MongoPong v1.0; a variation on the classic 2 player game
[*] omega0.75.hqx - dungeon game
[*] Orc startup Screen
[*] Personal Log v1.0.6; a diary
[*] polyominoes-50.hqx (board game; replaces v. 4.0)
[*] railroad2font1.0; where characters are cars
[*] RailroadIcons; head on views
[*] ram-doubler-102-updt; a virtual memory utility
[*] Ray Dream Designer 3.0.3->3.0.4 patcher
[*] Ray Dream Designer 3.0.x->3.0.4 patcher
[*] Send File, an Auto-Reply script for Eudora 1.4
[*] Skeleton Startup screen
[*] Spellit 1.0 - a spelling tutor
[*] Sub Battle Simulator Demo v.1.5
[*] Tex-Edit 2.4.1; a simple text editor
[*] TidBITS#227/23-May-94
[*] VendorDA 1.43a (b&w); a list of computer vendors
[*] VendorDA 1.43a (color); a list of computer vendors
[*] VendorDA 1.43a updater; a list of computer vendors
(R) Problem with PPP on PB
7.5 appletalk router?
[?]How do I turn off the page numbering in SimpleText or TeachTextv7.0?
[?]StyleWriter II software problem!
[Q] Photoshop Temp folder in remote Macs trash
ARA & 28.8 kbps modems (HELP!)
Cable modems (Q)
Etherwaves, printers, etc.
Excel -> PICT
Excel Graph as a PICT
Excel Graph as a PICT (A)
Excel PICT Chart Answer
Firewall aware programs
for SE-type screens ?
Freddie Registration
HD Icon Disappearance (R)
HP Deskwriters
IIci microphone?
Info-Mac Digest V12 #76
Info-Mac Digest V12 #77 (2 msgs)
Keeping SLIP alive
Learning French
Mac List Server
Menubar cruncher for SE-type screens (R)
MS Word Graphics?
Musician needs Mac advice (Q)
NewGen/PowerMacintosh 7100/GeoPort
Opinions of Duos
Ordering a LineLink modem f
PC Exchange does not load...?
Problem with Zterm (A)
Q650 First Impression (C)
Q650 First Impression (R)
QuickTime 2.0 MIDI Support
RAM Doubler _still_ blocks all other extensions
RAMDoubler points of interest
Reading Japanese (NEC) 1.2M floppies (A)
Reading Japanese (NEC) 1.2M floppies [A]
SCSI Cable ??
SoftWindows vs. Geoport
TeamLinks Mail & Apple Events
Topographical Maps per e-mail
Unexpected SLIP disconnects (was: Re-Express Modem)
Unknown Applications
What is wrong with Fox Pro?
Which 68040 machine should I buy?
White Knight crashes, please help!
WriteNow 4, Excel 4, and DW 5 driver?
#### TEXT infomacv12-079.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] 3C Timer 1.21; a scientific timer
[*] A new version of Malph (v2.0); an application switcher
[*] A prototpye cybernetic magazine
[*] calculator-ii-15; a scientific calculator
[*] complete Amtrak schedules amtrak_may_94.hqx
[*] data-parser-41; transforms column data to delimited data
[*] Drop*PS 1.1.1; sendws PostScript files to the printer
[*] FiveDice v2.1; a game
[*] ges-spectre MCA update; a data acquisition program
[*] good-morning sond; from the Beatles song
[*] Halma 1.1 (board game)
[*] Halma 1.1 (source code)
[*] Journey Project Walk-thru 5/26/94
[*] JPEGView 3.3 (fat binary); a graphics converter/viewer
[*] Login 1.0 system - network tracker
[*] MacHistory-4-94; the history of Mac models
[*] MALgorithms, mathematical problems solver for the Mac
[*] Mirage.Demo; a PhotoShop filter
[*] Missions! v1.0->1.1 Updater; a Start Trek game
[*] PowerCheck; checks an app for PPC native code
[*] PowerStrip v3.3.1b; a PowerBook status indicator
[*] RailIcons; icons of railroad vehicles
[*] red-sked; displays team schedules
[*] SIMMStack421*; info about RAM upgrades
[*] SoundApp 1.1.1; a sound player
[*] speaker114; a text editor with speech
[*] TwiLight 7.2.1; a screen saver
[*] UPS Monitor 1.52; for Uninterruptable Power Supplies
[*] XTLite Macintosh; a development library for Quark
A.M.U.G. Hellas Changes To Ath.M.U.G.
Aldus upgrade charges
Apprentice CD-ROM of Mac Source Code and Utilities
Cable modems (C)
ColorIt/MicroFrontier Inc. E-mail address?
Communications Software for the Mac
Compressed menu bar for SE-type screens?
Creating AppleShare users from a text file
Dial-up Eudora help
Disobedient Laserwriter Select 360 !
Eudora mail upload problems
Hornet Crash Info
Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR)
looking for a copy of Polar
Looking for be-hierarchial
Mac 660 AV & VTR connection problem
Menubar cruncher for SE-type screens ?
MountImage <-- MungeImage; Works great!
Musician needs Mac advice (Q)
Non-networked Offline mail reader?
Norton Disk Doctor 2.0
Playing audio CDs thru internal speaker
Printer Selection without Chooser (R)
SCSI Cable (R)
SCSI Cable ??
Second diplay on Power Mac AV [Q]
sources of guidance when wielding low-level disk editors?
square note application software
System Update 3.0 Net Install? (Q)
Versaterm and printers
What is wrong with FoxPro (R)
word 5.1.a help
WordPerfect 6.0 Translator (?)
WriteNow 4.0
#### TEXT infomacv12-080.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[*] AOL FAQ #1 June, 1994
[*] Apprentice CD-ROM Info; sources and tools for programmers
[*] CDK v7.0.2 Update; Symantec's PowerPC C++ translator
[*] csmp-digest-v3-031
[*] csmp-digest-v3-032
[*] dans-source-converter-111; converts C to Pascal
[*] Desktop Terminator; Rebuilds the desktop files quickly
[*] FileTyper 4.1.2; a shareware type/creator editor
[*] Flaskpost; an electronic book
[*] Floating Clock; displays date and time
[*] GEnieNav Lite 2.1.1 for MicroPhone
[*] Gestalt Selectors List 2.5; for programmers
[*] Greg's Buttons 3.3; colorise your controls
[*] Guide to XCMDs 1.3; a catalog of XCMDs
[*] hyper-slider-10; a slide presentation program
[*] hyper-slider-demo; a demo presentation for HyperSlider 1.0
[*] KeyQuencer 1.0 (first shareware macro engine ever!)
[*] LaserWriter 8.1 Patch v1.5; more features for the driver
[*] mac-updates-94-05-15; a database of software updates
[*] MiniApps Pack 1.0; a collection of mini-applications
[*] More or Less (b26) a File Viewer
[*] MoveCursor XMCD; moves the pointer to any position
[*] NewsFetcher - offline news for SLIP
[*] Nightingale 1.4 Demo: Music Notation/MIDI sw
[*] On the Edge 2.2; a card game
[*] Platforms and Operating Systems; PowerPC, Intel, Sparc, etc
[*] Poker 2.2; a card game
[*] ProteinSynthesisCartoon 1.2; a scientific animation
[*] Pyramid, a letter to number converter
[*] QuickEditor 2.1.1; a QuickTime movie editor
[*] SC/SCpp v7.0.2 Update; patches for the SC and SC++ compilers
[*] SpeakText XFCN 2.0; integrates speech into HyperCard
[*] Spike Studio; for physiological signal analyses
[*] startup-watcher; remembers the time of the last startup
[*] Supra CCL's for ARA 2.0
[*] Supra multiple CCL's for ARA 1.0
[*] TCL 2.0 CodeWarrior Port Package updated
14400 Modems
8k text chunker needed (A,Q)
8k text chunker needed (Q)
Adobe Type Manager Updates
AV plaintalk scripts
Background desktop rebuild can lead to generic application icons
Bernoulli vs. Syquest
Best Shareware CTB Term Program??
CP AntiVirus & System Update 3.0
Dial-up Eudora and unfriendly host
EDS-7.0.2 - CNFG problem, the clue(?)
Etherwaves, printers, etc. (A)
Firewall aware program mechanism (Q)
freeze on restart
gl viewer for Mac
INFO-MAC CD-ROM Volume 4???
Info-Mac Digest V12 #77 (2 msgs)
Info-Mac Digest V12 #79
Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) (Connection)
Is This A Quadra 900 Specific Problem?
Looking For
Mac introduction
Mac List Server (A)
Magic modems
Menubar crunchers: Summary
Monitor Suggestions
MS Word, enlarge cursor for vis'lly impaired?
Music software
Mutual Fund Tracking
Norton Disk Doctor 2.0
NOW Compress (Q)
Power PC sound problem
Premature End of File Error
Public Address
Quality Computers
Router Internet Apple
sAVe the Disk1.4
Scriptable Text Editor
Star Trek: the next generation (C)
Tape Backup for Nonprofit Org's 5 Macs
Toggling between LocalTalk and EtherTalk (Q)
Word 5.1a help (R)
WordPerfect 6.0 Translator
#### TEXT infomacv12-081.txt ****
Today's Topics:
[!] Mail problems for the last two days...
[*] abalone-13; a board game
[*] Alice 2.4E final; a mail reader
[*] amountstring-10b10; a HyperCard external
[*] ARA-Zoom 28.8 Script
[*] Aspire DemiBold 1.1 (Type 1 & TrueType Fonts)
[*] asymptote-graph-processor-demo; a scientific program
[*] BatteryMinder_1.2.3; a PowerBook battery utility
[*] Battleship 2.0; the classic battle game
[*] cartoon-gun-shy-13; a solitaire strategy game
[*] Checksum 1.1.1; a file verification utility
[*] ClarisWorks updater (Canadian, Australian, and British)
[*] Convert*Projects 1.0b5; converts from THINK to Metrowerks
[*] curses; an implementation of curses for Macintosh (source code)
[*] Curve Encrypt 1.0; an encryption program
[*] Digital Filter 1.1 Upgrade; a Fourier visual processor
[*] discus; a complete cataloguing system for music and video
[*] DX7 Librarian 1.0.8; a MIDI utility
[*] Enhanced; a game
[*] ExAminer; an extension manager
[*] Faces_and_more (icons)
[*] Fade XCMD; a tool for fading the screen in HyperCard 2
[*] File Tracker: a file/folder watching utility
[*] FileViewer 1.0; displays comma delimited data
[*] FiveStones2.3; a Go-Moku like board game
[*] Flipbookmaker 1.1; a QuickTime utility
[*] foil-12; an airfoil generation and display program
[*] Frank_Black_1.0d4; a screen saver
[*] FYI - PB Battery Life
[*] GLMStat 1.1.3; a statistics package
[*] HeadlineNEWS 2.0 (Type 1 & TrueType Fonts)
[*] K1 Librarian 1.0.0; for MIDI voice data
[*] KeyQuencer 1.01; a macro engine
[*] Mac & IBM compare-Version 1.9.5
[*] mac.ftp.list Version 3.8.6
[*] MacAgent 1.00; a digital manager for authors
[*] MacClock 1.2; a small xclock(1) like analog clock
[*] MacEKG 206 -> 207 updater; a diagnostic utility
[*] Machine Icons 1.2; all the Macs as icons
[*] MacISO 1.0b1, a BBEdit extension
[*] Malaysian Mouse Startup Problems
[*] Matisse Jazz icons
[*] MEM #2 info; an electroning magazine
[*] mpack version 1.4; a MIME converter
[*] nancys-textures-grp6; some color desktop patterns
[*] NewtCase 0.9B - Newton Package Archiving Utility
[*] PowerScan 2.0.3 (Disk scanning utility)
[*] Revelations 1.07; a relational database management system
[*] Simple_Sokoban; a simpler version of the game
[*] SleepAid 1.2 - ICS Newton Power Management Utility
[*] SpeakAlert-104; hear your alerts and notifications
[*] Symantec C++ 7.0.2 Updates
[*] Symantec C++ for MPW 7.0 upgrade
[*] Teacher's Grading Program II 1.10
[*] Tester 2.00; a test editor
[*] The Federalist Papers; a Newton book
[*] Update to Sprite Animation Toolkit; a programming library
[*] violate-111; a 4D external for interface control
Apple Color Stylewriter Pro info needed
BinHex decoding problems
CD-ROM driver for NEC CDR-77
Communication Software
faxstf & linelink modem
FaxSTF 2.2.6?
File sharing - can it be turned on via AppleScript?
Geoport Madness
Linelink-Disable commands
MacSlip vs. InterSlip vs. ?
NewtCase 0.9B WARNING - problems backing up/restoring
powerbook questions: memory and modems
PowerMac: a true DOS alternative ?
Scriptable Text Editor [R]
Simultaneous Video In & Out with AV Mac
System update 3.0 question
Unpowered SCSI devices and termination
#### DIRECTORY v10 ****
#### DIRECTORY v11 ****